On the Live Domain Sherpa show from TRAFFIC in Las Vegas, Rick Schwartz let the world know that he went on a buying binge with regards to new gTLD domains the past few days and now actually owns more new gTLD domains than I do.
As we sit today, my company Worldwide Media, Inc. owns 455 new gTLD domain names.
Mr. Schwartz who is a fellow Domain Sherpa, told the attendees at TRAFFIC that he went on a buying binge of new gTLD’s while in Las Vegas this week and now has over 500 new gTLD domain registrations.
Rick of course has his own blog.
The Domain Sherpa show was done live and not put up on the DomainSherpa.com this week for viewing.
So I will leave it to Mr Schwartz to tell you himself what new gTLD domains he registered and why he registered them.
Personally as someone who was against the new gTLD program until it became inevitable that the program was a go, I adapted to the new reality and somehow became the “new gTLD guy,” It is nice to see Mr. Schwartz has jumped on board and now has more registrations than I do.
Of course as you would expect Rick has a different play than most but I will leave it to him to tell you what exactly he is doing in the new gTLD space.
Not a shocker to me. I expected this. Best of luck to all of you. Exciting times in the industry! As always, I hope everyone succeeds!
Wow! I used to love Rick and I believed he is a fair guy. This news change everything.
The truth of the matter is…domaining it’s addictive.
I said i will buy 3,4 generic tld’s ,here i’m bought in to 9 already.
Glad to hear Rick is in it.
Shocker: guy with money to burn, burns money.
Did anyone say .mobi? Let’s watch history repeat itself.
Mike it took you many months of methodical thinking, patience, and dedication to choose the 455 gTLDs you have.
Rick goes on a buying spree and accumulates more than you have in just 2 days. I am sure it is a list full of Pigeon Shit as he likes to call it.
Silly Todd. Don’t you know Rick’s pigeonshit does not stink like everyone else’s?
Wait to see the names guys, before you start going off, could be defensive. If you watch Sherpa, and he spent thousands on those “custom” domains, made you wonder a bit.
Not every move is the right move, .mobi was a tough lesson, but it is his money to play with, right now gtlds have a lot to prove. My guess is he went in on .club
Geez, talk about Binge!
Good breaking story, Berkens.
Let me ask you, what is a bad idea, when it is supported by Schwartz? It becomes a bad idea supported by Schwartz, right?
I have said that new gTLD critics are not monolithic. I, for example, I’m against the thing on principle. And I stated that Schwartz was against it because he thought it was not viable nor profitable; sometimes he objected to it because it was a bad idea. But never on the principle that it is wrong.
Rick is on a row with bad ideas lately; recall the domain leasing gambit? Or the sub-domain proposal? Yet I won’t regard him as a schmuck just yet. We await his story…
I believe some of the new gtld’s will do better than .mobi. Not in the sense that every one of them will have more registrations than .mobi, or even come close to as many registrations as .com, but typing in Bicycles.company for a bike shop or Running.club is pretty easy and descriptive. Also I think the whole word extention .mobile will do better than .mobi, because what is a mobi? People don’t normally say mobi phone or mobi car wash. I think shortening organization to .org worked, (plus it was an early extension when there weren’t a lot of options so people used it and understood it and still do) but shortening mobile to .mobi didn’t work or catch on as well with a lot of people like it was intended to.
No shocker. The wise one finally figured out he was alienating potential advertisers. Maybe this time he will bail a lot quicker than he did with .mobis.
I never take into account what Schwartz has been saying.
This is last guy you can trust and that`s so many people who dealt with him do not like him.
I found four “.club” of him. very terrible domainnames in my mind. but this are only 4 of some one hundreds
I’ll just say this. I did not buy or care about the extensions right of the dot. They are all still .whatever to me.
This is no endoresement of any gTLD. My views have not changed.
I fouced on the keywords left of the dot that matched up well.
I went mostly on the dark side with keywords like worst, crappy, lousy, sucky, complaints, ripoff, bad, unfair, and see what matched well with the extensions. I bought 57 different .whatevers.
Do I expect to make money with them? NO
Are they good investments? NO
Would I suggest others do this? NO
But some folks lost more at the craps table and since I am not a big gambler……
They are mostly for shits and giggles and maybe used like the HallofShame.com as a deterrant and to list bad actors and companies to be shamed publicly and think twice before they do something unethical that they will regret.
