If this is your first visit to Domain Movers, it’s a series where we detect domain names that have been acquired, registered or are simply moving by mainly all very large companies.
These detections often are an early indicator of something new. Maybe a new advertising campaign, a new product or service etc.
We heavily rely on the whois database which doesn’t always present the whole story, so please keep that in mind but we try our best to provide accurate information.
Here we go with the latest domain movers:
Amazon Technologies has secured the domain name PrimeMovies.com but they may have obtained the domain name back about August 13, 2013 as “Comlaude” appears in whois at that time and that is a domain service that Amazon uses. The domain then moved to ipMirror under privacy until moving to MarkMonitor on July 2, 2015 and revealing Amazon in whois.
They may be interested in using the term in some fashion on a larger scale or in a different offering, as they have also registered the domain names InstantPrimeMovies.com and PrimeInstantMovies.com.
QVC, Inc. has registered the domain name LoveYourFind.com adding to its nearly 1,000 domain name portfolio.
Apple Inc. has secured the generic domain name Catch.com plus several other hyphenated domains like Catch-Blog.com, Catch-Branch.com, Catch-Dev.com, Catch-Trunk.net and Images-Catch.net.
All of the domain names were associated with the company Catch Inc. that announced in August 2013 that it was going in a different direction with its service. TechCrunch.com then reported in December 2013 that Apple reportedly acquired the note taking app company as did 9To5Mac.com .
The Kraft Heinz Company has completed its merger of Kraft and Heinz and has picked the domain name KraftHeinzCompany.com to use as its companies main website. They hand registered the domain name on March 25, 2015.
Jacked3D.com which was acquired by an advertising agency on behalf of Frito-Lay North America, Inc. has began redirecting the domain name now to www.doritos.com/jacked3d/
RF.com has transferred ownership according to whois records from RingFree Mobility Inc. at GoDaddy to eName and a Heqinghua.
IBT Media Inc. has acquired the domain name ScienceTimes.com . The domain was owned by BuyDomains.com according to whois records in 2013 and changed to 33Universal Inc. on November 23, 2013 and then into privacy protection. On December 14, 2014 the domain came back out of privacy still under the 33Universal Inc. name and Amazon hosting was added to the domain. The domain went back into privacy and then came back out on July 3, 2015 under IBT Media Inc.
IBT Media acquired Newsweek and also acquired 33Universal according to this Medium.com article from a past employee.
Google Inc. has acquired the domain name RideWith.com for its Waze service in Israel. The domain name is redirecting to https://www.waze.com/ridewith/ and a page displaying a large logo with RideWith by Waze. The domain has been registered since May 5, 2005 and was owned by a Tal Avery at Fabulous.com until about March 31, 2015 according to whois records when Matt Serlin of Mark Monitor appears in whois. I had reported the domain earlier in May 2015 but didn’t know who the buyers were at the time.
Google also registered the domain names GoogleRideWith.com and WazeRideWith.com
Google has also secured gMail.org which has been registered since 2002 and was listed on Afternic for $99,999 but that listing remains. I did a UDRP search but didn’t see a filing on the domain.
They didn’t stop with just the above and also registered the domain name gWebReview.com
Bayer AG registered a bunch of new domain names and those were SmartNaturalInside.com, GreenHerbalism.com, GreenSolutionInside.com, HerbalProScience.com, HerbalScienceAtWork.com, HerbalScienceInside.com, HerbalTherapeutic.com, NaturalComplementaryTreatment.com, NaturalInfusion.com, NaturalProScience.com, NaturalScienceAtWork.com, PhytoAdvanced.com, PhytoScienceInside.com, TruHerbal.com, TruPhyto.com and ProvenNaturalScience.com
Bezirk.com has been acquired by Bosch. The term translates to “district” from German to English. The domain was owned by a Kim Seokjun and has been registered since June 26, 2002. The domain went into Sedo Transfer on June 30, 2015 according to whois records and sold for $5,603.
GreatBig.com has transferred from Network Solutions to CSC Corporate Domains under generic whois data. The domain was owned by Great, Big Productions prior and the current owners are unknown.
