produced this infographic that looks at 33 indicators relating to Bitcoin and why things are not slowing down with the cryptocurrency.
55% of Bitcoin users are 19-34 years of age based on a survey of 4,000 respondents.
90% Male produced this infographic that looks at 33 indicators relating to Bitcoin and why things are not slowing down with the cryptocurrency.
55% of Bitcoin users are 19-34 years of age based on a survey of 4,000 respondents.
90% Male
Raymond is a writer, domain trader and consultant based in Pennsylvania. Raymond is the founder of and
90% of them are also bat **** crazy, no joke.
Not the big business or investment firms but take a trip to bitcointalk and read, crazy!
This tech (blockchain) is the winner here, the coin and its use a learning curve for what things can be.
The people I’ve spoken to tell me they are more bullish on the Blockchain technology and protocol than Bitcoin.
There are already several “Blockchain” funds in place, and many banks, including BOFA. are creating “BLOCKCHAIN” platforms.
I still feel Bitcoin and BTC can serve as a nice brand, as long as it avoids any more scandals like the one in Tokyo last year.
Whether BTC or BlockChain survive, I don’t know — but there’s no doubt that virtual currency and an encrypted protocol, in conjunction with a secure ledger, is the future. I feel the ledger will be a combination of P2P and AI.
Yes Blockchain is the new flavor but the Bitcoin Blockchain is the most secure and robust,companies like Ethereum,Blockstream,ect are all using the BTC Blockchain for good reason,i would recommend doing your research to really understand this tech and avoid what pundits and profits say.
Onecoin…This is the big competitor…Stay tuned, Bitcoin 🙂
The part where it shows all of these statistics does not mention that it costs virtually nothing to trade coins back and forth. It is DEAD EASY to perform manipulations in China and on other exchanges if you carry enough coins. You can trade $100M back and forth every day to inflate numbers, but the reality is… No one cares about bitcoin, no one really knows what how many coins are lost. No one knows a lot of the market, and the liquidity is an illusion. Imagine trying to cash out $20M in coins.
Bitcoin is very, very centralized. It is owned by the mining elite, and then the majority of coins are held by another set of select few. They claim it is the next internet, yet the internet had something that everyone was excited to use and try for themselves. Go ask around, even people that have used bitcoin are not that excited about it, sure the blockchain is interested, but the currency is a heavily manipulated joke and should be treated with a grain of salt. It is full of very illicit and illegitimate people who have been cast out of the real business world as well, so beware of using this currency. The blockchain and the problems that solve is what is really important.