PS: For the haters and lowlifes, I got the keywords, Fuck You and Fuck off. 🙂
You’re just a worried, little neophobic, dot com loyalist.
Here’s what you really meant:
Do I expect to make money with them? YES
Are they good investments? YES
Would I suggest others do this? NO… because I’d like more opportunities for me myself & I.
Ketwords are keyword plain and simple. Good luck Rick.
I am unsure about these two names on the list. Can you explain?
Freudian typo. lol
Are you going to buy any domains in .xyz landrush? It ends tomorrow – and GA starts June 2nd.
It will be the #1 new gTLD – Mark my words.
“It will be the #1 new gTLD – Mark my words.”
Until .web comes out. That will end up being the #1 of the new ones.
.web isnt coming out until 2016, 2017 maybe 2020
We will be way in the lead by that point; I dont think we will get toppled
Who Goes on the web to type in a .web?
.xyz is the future; Get in Get in early – You will be happy you read this post. You haters out there; Watch us succeed and you get stuck trolling blog’s and being in the same place you were. Frank is right – the right domain can change your life. The question is who wants their life changed?
I will make my first post on ceo.xyz soon to address the believers and non believers.
“The question is who wants their life changed?”
Oh brother. Going to bookmark this thread. Maybe someone should blog about all the corny marketing cliches being used to promote these extensions.
So peoples lives will be changed when they buy .xyz?
people say .com is meaningless…well .xyz is 100 times more meaningless than .com. best of luck to ye.
Rick is Schwartz is a moron lool
Really? Shoe.Department.com, Automotive.Department.com, Parts.Department.com. All garbage.
When I hear the term xyz, the first thing that comes to mind is the old saying “examine your zipper.” If this extension becomes the top new gTLD registered extension I will be surprised. Can someone explain what this extension stands for or is all about? Not hating on it, but a little meaning might give it value in users or investors eyes. It seems there are a lot of better choices from the new gTLD’s to choose from than xyz.
the only advantage .xyz has is that they say they are going to undercut .com but still, its a long shot.
There are new GTLD combinations that sound cool but that doesn’t mean there is meaningful end user demand for them in 2014 or even for the next five years. Also, investment returns are going to be a function of one’s acquisition cost/renewals and generally speaking the most meaningful combinations in the new TLDs are not priced for investors. I’m sure there are still opportunities but only for those with speculative capital to play with. Even for more established extensions there is a considerable disconnect between domain investor perception of market value and how end users react when quoted even a $XXXX price for a short brandable domain. Good luck selling TLDs that end users have never even heard of yet.
I don’t own the registry and they are not a client of ROTD and not even an advertiser on the blog
I think they are looking at this as a long term play ( the guy who owns it is 28) and they are looking at 10 year olds or younger people for which .com has no special meaning
.XYZ means nothing but it is generic and for those kids .com means nothing either
People who are growing up in a world where there are hundreds of TLD’s not just .com might like to have a .xyz as much as a .com
Who knows
I think that is the argument
I will probably register some in GA at $300 landrush I’m going to pass
Your dead on Mike
The future of the internet lies in .xyz – it is meant for the NEXT generation of internet users. I will color more light on this when I get a chance to put my words down and make a blog post.
$300 is nothing for the names we left out; some early believers will make small fortunes . Others will get left in the dust…. again
the only reason .xyz was even applied for is because you (or your boss) owns the .com…very ironic.
When you talk real long term, such as a generation, even a decade away, you have to address a lingering question that I’ve had pending on numerous blogs now:
How do you eliminate the possibility of an extreme development such as a dot-less internet in the intervening period? 10, 30, 40 years is a long time. Think about the changes that have occurred in the last 25.
This question has to be answered satisfactorily to give any credence, belief, faith, trust, confidence, reliance to that pitch, as an investor. If I’m not going to be paid in the next couple of years, then it has to be a sure banker. You will have to act as a surety, provide me with pledge, collateral, guaranty, guarantee, bond, assurance, insurance, or something, if you’re telling me to hold the .xyz for a generation (30 years).
So, please address that in your response.
That question cannot be answered by anyone in an exact manner. I agree with the reason behind the question. I discuss this stuff with people all the time, Things can change, I don’t think personally it will be a dotless Internet but who knows, that is why someone has to figure out what they own and their own timeframe for holding domains, before registering anything that is going to take years to play out as far as an active aftermarket.
