We have been running a series for a few years, The good, the bad and the ugly” An opportunity for readers to discuss what they like and don’t like about a particular company in the domain space.
In this post give your thoughts on domain conferences.
What is not allowed:
- Personal attacks on individuals at the chosen company
- Promoting a competitor
- Posting domains for sale
Good: Affordable
Bad: Not enough seafood
Ugly: Not a lot of women
Every December you swear you’re not going this year, then you wind up going in the last minute and on the last day of the conference you made so many new contacts and came away with so much new information and value that you swear you’ll never miss another conference – until 10 months later when you swear you’re not going again and the cycle repeats.
Ugly: As far as I’ve seen, domain conferences hold auctions where the Estibot “appraisal” abomination, I mean figure, has to appear with each listing in order to poison the market and harm the domains involved. Just like with NJ.
There is never one in MidWest like Chicago.