So it seems Mike Mann is calling himself the real domain king, a thread has started on Namepros to see who members consider the real domain king?
I hereby proclaim to be the one & only “Domain King” (TM) and ruler of the kingdom, challenging Rick’s mark. Any respectable domainer will tell you I have more skill and deserved this coronation. He is now subjugated to “Domain Queen” (TM). We are skipping nuptials & consummation
— Mike Mann (@mikemanndotcom) November 3, 2018
I am the “idiot” that Rick refers to in calling Verisign a monopoly, which they are & was done via dirty backroom DC deals like ICANN (which was supposed to be a charity not billion dollar racket) /gTLD/Namejet/Netsol monopoly scams; and Verisign is nothing at all like a utility.
— Mike Mann (@mikemanndotcom) November 3, 2018
So who do you consider the true domain king?
Neither one!
Frank has sold more names then both of them and to this day Frank has more and better names than Mike Man and Rick.
In all honesty i respect all 3 names
I think your in the Room, beat it. Who said anything about frank. Frank has class ,and would never start a childish
thing like this.
yeah the guy who said .com was a.m. radio has class. Keep tellin yourself that.
OH snap
Since Both stay in a republic they cant call themself Kings. Only if the Good old USA that old colonial breakaway from the mother country returns back to its roots as part of the only place that has word great in its name. The original Great Britain. Then only then can any of the above lay claim to title King. They can co for Emperor.
My answer is who cares. We should be focusing on building our own status and not arguing someone else’s legacy.
The manhood measuring contest does nothing productive for any of us.
Well that’s a dumb answer, you have no legacy, people care about Jordan and LeBron not people sitting on the bench or playing basketball in China.
You really should learn how to read Mann proclaimed it. Nothing tweeted out in domaining does anything for us.
We would have to measure the size of their penis first before we decide since their egos seem to match in size.
Rick has a registered trademark at the USPTO for the mark “domain king”. That makes him Winner. And winner takes all. Long live the King !!!!!
Good point
Mike Man egos is bigger then US national Debt ??
And so is his renewal costs
🙂 good one
What people are forgetting here is Rick was very very early to the game and claimed the land . So what makes him the king over M.M. is simple Mike mann has to list and pay for hundreds of thousands of domain names. The sales you hear about are just random so so domains that the end user had to pay that amount. We all have the same names but will take a few hundred for them . Mikes thing is to get the best possible a little better that pigeon shit
and ask 50k or more for them,basically a numbers game. Im sure mike sweats it out every month.
Now rick ,he owns all the best domains ,we all sold more than him but it does not matter ,he can sell ONE domain and pay all his renewals for a thousand years and still live on whats left of that sale for the rest of his life. Also what has mike contributed to the domain world NOTHING, rick was there for years and this is what he gets from this punk. Rick I would not even respond to this guy,hes not a king nor queen he is a serf.
The domain world isnt so exciting, and I have hired most people and paid most taxes and built most code, but in any case I have donated millions to charity and thousands of hours and wrote free books to help everyone.
Who goes BROKE last once Verisign raises its prices, last one standing is King 🙂
Rick is king.
Fun fact of the day: One’s a convicted felon. One isn’t.
The juvenile pissing contest as to whom is King, or Queen or Dog or Cat , sadly is the backdrop for
the corruption and dysfunction, apparent, at the top of the domain name food chain.
Ugly and getting uglier.
the top are actually criminal racket monopolies infested with RICO; the bottom like ourselves are just working people
Rick has the registered trademark. And he uses it in interstate commerce on his blog Case closed.
Both RS & MM are at the top of the game per getting the highest prices for their domains.
This is great!
I would love to see a great War in our Industry.
An industry that is dead.
Lets shake things up!!!!
Well done Mike Mann.
I will side with Rick because he personally has made over $60M in domains (recently documented) and I think he has done more for domainers through the priceless advice in his blog.
They are both egomaniacs but I love that!
We need these personalities.
