.Guru which hit a high of over 84,000 domain names on April 1, 2015 now has less than 60,000 domains.
.Guru was the first new gTLD to hit 50,000 registrations back in April 2014.
.Guru was one of the first new gTLD’s Donuts released launched in January 2014.
However as you can see from its second expiration period, which seemed to take place in April of this year, the number of .Guru domain registrations has been in steady decline.
So the loss of domain registrations from its high is around 25%.
Of course the renewal rates of .com have historically been around 73% but the difference is the base of .com continue to grow between new registrations, re-registrations of deleted domains which .guru is not growing just declining.
Anyway an interesting look at one of the early successful new gTLD’s that have premium priced domain registrations and renewals.
all good .guru domains are taken 😉
and, unfortunately, not only the .guru 🙁
I hated it at first, but it kind of grows on you after a while.
Only good think .guru had going for it was it was first out of the gates. It had hype dollars behind it, I remember one party going all in buying up
everything premium.
Just look at the comment above Flowers.Guru using the plural, when singular is needed, this person is clueless, this is not quality.
As a lack of end users fail to use the extension, the drops will continue, and the domainers supporting the Eco system will continue to feel the pain.
Yes I agree. Problem is that I see only a few hundred keywords really work with .guru and definitely not plurals!
That said, the ‘right’ .guru could work.. e.g. take ‘marketing.guru’ would this not look funky and standout from the crowd in an Adwords campaign – I’m sure with the right branding it would pique much curiosity.
At the end of the day if the marketing.guru service was good it would be a great viral – “have you contacted the marketing.guru!”. Again problem is, how many people realistically have the resources to make an example like that work.
We got gtld fever we got some good keywords in the first round, the top searched keywords, the issue is nobody wants to pay more than $500 for them total. Some came up at $250 annual renewals, after 2 years we cut the cord, lesson learned.
The odd sale comes thru, but as with anything in life 1% of people make money, and 99% lose.
I agree with DomainManage.com. It is a good domain for certain keywords, like fitness.guru or love.guru or car.guru or domain.guru, but not something that will ever be able to have widespread adoption like .web or .biz or .co. It just does not make sense with the majority of words, especially plurals, two word combinations, personal names, and company names. I am in the flower business, and even a domain like Flower.Guru (singular or plural) is almost worthless in my opinion. It is not a bad domain, and I would be fine setting up a site on it, but it does not really have any premium value to me. I would much rather use something like FloralGurus.com, which is still available to hand register as of a few minutes ago.
@Trevor, I didn’t grabbed flower.guru cuz
1) flower.guru has renewal fee of $1,000
2) it’s interesting to find that the word “flowers” as a more common keyword than the word “flower”.
Flower.guru – Estibot Value $4,000 USD
Flowers.guru- Estibot Value $ 11,000 USD
Do you think that Flight.Direct is better than Flights.Direct ?
Google only looks to the left of the dot, anyway.
Google recently has changed their search methods 😉
I’m not sure what point you are trying to make. I’m was defending your choice of going with the plural instead of the singular. John Mueller from Google clearly said, in this past June, that TLD is not taken into account.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABlWd80TwM4#t=765
flowers.guru is a crap brand. It doesn’t sound right. The singular flower.guru could work as a brand though I would not want keep it for resale unless its an upgrade for an existing business.
Also flights.direct makes sense, but flight.direct sounds retarded. Anyone with a basic grasp of English should understand that. So I’m guessing English is not your first language.
I suggest you and other domainers like the dork with all the spastic .top names delete them, and find a job that fits your abilities. Just some free advice from me to you, your future self is already thanking me.
@sam, I think you’re just jealous..
flights.direct is taken and renewed until 2020, annual renewal: $1,000
flight.direct – annual renewal: $25
flower.guru – annual renewal: $1,000
flowers.guru – annual renewal: $35
Do you see the difference?
and BTW flowerS.expert is taken by 1800flowers.com 🙂
flowers.expert – annual renewal $500
flower.expert – annual renewal $40
femininehygiene.guru ain’t gonna make the cut.
Hand registered last year – world.guru , usa.guru
Dropped domains…
I like usa.guru
Check out my other dotGurus:
Hot name right now:
kicker is singular and plural are the same!
5k BIN
Yread your earlier story about .webcam domains being dumped and now your story about .guru registrations too.
Read in another forum. “Chinese domain name investor getting out, dumps 70,000 .cc domains”
Times they are a-changing. Remember all the euphoria about these new tlds and miraculous numbers of registrations fuelled by free registrations, 1 cent registrations, 49 cent registrations.
With registrants, many of them newbee domainers, many of them Chinese, now unable to sell worthless domains and facing renewal fees dumping them in droves, it is sure to all end in tears. There is now a rush for the door.
The chinese are dumping not-coms because they now have the government’s permission to publish to the .com extension. This permission was only granted 3 weeks ago. I think you will now see .com skyrocket in demand while not-coms get dumped.