A member of Namepros showed a leaked email about the early days of Coinbase. There is a leaked email from 2012 that shows what the founders were thinking of when it came to naming their company.
Founded in 2012 by Brian Armstrong and Fred Ehrsam they are currently looking to go public. The Coinbase IPO is scheduled to trade on April 14. The Coinbase IPO will be a Direct Listing.
Back in 2012 Brian Armstrong emailed others involved with the company at the time, the initial name was Bitbank and they were told by legal to not even think about using “bank” in the name.
The Choices
So the names and prices they were brainstorming consisted of the following:
Coinbase.com listed for $1,795
Bitcoin.com listed for $200,000
Walletio.com listed for $250
The other names considered did not have prices listed. They were Bitcash.com, P2Pay.com, Digicash.com, Digipay.com and Moneyclip.com.
Coinbase.com was the choice, the seller was Huge Domains. Coinbase.com was registered back in 2004 and expired in 2011. The company was called FighterBytes.
Tip of the cap to SNJV on finding the email.
That’s a cool story, I am def buying some stock in coinbase.
This will all be a very cool story when it ends.
When what ends?
When the hype ends… put bitcoin and perhaps 2-3 other coins to the side for a moment. I am not debating some will “win” or Bitcoin to the moon, I agree and believe myself, no argument there.
Put a side the ability for governments to simply create their own or that S1 issues still hamper coinbase and they are yet to be truly under the same regulatory restraints or face the same expenses others face moving forward in conducting business. The S1 issue alone knocks 10%+ off valuation if not more. Their use of company assets to cover trades is yet another huge issue.
The only hope they have moving forward of maintaining revenues and growing is while dozens, hundreds and perhaps more of their listed coins vanish to the dust bin of uselessness that Bitcoin and maybe a few others succeed wildly and in differing segments.
Todays valuation when deep dived exposes many pot holes that will come. I am not a buyer of this offering. Not saying it wont irrationally jump, wish everyone the best but the model has to factor in a great loss of revenue and be honest with the public, most of these coins will FAIL.
Regardless of some like BTC succeeding via adoption in traditional markets its use/value may not make up for the losses.
And remember this is ALL based on the belief BTC WILL succeed.
This could all end as one of the greatest crash and burns in history, that is still a very strong possibility.
I believe in BTC but I do not allow that to cloud judgement.
so let me get this straight….
a guy hovering around on a domain name blog believes he “gets it” and everyone investing in the space doesn’t.
Do that math buddy. You overvalue that mediocre intellect of yours.
EVERYONE? Please elaborate on that.
And by investing in the space you actually mean take advantage of the pump and dumps to increase the supply of that green stuff y’all hate so much that the government prints.
I didn’t do the math Nolan, Coinbase did. Try reading, its amazing what you’d learn.
As far as hovering on blog’s, ya its all I do, hoping to pick up this domain name thing a little, still trying.
You are a mediocre intellect. Nothing more. Kindly remember that. You missed out on domain names, crypto and probably a host of other high growth categories. That’s why you are hovering around on this site….cause you are mediocre at best. Please be quiet, learn and stop talking as you are spewing mediocrity and infecting others with that mediocrity. Thanks.
Who is this guy ^ LOL Ill be honest with ya Nolan, you made me smile.
Bitcoin.com at 200k is a steal
Good going roger ver.
That domain is worth a fing billion now!
Coinbase looks and sounds great, almost a perfect choice for its use. Bitcoin.com at 200k looks very cheap now.
Btc has an intrinsic value of $0.00 (same as the other craptos).
Sovereign governments of nations with developed economies need only to launch their own “cryptos” to siphon at least 90% of the capital currently invested in all these crypto currencies. It’s coming – no doubt in my mind.