Two new gTLD’s that will be launching into general availability on October 8th 2014, .Attorney and .Lawyer premium domain names are carrying the highest costs of any extension we have seen so far by a mile.
Both extensions are being launched with an Early Access Program (EAP).
The good news is that very few domains are being reserved by the registry.
The bad news is for those domains labeled as premium domains by the registry, .Attorney and .Lawyer domains are names are carrying the highest premium priced registration and renewal costs we have ever seen.
Consider Divorce.Attorney (we own
The domain has a premium registration and renewal fee of $55,000 at Enom.
Yes $55,000 a year, every year
If you want to grab the domain name on the first day of EAP it will set up back $66,000.
If you would have asked me yesterday how much I wanted for I would have quoted $350K now the price is higher.
Likewise Accident.Attorney (we own is priced at $55,000 a year.
We have been quoting $500K for the .com but now the price is higher.
$55,000 is actually the price for many generic .attorney and .lawyer domain names including Trial.Attorney, (another domain we own the .com in),, and DUI.Lawyer to name just a few.
If you drill down to some lesser domains, the pricing is still plenty high.
The.Attorney is priced at $2,760 a year, as is
BocaRaton.Attorney is priced at $1,660 a year.
Compare which just sold on Afternic in April for $1,000 to SandiegoPersonalInjury.Lawyer which is priced at $2,760 a year.
The domains,, all sold this year for $1,000 and are all priced at $2,760 per year in the new gTLD form
I just won an auction on yesterday for $210 for the domain name
If you want the domain name MississippiDui.Lawyer, its going to set you back; you guessed it right, $2,760 per year.
I own one of the largest portfolio’s of legal domains in the world, so no one is hoping that all of the premium .lawyer and .attorney domains sell on the first day of EAP for these prices
But back on planet earth, I have just raised the prices of all my .legal com’s which now look like the .Bargains of the century.
Huge success – just like .travel 🙂
wow! Justice is expensive! Shame on ICANN and! Get back on earth and see the reality. On what do they base the price on? So far, they haven’t sold 1. The reality is they are sqeezing as much money from lawyers and attorneys. There is not difference between .photography or .lawyer. So, how can they justify a $55k price??? One word! EXTORSiON!
I have a few Spanish legal names so it might be interesting to see where the registries decide to price…
The apparent logic of many of the registries to this point was to say all the .COMs are taken so now you have alternatives. Well, if you offer an inferior alternative (not .COM) at a more expensive price (over ten years given premium renewals), what do you think is going to happen? is available for reg fee 🙂
Sounds like i´m about to increase mine also
$2,760 each 🙂
Premature speculation?
How about you wait and see if any of these sell first before raising your prices?
domain names like any other product is subject to price shopping and when an end user goes shopping when faced with these prices no sense in not taking advantage of the pricing laid out by Rightside in these extensions
That’s a funny story Mike. The lawyers already are cheapskates when it comes to buying domain names. Who will support this registry then? Not Domain investors. This GTLD may not be around this time next year.
I guess they are counting on lawyers registering their domain or the name of their firm, so like is available to be pre-registered for $46
Now I feel insulted.
I just checked and is available.
$55,000 A Year For a .Attorney & .Lawyer Domain Registration? That’s per year, right??? Tell me this isn’t real and it is some kind of Candid Camera stunt to see people wide-mouth-opened shocked…..
Better to wait for a .law or a .solicitor or a .whatever.
Hello ?Donuts ? wake up !
Who in the right mind will pay $399.99 a year every year for this names where i bought them for $8 just recently.No ,sorry $3 bucks because i used a coupon.
You can check the whois i bought them this year.No backorders.
Albuquerque.Diamonds $399.99 every year
Fortworth.Diamonds $399.99 every year
Fresno.Diamonds $399.99 every year
Jacksonville.Diamonds $399.99 every year
Mesa.Diamonds $399.99 every year
Portland.Diamonds $399.99 every year
$3 each $8.47 to renew
Over all i think we need to spend a lot of time and choose wisely what needs to be bought and what not too.
For that price, those domains should each come with their own “get out of jail free” card.
Attorneys who have to spend a lot of money or effort promoting themselves are, in general, not attorneys you want.
The other thing that people hoping to make money from attorney marketing are the various restrictions on attorney advertising in the first place. I’ve seen people trying to sell names like Unless his or her name is “Best”, then it’s not a marketing phrase that an attorney is allowed to use.
…and something like just isn’t worth it. If you are a divorce lawyer, then you practice in one state under that state’s divorce laws (which are all wildly different). You could be a superstar divorce lawyer in New York, but that is of no use to anyone in, say, Louisiana. You are paying for global accesss to people with whom you can’t do business in the first place.
Now, it *might* work for a lawyer referral service, which is pretty much the bottom of the barrel and is still useless in several states. For example, in Pennsylvania, it is illegal for me to accept or to pay a fee to someone for referring a case to me (with some minor exceptions that make it not worthwhile). Does a lawyer referral service have an interest in getting you appropriate counsel, or selling your case to the highest bidder (i.e. the most desperate lawyer looking for clients)? There is a reason that lawyer can’t find any work by referrals from other clients.
I once had someone contact me about taking a UDRP case for someone else, and wanted to know how much I would pay them to get the referral. As if. That kind of thing might work for other types of business, but is entirely inappropriate for lawyers.
OK John –
That is the way I understand it as well.
In Colorado we have 3 guys that plaster their faces over all media with: (although some of the signs use the .com – possibly incorrectly)
It resolves right to their site –
Now the question is if goes to a referral / lead gen site – does that change the use enough ?
All logical arguments aside are you going to register,,,
All, some or none?
How about John.Berryhill 😛
We bought, for a client, and at $1000 it was a steal. I don’t see any justification for spending $55,000 for a domain name. With average “nice” .com domain names going for $1 – $3k, the remaining $52,000 of the $55,000 could be used towards other forms of marketing, such as SEO or PPC. Bottom line, seems like a waste!!!
Yes there are steals out there but I don’t participate in thefts since that legally would be conspiracy.
Even at not steal levels a domain like you bought which I would have asked $10N at the end of the day net to me for is still a steal based on the new gTLD pricing.
That was the point of my post