Starting tomorrow and running through the end of 2019, Sedo will be doing away with the Minimum Fee for all Category I domains* sold through Sedo! Additionally, the minimum bid of $90 previously required by the buyer when bidding at Sedo, will be lowered to $20.
Sedo gave an example below:
Benefits for both Domain sellers and buyers:
- Sellers: Earn more net profits from domain sales priced on the lower end of the price spectrum, i.e. the 3-digit range.
- Buyers: Bids start at just $20 instead of $90 creating more purchase opportunities for all budgets.
Example of a sale with the new promotion in place:
You sell your domain for $100:
a) The domain had a Buy Now price AND was parked at Sedo AND the buyer came from the Sedo platform: There is only 10% commission, so $10. You earn $90. With the minimum fee eliminated, you earn $50 more!
b) The domain was bought through a negotiation or via auction on the Sedo platform: There is only 15% commission, so $15. You earn $85. With the minimum fee eliminated, you earn $45 more!
c) The buyer came from a SedoMLS partner site: There is a 20% commission, which is $20. You earn $80. With the minimum fee eliminated, you earn $40 more!
This means: For a domain sale of $100 you earn between $80 and $90, instead of $40 like in the past. In all three scenarios, you earn at least twice as much as before.
Top Level Domains (TLD) – Category I
No minimum fee | Minimum sales price 20 USD
.ae, .abogado, .ac, .accountant, .accountants, .actor, .adult, .ae, .aero, .africa, .africacom, .ag, .agency, .airforce, .al, .amsterdam, .apartments, .app, .ar, .archi, .army, .arpa, .art, .asia, .associates, .at, .attorney, .au, .auto, .auction, .audio, .ax, .baby, .band, .bank, .bar, .barcelona, .bargains, .bayern, .be, .beer, .berlin, .best, .bet, .bible, .bid, .bike, .bingo, .biz,, .black, .blog, .blue, .boats, .boston, .boutique, .brcom, .broker, .brussels, .build, .builders, .business .buzz, .bz, .bzh, .ca, .cab, .cafe, .camera, .camp, .capetown, .capital, .car, .cars, .cards, .care, .careers, .casa, .cash, .casino, .catering, .cc, .center, .ceo, .ch, .charity, .chat, .cheap, .church, .city, .claims, .cleaning, .click, .clinic, .clothing, .cloud, .club, .cm, .cn, .co, .coach, .code, .codes, .coffee, .coit, .cologne, .com, .community, .company, .computer, .comse, .condos, .construction, .consulting, .contractors, .cooking, .cool, .coop,,, .country, .coupons, .courses, .credit, .creditcard, .cricket, .cx, .cymru, .cz, .dance, .date, .dating, .de, .deals, .degree, .delivery, .democrat, .dental, .dentist, .desi, .design, .dev, .diamonds, .diet, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .dk, .doctor, .dog, .domains, .download,, .durban, .earth, .edu, .education, .eco, .ee, .email, .energy, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .es, .estate, .eth, .eu, .eus .events, .exchange, .express, .ею, .fail, .faith, .family, .fans, .farm, .fashion, .fi, .film, .finance, .financial, .fish, .fishing, .fit, .fitness, .florist, .flowers, .fm, .fo, .football, .forex, .forsale, .fr, .frl, .fun, .fund, .furniture, .futbol, .fyi, .gal, .gallery, .game, .games, .garden, .gb, .gdn, .ge, .gent, .gift, .gifts, .gives, .glass, .global, .gold, .golf, .gop, .graphics, .gratis, .green, .gripe, .gs, .guide, .guitars, .guru, .hamburg, .haus, .health, .healthcare .help, .hiphop, .hiv, .hockey, .holdings, .holiday, .hospital, .horse, .host, .hosting, .house, .how, .ht, .icu, .im, .immo, .immobilien, .in, .industries, .info, .institute, .insure, .int, .international, .investments, .io, .irish, .ist, .istanbul, .tel, .it, .je, .jetzt, .jewelry, .jobs, .joburg, .jp, .juegos, .kaufen, .kim, .kitchen, .kiwi, .koeln, .kr, .la, .land, .lat, .law, .lawyer, .lease, .legal, .lgbt, .li, .life, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .link, .live, .loan, .loans, .lol, .london, .ltda, .lu, .luxe, .maison, .management, .market, .marketing, .markets, .mba, .me, .media, .melbourne, .memorial, .men, .menu, .mexcom, .miami, .mn, .mobi, .moda, .moe, .mom, .money, .monster, .mortgage, .moscow, .movie, .mu, .museum, .mx, .nagoya, .name, .navy, .net,,, .network, .news, .ninja, .nl, .nu, .nz, .okinawa, .one, .onl, .online, .ooo, .org,, .organic, .orke, .osaka, .ovh, .page, .paris, .partners, .parts, .party, .pet, .photo, .photography, .photos, .physio, .pics, .pictures, .pink, .pizza, .pl, .place, .plumbing, .plus, .poker, .porn, .press, .pro, .productions, .properties, .property, .protection, .pub, .qpon, .qpon, .рус (.xn--p1acf), .racing,, .realestate, .realty, .recipes, .red, .rehab, .reise, .reisen, .ren, .rent, .repair, .report, .republican, .rest, .restaurant, .review, .rich, .rip, .rocks, .rodeo, .ruhr, .run, .ryukyu, .saarland, .sale, .sarl, .sc, .school, .schule, .science, .scot, .se, .security, .services, .sex, .sexy, .sg, .shiksha, .shoes, .shop, .shopping, .show, .si, .singles, .site, .ski, .soccer, .software, .solar, .solutions, .soy, .space, .sport, .srl, .st, .storage, .studio, .style, .sucks, .supplies, .supply, .support, .surf, .surgery, .sydney, .systems, .taipei, .tattoo .tax, .taxi, .tc, .team, .tech, .technology, .tel, .tennis, .theater, .tickets, .tienda, .tips, .tires, .tl, .to, .today, .tokyo, .tokyo, .tools, .top, .tours, .town, .toys, .trade, .trading, .training, .travel, .tv, .tw, .uk, .university, .us, .vc, .vegas, .versicherung, .vet, .viajes, .video, .vin, .vision, .vlaanderen, .vodka, .vote, .voting, .voto, .voyage, .wales, .webcam .website,, .wed, .wedding, .win, .wine, .work, .world, .ws, .wtf, .xin, .xxx, .xyz, .yoga, .yokohama, .za, .zabz, .zone, .网店 (xn--hxt814e) .健康 (xn--nyqy26a) .МОСКВА (xn--80adxhks), .онлайн (Online), .сайт (Site), .みんな (Everyone), .بازار (xn--mgbab2bd), .شبكة (Web), .世界 (xn--rhqv96g), .中文网 (Website), .在线 (Online), .我爱你 (xn--6qq986b3xl), .集团 (xn--3bst00m) .УКР (idn of .UA), .广东 (xn--xhq521b), .佛山(xn--1qqw23a), .भारत, .商店, .コム
Is it just me or does this sound like a domain could sell for $20? If I wanted that I could have stayed with flippa.