I sold more assets than that
I appreciate your book too Mike. (free to everyone)
is that the same guy that would spam me years ago about .co domains?
looks like it.
Both of them are domain legends. Rick for getting in earlier and Mike for selling BuyDomains.
Frank is in the conversation as well with his “AM Radio” .Com portfolio.
Too bad none of them own though. 😉 is available for either of them to buy when they figure out who is the Domain King. Lol
After 24 hours, Rick Schwartz leads by almost 20% as the disputed People’s champ.
At least among viewers of The Domains and NamePros, Rick Schwartz is still the Domain King…
As I said on the NamePros post: (1) Schwartz is the King of the long hold (2) Mike Mann is the king of the short hold. In either case, domain speculators are better off, with both providing good examples of how to approach the art of domain speculation.
actually your poll is only confused insiders in an echo chamber, the general public knows who serves
@Michael Mann what you say is true.
But I qualified my post by saying that viewers of NamePros and The Domains selected Rick Schwartz as the Domain King. Now, are The Domains and NamePros platforms echo chambers?
I cant argue yeah or nay. So, it is what it is…
I am the Domain King while Rick and Mike Mann are the Domain King Makers..any doubt?
God is the true king over all, and pride is certainly a sin. He does allow various created earthly kings to come and go, but of course we are not even talking about real kings of this world.
Regarding this industry, however, was there a single known person who was a visionary about domain names prior to or even at the same time as Rick, or who did not board the ship in the early years at least in part because of his influence? I am certainly not aware and have never heard if that is so. I don’t care if a basket of big names made big or bigger fortunes later. As far as I’m concerned the first visionary is the one who is greater than them all. Combine that with how I have often greatly enjoyed and even personally benefited from his valuable public writings to this day. As far as Michael Mann goes, however, one thing I know which I mentioned on a blog before is that in 2001 I was blocked from completing payment at a reseller site for a domain I really valued, and for three whole days it could not even be found anywhere or registered at all, as if it not only didn’t exist but could not even exist. Then after those days it magically reappeared registered to BuyDomains with a creation date three days later than my blocked attempt to complete the payment of my discovery and registration. I still have all the proof in black and white, though don’t ask me what domain it was because I have no intention of doing that. I don’t know exactly what happened, nor am I saying one way or the other, but it has always been a black cloud of suspicion and displeasure as far as I’m concerned.
Some domainers walk a straighter line than others do.
The real “domain kings” are those that hand reg today, hold on to them for years and make a LOT of money.
I’m the real domain king. Show me 1 person that did $1M in profit first year of domaining, at age 18. Yeah, thought so. No one, except me. These guys can’t even do it today, let alone at 18 first year, in the year of 2006 long after the good names were taken up.
Matt, your parents gave you money. It’s not like you bootstrapped or anything. Help from mommy and daddy doesn’t make you king.
My parents made it rain $100 on me! Woooo
Mike Mann has many issues. He’s a narcissist like Trumo needs to always advertise how smart he is. Go back three years and Whois his sales. Something fishy there.
Did you read my comment?
Actually there’s a new King in town known only as the;
Domain Kings are a dime a dozen, and Schwartz and Mann together don’t add up to one DrivelKing™
Yun Ye was the Domain King. Maybe Kevin Hamm his heir. Perhaps Ricks is the jester. Mike B, Frank , Mann. etc etc….. Nobles of rank, and oh, Scott Day, come on man, Maybe he is the Domain Deity. Doesnt matter anymore. The domain world went from good to bad to great to bad to ho hum to shit, its now costing me money to keep my names. I feel lucky to have made seven figures as a late comer and by that I mean 1999 when the com pickings were slim. I let names go that ultsearch would register and would be like WT%F? I only got 25% of my rev as I split half with the sponsor and googs kept half. My kid now works there. Ironically, it was google that put him through college, and he works there. thats awesome since the made a few million off my traffic back then. I lay low, im a domain peon, but even my moderate success was helped by all of the above, watching them, picking up scraps, and sometimes pure luck. Peace out.