ntldstats.com updated once again today and the number of .XYZ domain names registered at Network Solutions topped 305,000 registrations.
The total number of .XYZ registrations is at over 355,000
The share of .XYZ registrations attributable to NetworkSolutions (NetSol) is now back over 85%.
The issue was the “Total count of unprocessed Domains:” which just a few days ago as listed on ntldstats.com as 44,945 Domains”
I wrote to ntldstats.com to ask them what unprocessed domains meant and why the amount of unprocessed domains for .XYZ was well over 10% of the total number of domains and higher percentage wise than any other new gTLD.
I got this response from ntldstats.com on Friday:
“”We have some trouble with centralnic right now. I am already in contact with centralnic/xyz to investigate if there is a way to get around it.
Right now we only count domains listed in zonefile as active – we can’t update the registrar stats for xyz. I hope that we can fix it until next week.””
CentralNic is the backend provider for the .XYZ registry.
It appears all of the nprocessed domains have now been accounted for by ntldstats.com
So there’s only 48,000 paid .xyz registrations (355,000 total – 305,000 at Netsol – 1,133 reserved domains). Considering some registrars like Onamae.com are giving .xyz domains away for under $2 I would say that’s a pretty low number.
The freebies at netsol of course still continue and they will probably continue until .xyz reaches 1 million registrations (doesn’t matter if 85-90% of those registrations will be freebies). Daniel wanted his one million registrations and he’ll surely get them because of those freebies. By the end of the year Daniel will be able to post on Twitter and other social media how “popular” .xyz is. lol
Realistically though .xyz is now growing by only 100 paid registrations per day and a lot of those paid registrations are sold under $2.
And in a year when they come up for renewal, will they maintain the free registration to keep the numbers…at least until actual paid for registrations get them somewhere respectable…or will it drop from 1,000,000 to 70,000 and then the following year everyone else jump ship because they think everyone else is jumping?
”We have some trouble with centralnic right now. I am already in contact with centralnic/xyz to investigate if there is a way to get around it.”
They probably hit our rate limiting system which blackholes IP address which send too many queries. Our whois rate limits are published here:
As of writing we’ve not been contacted by ntldstats about getting unblocked.
I think this is BS and really a bad way for web.com to get there stock lower when people learn publicly that they are pushing assets into accounts without permission. I would be more concerned with this negative press about to be leaked out then pushing a shitty url to get numbers stuffed,, THe air will come out of this very soon..