You tackled this issue more eloquently at TLDInvestors.com when stated: “Now I think it is clear that ICANN has an agenda to make as much money as they can, who knows what the next round may be from a cost structure ? What if it is $50,000 for an application ? What about $10,000 ?
You also have to look at what ICANN could look like down the road and who is calling the shots directly or indirectly”.
I ask, what if ICANN, 10 years from now, starts selling TLD strings at $1000 a pop? What about $500? It many not be dotless, but the effect will be the same. ICANN could transform into the ultimate ‘Domainer’. The seed has been sewn with the release of a thousand extensions.
So, ceo.xyz tells us that a Domainer should look at 10 year olds as a reason to invest in his TLD. While at it, we should look at adventure for 10 year olds: Winnie The Pooh. Examiner.com observes, “back home to The Thousand Acre Wood. Where we learn Winnie the Pooh needs to do a very important thing. But first, we must fill Pooh’s rumbly tumbly tummy. That’s when we discover Eeyore’s missing tail. Naturally, we can’t have that. So off to find Christopher Robin since he always knows what to do.
While everyone else tries to find a good replacement for Eeyore’s tail, Pooh heads back over to Christopher Robin’s. However, instead of finding Christopher Robin or even a single honey pot, Pooh finds a note.
Now, we all know Pooh bears have more fluff than brains, so Pooh takes the letter to Owl. Owl then tells everyone that Christopher Robin has been taken by the BackSon, a most dangerous monster. Luckily, Rabbit knows exactly what to do and gets everyone together to trap the Backson and save Christopher Robin”.
The new gTLD may end up being a bigger adventure of Disney tales for the next generation.
> “The future of the internet lies in .xyz”
> “.xyz is the Next .com”
Any of the gTLDs could use these fantasy-based ‘marketing slogans’. Doesn’t make them true, no matter how much you repeat them. Especially for an extension that has to be spelled out… I can already hear people asking, “Wait, is the extension, Ex-Why-Z(ee)?”
hmmm yeah I could imagine .xyz being used for little kids educational websites
I own a couple of family-oriented sites aimed at kids, and there’s no way I would consider .xyz. Why, when I already have the .COM? Even as a defensive registration… knock yourself out, whoever wants to register the .xyz version of my sites. Or the .Mobi version, which I don’t own, either. What a seriously bad joke this all is.
lol and that’s OKAY – nobody is forcing you to use .xyz. You have the dot com? Good, stick with it. This would be for new companies or companies with really bad domain names that want to rebrand. Ugh, small thinkers make for bad entrepreneurs.
*snap* Rick Schwartz registered new gTLDs to keep the players behind them honest.
Rick Schwartz the domain queen has jumped on the bandwagon!! after talking so much shit lol
It’s interesting there is so much effort to market these .anythings to domainers.
What Rick Schwartz probably means is that he registered the keyword equivalents of his .com investments, so that potential buyers still have buy from him. You will see a lot more of this going on – Dot com investors protecting their keywords.
What sickens me is all the negativity from Dot Com purists. They whine like children on and on about how useless they think nGTLDs are when it’s all been said already. They’re beating a dead horse as if they’re trying to convince themselves that they’re making the right decision by not buying nGTLDs. Make your decision for yourself and leave others to breath. Speaking your opinion is everyone’s right, but to go on and on about it every time someone mentions nGTLDs….you just have to wonder where it’s coming from ya know? It smells like fear to me really. The guys who are secure about their investments will watch while eating pop corn but it’s the whiners who come off to me as shady….especially when they themselves are quietly registering nGTLDs while simultaneously talking shit about them. There’s a lack of integrity in doing so, but they’ll argue that they’re doing it for “shit and giggles”. Let’s all be mature gentlemen (and gentlewomen). Let’s just be investors who are playing the game wisely with caution. Why do we have to be for or against nGTLDs? Why must we be so black and white in our thinking?
> “They whine like children on and on about how useless
> they think nGTLDs are when it’s all been said already.”
Stop whining about the people who are “whining”.
> “It smells like fear to me really.”
Nope. Not even close. Who are buying the gTLDs? What percentage of deluded domain investors vs actual end users are buying them? Does the average Internet visitor even know about the gTLDs? I know many of my friends who have absolutely no idea about them, nor would they even care if they did. The only excitement for the gTLDs seems to be in certain small circles of investors, or the registrars themselves. Otherwise, who gives a f***. Seriously.
