Daniel Negari, CEO of the .xyz registry has reported to TheDomains.com that there are less than 10,000 five number .xyz domain name combinations left before they are all registered!
To be exact, at time of publication, only 9.59% are available to register of the once 100,000 according to the tracker provided by the registry.
The XYZ registry easily allows people to see what domain names are available by clicking the download CSV file on the tracker page, which displays the available domain names for ones they are tracking, like the 5 number domains.
About 85% of the 6 number .xyz domain names remain. 3 number and 4 number .xyz domain names have already all sold out!
The numeric domain name market continues to sizzle!
All gone now…
that’s incredible.
imagine the continuing price pressure on the shortest domains going forward
I am wondering what the haters of XYZ have to comment here. Silence is no gold here.
I think XYZ is a crap extension, but it is a successful extension for now.
Like all new extensions though the next few years will be what counts.
Will XYZ still be successful, most likely yes, but it will still be a crap extension, least for the likes of me. Then again, I have several domains others would find crap, but they work for what I need them for.
See what happens when the next round hits
Are there any major (or even somewhat successful) websites actually using a .xyz domain? Without utilization, long-term prospects for .xyz, or any extension for that matter, are dim at best.
Google’s Alphabet uses ABC.xyz for it’s corporate homepage.
Google is sort of a major , and somewhat successful 🙂
I own a few fabulous.xyz. Thx.xyz. Jlo.xyz.
Damn! You mean I missed out on my chance to acquire the coveted online property 04762.xyz and build my dream website there? What ever shall I do?
I know, now that .XYZ has joined the list of old fuddy-duddy suffixes in which “all good names are taken”, I will buy up everything in .PW and .OOO! Something innovative and exciting and unique like … 04762.ooo or (if that gets too crowded) 04762.click or 04762.biz.
They’re all cheaper than a Twix bar, and they’re all destined to be worth more than a bar of solid gold. You can’t lose by buying up everything, right? There’s always the next guy who’ll pay double … because he knows there’ll be a guy after him who’ll pay double that … and so on ad infinitum.
There has to be a shakeout at some point, this is becoming more like a game than business or investing. By shakeout I mean a determining of quality extensions or shorter domains. What can the future hold for the value of 100,000 five number .xyz domains?? Are there enough domain investors and money to keep that market afloat?
I ran XYZ through google translate and it’s telling me that in means “Next” in pinyin, which seems kind of cool for an extension. I guess we can think anything’s crappy, but it reminds me of the yard sale saying, “One person junk is another person treasure”
I did some more translating and its too bad you missed out on 04762.xyz, for your dream site Joseph. Roughly translated it means “I like balls in my mouth” , another variant is “Dead Hairy balls in my mouth” depending on how you pronounce the 4. Either way it would have been a fun build out.
Is that where you get off?
xià yī zhà n
the next stop (of a bus etc)
Google comes to mind
Someone told me that the Chinese also see XYZ as an acronym for XiÇŽoyÇ”zhòu, which translates to “little universe” I think that’s pretty cool too and can see the appeal to Chinese speakers.
For those curious what TLDs might mean in Chinese, I published a list of 250.
Well if XYZ has some meaning in Chinese, the .XYZ registry sure got lucky.
I bet when there is a second round of new gltd proposals, we’ll see some that target Chinese meanings.
There are other existing country code extensions like .SH and .GD that would also have meaning as Chinese city or province codes.
Congrats to Daniel and everyone at XYZ on their success. They’re proving all his naysayers wrong.
Exactly what statement by which naysayer is being proved wrong?
If someone said 5-digit numerical domains would never be registered in .XYZ even when sold at less than $1 in the middle of a feeding frenzy, then that person has been proved wrong. And that’s about all.
I don’t think anyone would’ve predicted a year ago that .xyz would have as good a 2015 as it did.
Is the registry actually making money with a registration fee of <2$, I'd love to know!
Has the craze for numeric domains gone too far into poor domain extensions and high number of characters, or is this the new norm for domaining? I can appreciate what has happened with short numeric and letter .com's and .net's going up in value, even .cc, but is a NNNNN.xyz really a good investment for the future?
It will really be a success if a year from now most of these NNNNN.xyz and similar domains get renewed.
I’ll keep getting more Dutch tulips. You keep getting more xyz domains. Maybe we can do a trade?
One thing is for sure: Daniel Negari can sell. He also should be selling real estate in South Florida or Los Angeles, or even better, contemporary art wherein valuations can be gamed by clever marketing and gallery owners, art mavens and auctioneers.
Haha, I was hating .XYZ weeks before it’s sunrise.. On day one I got few great .XYZ and now it’s my favorite nGTLD by far! Great story, great success!
This is a perfect example of what happens when there’s cheap $. A lot of speculators will not find a chair when this music stops.
Picked up these at .88 for the hell of it….RatedX.xyz and web0.xyz