Digital advertising in the U.S. surpassed the $100 billion mark for the first time ever. This report comes from IAB, the Internet Advertising Revenue Report was Conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC). Mobile took the lion’s share of ad revenue for the third year in a row.
Anthony Ha over at TechCrunch wrote:
One of the recurring concerns about the digital ad industry is its dominance by Facebook and Google. While the IAB report doesn’t single out specific companies, it does measure concentration in terms of how much spending is going to the top 10 ad sellers. In 2018, those sellers collected 77 percent of total spending — the IAB says the percentage has fluctuated between 69 percent and 77 percent in the past decade.
Off topic>
L@@king for suggestions.
IN March of 2017, company I work for purchased from and paid Uniregistry for a Url. Money transferred hands and receipt was issued from Uniregistry congratulating us on our recent purchase. Back at the time, all that remained left for ourselves to complete was to gain dashboard access at Uniregistry in that order we assume full control of our newly paid for domain name purchase, was by ourselves changing the named entity of rightful ownership from Uniregistry to ourselves - never happened! Now here it is some 2 years hence later on, and we have yet to obtain full control of ownership of our recently paid for domain.
The way we recently discovered our domain does not yet exist under our full control and ownership was when Uniregistry just few short weeks ago contacted our office,
inquiring if we are interested in purchasing the same identical domain for 22X more cost than previously we paid, WTF #$?????.
We never authorized Uniregistry nor anyone else to list nor sell our domain.
Spurred us into believing something is wrong and terribly gone amiss.
As of this writing, we continue to remain unsuccessful at obtaining access to Uniregistry’s dashboard for purpose of ourselves completing transferring away our domain in order we perfect ownership.
On several recent occasions I demanded Uniregistry provide me with their dated original signed copy of contract/ letter of sale, knowing we have in our possession a paid valid receipt issued by Uniregistry,
has since gotten us no where.
The best Uniregistry has provided to us by offering and submitting into evidence (not to their favor), remains an unsigned by ourselves sales letter agreement, exists only signed by a Uniregistry representative back at the time.
What they claim, is that we never completed making in full all our payments for purchase, now becomes underlying reason why we do not have ownership and full control of this url.
This all sounds very strange if not fishy to me, knowing of course we paid Uniregistry back at the time March 2017, and in return they issued to us a receipt for the completed sale of said url.
All further communication attempts to resolve this matter with Uniregistry have fallen on deaf ears and continue to remain unheeded, as I am now spinning my wheels with Uniregistry.
What must I do to obtain full ownership and control of our recently purchased domain ?
Interestingly Uniregistry has not offered to refund all monies previously paid to them on our account,
but rather continues to persist claiming more money still remains due and owed them to compete the sale.
Suggestions please, what must I do.????? Thanx
Mike Lindell is responsible for this.