The new gTLD domain name extension, .XYZ is which won’t be two years old until, June of this year, just surpassed the domain extension .Biz which has been around since 2001 in the number of domain registrations.
According to, .XYZ now has 2,369,039 domain name registered which passed .Biz which has 2,305,687 domains registered.
In passing .Biz, .XYZ becomes the 5th largest Top Level Domain (TLD) in terms of domain name registrations.
Only .com, .net. .org and .info have more domain names registered than .XYZ.
As I said .Biz launched in 2001 and seemed to reach a all time high of over 3 million registrations in 2014, just before the 1st new gTLD’s started to launch.
.XYZ will have to more than double its current amount of domain registrations to pass .info, which is the 4th largest TLD with over 5.5 million registrations.
On the new gTLD front, the other domain registry growing quickly is .TOP which added over 170,000 domain registrations yesterday and now tops 1.5 Million registrations.
We all know this is COMPLETE bullshit.
Like .TK which has 25 million domain names registered and you never come across any .TK website.
.XYZ / .TOP …. are free or 10 cents domain names registered en masse by chinese speculators who will never renew them.
I think Chinese speculators account for half of all new Gtlds, there’s not even one 1% of end users here.
When they finally understand there is no money to be made with these domains, they’ll get rid of all the Junk.
Never understood those posts, apples to oranges and so misleading, makes the blog looks cheap. They give the names for almost free so they deserve headlines and records? Misleading headlines like this is what drives their growth and possibly even fooled Google to buy too. They should pay you for it.
Is it 4th or 5th? You say further down in the article that .INFO is currently 4th.
I’ve purchased .xyz names for $1.00 that I wouldn’t have even thought about purchasing for a standard reg fee. I’m guessing that such deals account for a lot of .xyz’s reg numbers. Seb nailed it.
I don’t own any xyz domains, nor do I intend to register or buy any. Mainly because I do not see its value proposition, which I’ve stated before. I do see how it works with ABX.XYZ (when your company is Alphabet), and if you’re the W Hospitality group (they should get the W)
But, hey, whether the domains were give-aways or a buck each, it’s out there — not sure if it’s mainly with domainers, or if there are lots of end-users.
When you launch a startup, it requires a bit of hustle.
Did he contact HBO and give them the idea to let the fictional company Hooli use (Silicon Valley TV series), which inspired the marketing team at Google to go with ABC.XYZ.?
How did they get the Twitter handle xyz? There had to be some serious negotiations with that, although Twitter will not let users sell or buy Twitter handles.
At this projected growth, .xyz could reach over 5 million regs by 2018. Are these vanity metrics or actionable metrics which can be analyzed and monetized ? We’ll see.
how mucho pain.. keep calm and register a .xyz.
They’ve got along way to go to unseat .tk!
At this point in time, this is probably a more telling statistic (Google) … 65,900,000 indexed pages 2,850,000 indexed pages
You dimwits. Just buy some xyz domains for $0.88. Not going to hurt your wallet.