The words Bank, Local, Experts, Trump, Scope. Alphabet, Fantasy, Tomorrow, Method and Teeth were the top trending keywords registered in .Com in August according to Verisign the registry for the .com and .net extensions.
Alphabet is related to Google’s naming of its parent company and Trump I think you can figure that one out for yourself.
Trump and Alphabet where the only two trending keywords to make the top 10 of .com and .net
Before anyone goes and registers a bunch of Trump domains you might want to check out this story in the World Trademark entitled “Whether friend or foe, Trump lawyer vows “aggressive” approach to infringement”
Interesting there are new gTLD’s for 4 domain names on the top keword registration trends in .com/.net:
.bank, .best, .capital. and .luxury
Top 10 Keyword Registration Trends for .COM and .NET in August 2015:
Click here to see other domain trends blog posts and make sure you check back on the second Tuesday of each month to see the latest keyword registration trends in .COM and .NET. Better yet, subscribe to Between the Dots to have the posts delivered directly to your inbox.
“Note: Each list was developed by examining keyword registration growth relative to the preceding month, such that those keywords with the highest percentage of registration growth are being reported on. This method is used to eliminate commonly registered keywords such as “online” and “shop” to provide a true look at monthly trends.”
If you really really really must get a piece of Donald and a UDRP / lawsuit, then throw his legal team a curve ball:
Let his lawyers make the case that he is the idiot whose ass is intended.
Or if it is still available.
Interesting. My one local+keyword d0t com has been getting a lot of traffic lately. As well as my one credit domain (while not bank, still a financial keyword). Thanks for the report.
Scope is a head scratcher. Wonder what that’s all about?
John McAfee, founder of the security software firm, filed with the Federal Election Commission yesterday 9/08/2015 announcing his 2016 candidacy for U.S. President and the creation of the CYBER PARTY.
Official Campaign Site
Wasn’t McAfee arrested for murder in Belize a while back ?
Gotta love this one.
‘In 2012, when asked if he personally uses McAfee anti-virus he replied by saying “I take it off,” and that “It’s too annoying.”‘
Don’t know about Trump, but Google’s Alphabet will surely continue to trend in the domain space.