A&E Networks has launched a website on the domain name ItsAllForYou.com and is displaying Damien – The Beast Rises In 2016. Whois information is currently generic but the domain transferred into CSC Corporate Domains about May 29, 2015 from GoDaddy when whois details were blank. The domain has been registered since June 5, 2010.
Microsoft Corporation announced it was rebranding “Xbox Music” with “Groove Music” that will be in Windows 10 and they registered the matching domain name MicrosoftGroove.org but they do not currently own the .com which has been registered since 2007 and is currently owned by a “Silent Eye” and Lyf Wildenberg.
3 domains transferred into the name servers ns1.msft.net and those were Groove-Music.org which is owned by “Groove Music” and an email address of “intellectual.property@groovemusic.com” and registered at eNom. GrooveMusic.org and GrooveMusic.info also transferred in.
Groove-Music.com |.net, GrooveMusic.com |.net |.biz |.us all have Cyntia King of Marksmen listed in whois information. Marksmen is a domain buy service. Groove-Music.com has been registered since 1997 and GrooveMusic.com has been registered since 2000.
Goove.com is owned by Reality Enhancements according to whois records. In all, Microsoft had about 21 “groove” related domains transfer ownership.
According to screen shot history, it is stated that Groove Music is a Indie record label that released it’s first song compilation in 1985. Groove Music is the sister company of Groove Songs and they owned all of the above domain names minus Groove.com.
Microsoft is redirecting GrooveMusic.com to http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/groove-music
Microsoft also registered the domain names MixForHackers.com | .net
EdgeMusic.com was acquired for $15,000 from DomainMarket.com and was acquired by Elizabeth Vargas of EdgeMusicNetwork.com according to whois records. Visual Media Innovation Inc. is the parent company of EMN.
Frito-Lay North America, Inc. has acquired the domain name NutHarvest.com from HugeDomains.com. The domain had a $3,495 Buy It Now price tag and was registered on April 1, 2013, no joke!
Try.com may have changed ownership? The domain name switched to CloudFlare hosting on January 7, 2015 off standard Network Solutions name servers when the domain didn’t resolve. The last known owner was “SteenKast” and a Bernhard Steen and no updates to whois prior since August 8, 2011 and the first “update” to data related to the domain took place when name servers changed on January 7, 2015. 1/7/2015 may be the date it changed ownership?
The new service allows you to “try clothes from your favorite online stores for free” and works with only with Google Chrome currently according to the site. According to the Angel.co jobs page for Try.com, they have had $175K in funding in 2012 and $190K in 2013 and are based in San Francisco and was founded by “Ankush” and “Arush”.
Reckitt Benckiser LLC owners of the Mucinex brand have registered two related domain names with MucinexProfessional.com and MucinexHCP.com
Columbia Sportswear Company has acquired Prana Living which is a yoga brand for $190 Million and the domain name Prana.com has transferred ownership to Columbia Sportswear. The transaction took place in April 2014 time frame. Some other domains included all contained the Prana brand name like PranaBrand.net, PranaCanada.com/.net PranaLiving.net and PranaUsa.net
Illinois Tool Works Inc. (itw.com) has acquired Accessories Marketing Inc. and the Slime Tire Sealant Products line. Included in the sale was the generic domain name Slime.com which has just transferred ownership to ITW. Based on the press release, the transaction took place in April 2010. SealantSystems.com and GenuineInnovations.com were two other domains.
Current.com has been acquired by Branded Holding Group according to whois records, who is linked in some fashion to SOJCOM LLC and Roland Chemtob who I have wrote about several times and they own some outstanding domain names in general. The domain name was owned by Current TV, who was acquired by Al Jazerra for $500 Million in 2013. The domain began being parked with DomainNameSales.com and came out of privacy protection at GoDaddy.
Amazon Technologies registered the following domain names but using generic DnStination Inc. in whois: AmazonDaylight.com, AmazonHive.com, AmazonLumberyard.com and AmazonSunrise.com
SnapMusic.com has been acquired by a currently unknown MarkMonitor client using DnStination Inc. in whois. The domain name was for sale with DomainNameSales.com and has been registered since October 31, 2002 and was owned by a Gaye Morgan of Prescott Arizona.
RF.com owner was asking at least $250k for the domain
@Jose, have you been frozen for couple of years, recently?