You talk like a guy that is really worried lol “who gives a f***. Seriously.”
Grim, you replied about my post about whiners, with even more whining about nGTLDs. Don’t you get it? My point is that dot com purists sound really angry at just the mention of nGTLDs and you replied doing just that. Whats up with all the ruffled feathers?
i suppose the people going on and on about how they are the future, how this is the new internet namespace an whatever other stupid slogans they buy into, those people can keep talking?
Again. . . Rick Schwartz is an ignat
Really lil Ricky? Shoe.Department.com, Automotive.Department.com, Parts.Department.com. All garbage.
I’d love to know the morons who would actually buy this garbage. lol
Again Mr Schwartz can speak for himself but I pretty much assure you these were not defensive registrations
“”When you talk real long term, such as a generation, even a decade away, you have to address a lingering question that I’ve had pending on numerous blogs now:
How do you eliminate the possibility of an extreme development such as a dot-less internet in the intervening period? 10, 30, 40 years is a long time. Think about the changes that have occurred in the last 25.
This question has to be answered satisfactorily to give any credence, belief, faith, trust, confidence, reliance to that pitch, as an investor. If I’m not going to be paid in the next couple of years, then it has to be a sure banker. You will have to act as a surety, provide me with pledge, collateral, guaranty, guarantee, bond, assurance, insurance, or something, if you’re telling me to hold the .xyz for a generation (30 years).
So, please address that in your response.”””
I know this was meant for the CEO fo XYZ who will hopefully come back on to address but I think its is one of your better comments.
So for myself being 55 I have a different outlook of someone in their 20’s.
I don;t have a 20 year or 30 year plan for these domains, I can’t I don’t have that long
I can wait 5 or 10 years but that is about it for me.
ask me a question after you read my post. I will address it.
The question is there for you to address, if you like.
You don’t have to. It’s up to you.
If you are more interested in personalities than issues, you can wait for Berkens to pose it to you on your blog, but I’m not going over there to ask it again. I posed the question directly to you in clear language.
I truly will like to get your take on it. Caution! It has to be answered seriously, respectfully, and with valid logic and verifiable data to be effective, and convincing. The relationship between a Registry, and Registrant, is one of that is henceforth cloaked in mutual respect, openness, and should be cordial. Take your time to address us. Nobody is going to be bossed around, and nobody is going to be boss. Relax. We don’t have to go to your blog to get the answer. It’s you, regardless of what you say, that needs us, not the other way around. Just remember that.
Thanks for explaining Mike, and of course I wish .xyz the best, as with all the new extensions. Time will tell everything, especially in the aftermarket, and what new extensions last and which ones don’t. Also .com has always had kind of a meaning to me. .com was always short for company, community, commerce, which is why it works and has worked for anything. This is also where a lot of the success came from with .co I believe. When you look at .co it’s hard not to think the word company.
There seems to be a lot of Rick Bashing going on, maybe stemming from the future uncertainty of one’s domain assets. What is annoying are the individuals who bash Rick without acknowledging everything he has said both for and against the gTLDs.
How about this quote from his blog, and btw did you pay to read his blog and are now asking for a refund? “I don’t have to sell a thing, they do. But please raise the level of the conversation to match the reality at hand and the audience you are addressing. I would certainly be much more receptive to that level than some of the nonsense I am hearing. I do not wish for the failure of any extension. Quite the opposite. I root for their success. Their success is not a threat it is fuel.”
And how about this quote from Rick’s blog:
“Some will be very good and creative, many will be pretty lame as evidenced here.”
The evidence at ntldstats.com is indicating that some of the gTLDs aren’t going to make it, and this is just the beginning of the launch phase. And Rick points out that “The point is changing Human Behavior is the single greatest challenge one can take on.” Is he not correct? Do we see a mad rush by end users for the new gTLDs and a rapidly developing aftermarket? The answer is a resounding no.
And one additional quote from Rick’s blog that makes me shake my head and wonder why the hell some people can’t read: “I can’t wait to sit down with Frank at TRAFFIC. I want to see his vision as closely as he does. Does not mean he can convince me. But I am ALWAYS open to being convinced with new information and evidence that is real. I am always sway-able.”
Note – this comment is being copied and pasted from MS Word. I hope it uploads correctly for your viewing.
