Shane Cultra is very well known in the domain industry, Shane recently joined D3 working in Business Development and Partnerships. I wanted to get some insight into D3 and why Shane decided to join their team. I hope you enjoy the interview.

1)You recently joined D3 and as I understand you will be involved with Business Development and Partnerships. Can you tell us what your work day looks like?
My role at D3 is multifaceted, but a high level summary is I bring partners into the company. A partner may be a blockchain or ecosystem who would benefit from launching a TLD. Since the last round of applications there has been a whole new world of blockchain which has evolved.
Those communities are some of the largest communities in the world. Certainly the most passionate. I also bring on new Web 3 partners to provide distribution and partnerships for initiatives we are launching.
Finally I am partnering with traditional domain companies and helping them prepare and integrate in areas where blockchain can be beneficial to their back–end and revenue generation.
2) For our readers not familiar with D3 can you please tell us about the company and exactly what they do?
In the simplest terms, we are a Registry Operator who will be applying and bringing new gTLDs to market in the next round.
Specializing in blockchain and crypto based protocols and communities. We plan on bridging traditional domains and blockchain to give domains more utility.
As well as giving blockchain the ability to reach the 5 billion people who use the browser bar to enter their world.
How we do this will be multifaceted, but the end goal is to open up opportunities for Web 2 and Web 3 that could not be opened if sand boxed in their current state.
3) Many don’t understand the Web3 domain space, while others think it’s a non – starter. Why should domain investors care and learn more about the Web3 domain space?
There is no such thing as “Web 3 Domain Space”. It’s either a domain name or it’s a wallet address.
We plan on launching domain names. Domain names can also be used as a wallet and I assume they will continuously be adding on new capabilities and utility with time.
Why have a great set of tires when you can have the whole car AND a great set of tires. Other companies did it backwards.
Selling wallet addresses claiming its all you needed. Domains were all you ever needed.
If there was something that is considered Web 3 it would be the tokenization of domains and the protocols built around it. Tokenization is easy.
Making it efficient, secure, and more beneficial than the current system, is something only a select few can do. We feel we are one of the companies who can and will do it.
4) You have established yourself as a successful domain investor, what drew you to D3 over some other area of the domain industry?
Opportunity. The opportunity to give more utility to domain names and talk blockchain and domains with brilliant people all day.
To be part of a great company who changes the future of domains and technology. I am one of the few people in the world who has a complete understanding of domains, blockchain and crypto.
Of course there are many who know more, but in general, I understand the value of each and how they can work together. When Fred Hsu and Michael Ho told me their vision and what they were building, it was similar to a vision I had in another startup with other domain investors.
We weren’t quite there with the team and business model. Fred was, and as the old saying goes, if you can’t beat them join them. It’s something I love and am passionate about and that is what you want to do all day. Things you love.
5) If one of our readers would like to learn more about D3 how can they contact you?
@shanecultra on twitter. @domainshane on TG DMs are always open
Thank you for your time Shane.
There is actually no such thing as a ‘Web3 domain space’. It is either a domain name or a wallet address.In addition, I would like to tell you a little more about .TOP domains. It is true that the .TOP top-level domain is one of the most popular new gTLDs in the world. To date, there are more than 3 million registered users in over 200 countries.