Minds + Machines announced today that Fred Krueger informed the company that he sold 14,000,000 shares on May 28, 2015.
Based on his last disclosed interest, Fred Krueger now owns 114,481,604 ordinary shares representing approximately 13.7% of the issued shares capital of the Company.
On May 26th Mr. Krueger announced he was leaving the company as executive chairman and would be succeeded by Keith Teare at which time he owned 128,481,604 shares representing over 15% of the company.
Shares of Minds + Machines closed at 8.45p this week in trading.
Minds + Machines were trading over 10.50P on Tuesday prior to Fred Krueger announcement.
The company now has a market cap of £69.80m.
get in
get out faster
Why sell now? gtlds are the new .com that is what M&M said before… there is so much upside for a measly 8p, why not wait until this hits $1 at least, I guess the call on this is diversification, or the fact they are running out of contentions to prop the numbers with as the business is lacking.
Dave – maybe something to do with FIFA ?
The selling of parts of his shares 2 days after resignation is significant. I wish Mr Krueger the best.