YMCDN.com closed at $127,801 on GoDaddy Auctions on Wednesday. The domain has a big link profile.
Looking at Majestic.com:
Homepage Title | N/A |
Crawled URLs | 333 |
Indexed URLs | 15,672 |
Educational Ref. Backlinks | 3,044 |
Governmental Ref. Backlinks | 698 |
Educational Ref. Domains | 479 |
Governmental Ref. Domains | 128 |
External backlinks Fresh 1,342,193
Trust flow of 32 and Citation flow of 30.
Allinurl:ymcdn.com on Google returns 106,000 results.
Now will it get paid?
What a waste of money if it gets paid.
Maybe a two way bidding war of 2 clowns, clown 1 drops out and this one goes back to 4 figures.
It was the Content Delivery Network for YourMembership.com. Like you said lots of inbound links, but also maybe the possibility to spread malware. Imagine a highly trusted government site linking to a PDF only now you can make it serve up a virus instead. Or a healthcare site trying to load a JavaScript file but instead all the visitors get malware installed and patient data is exposed. Thousands of companies use it including many in healthcare and other sensitive areas. If I was Russia or China I would be pretty keen on snatching up a CDN.
But this will probably get rolled back to $10 lol.
The Q is what happens if the “buyer” paid for it….
Be careful what you wish for.
Yeah, it will!
since namebio already reported as sold…
(rolling eyes)
April’s fool is early …