Excellent comment Patrick.
“There seems to be a lot of Rick Bashing going on, maybe stemming from the future uncertainty of one’s domain assets. What is annoying are the individuals who bash Rick without acknowledging everything he has said both for and against the gTLDs.”
Thank you. I INVESTED over a year articulating BOTH the pros and cons. Some people are deaf in one ear and can’t read either!
And that s why it is hard to take an extension like .xyz very seriously.
From what I understand ceo@xyx lives in Las Vegas and could not even come to TRAFFIC and get on stage and make his case. I just don’t get it. We’re all stupid for not buying into products they can’t even pitch to professionals. Give me a break!
The lack of marketing by gTLD’s was the #1 topic in Las Vegas. The .club guys are laughing their asses off but are certainly not complaining. The lack of marketing by other extensions and the marketing campaign by .club has propelled them to #1 within a few weeks.
Donuts says that registrars are their customers NOT domainers even tho 90% of ALL their registrations are from domainers. Pretty insulting. They need a reality check.
They need domainers to make them profitable but also show them the back of their hand. THAT is why some of these guys will absolutely die on the vine.
Remember that phrase. DIE ON THE VINE. There are already DOZENS there. DOZENS!
What is the coherent argument to invest in .xyz??? That was a BIG question at TRAFFIC and nobody there could answer it nor was there any rep to answer it either. To wait for a generation that has yet to be born?? REALLY?
I think the biggest problem these guys will face is that today if you rank the top 10 extensions you would likely not put your $$$ in the 10th one. But some would piss away their $$$ on #1300. Please explain the logic or start buying the hell out of #10. .mobi.
Rick. I am not the ceo.xyz guy – You know me personally; and I have known you for several years now. I respect you; it would be nice if you gave some mutual respect back. I have attended over 10 traffic shows all over the world. I have been dealing with some personal family matters, so I could not attend your show – which I heard had around 100 people attended…. I would have loved to have been there if I could.
I keynoted at DomainFest – and people heard my piece there.
Lack of marketing? We have spent millions; and continue to do so. Just because I did not spend money at your show does not mean we are not marketing. Your tactics are interesting. Trying to Cyber – bully me into paying you ? Check mate grandfather of domains. Move over.. their is a new king in town.
Check my registration numbers. We have been marketing to end users, people who will use the domain. We are building a platform here for people to express them self online. Again I have utmost respect for you and your accomplishments – but it might be time for you to get off your rocking chair and stop bashing people for not paying you. Remember – I am not targeting the baby boomers. New internet users deserve a chance to innovate as well.
Any further conversations or comments will be had on ceo.xyz exclusively.
Rick – If you would like to take this conversation offline – My email is open.
.xyz is just a joke … and it will be a big failure …
Congrats Mr Negari, I think Warren Buffett would have invested way better 185k + $, instead of flushing them in the toilet with a useless extension … lol
My post has been made. Feel free to comment – I will accept all comments (except anything racist, or repulsive).
“People who are growing up in a world where there are hundreds of TLD’s not just .com might like to have a .xyz as much as a .com. Who knows?
I think that is the argument”
Well, if that is the argument that they make, it is a dumb one. We will ALL be dead by the time that “Event” even has a chance to happen and chances are 1400-1 times an exponential number my scientific calculator can’t calculate that it will NEVER happen.
So to tie up those dollars in 2014 for a 2044 potential, possible, maybe payout. SOLID INVESTMENT BABY!! Only a moron like Schwartz would pass on an opportunity like that!
This shit does not pass the laugh test. OUR job is to pick the winners. The top 10. Why would anyone in their right mind focus on the losers and bet on them??
Please study the day to day numbers at http://ntldstats.com/tld
Look how many have already STALLED and preparing to DIE ON THE VINE!
“Rick. I am not the ceo.xyz guy”
Well then I am totally confused.
You are posting as such but are not him?
You might want to check his site out. He just gave you a shout out and for people that don’t read this blog, it might appear that you support his extension:
“Rick Schwartz – I admire you as well, you went from being totally against new gTLDs to having one of the largest new gTLD portfolios. Interesting how perspectives change.”
I can envision .xyz being used . . . but to say that it’s going to be the next .com takes some very big huevos. That’s not going to happen for .xyz or any other extension. So many great options to choose from like the extensions .center .club .rentals – I just can’t imagine just one extension reigning supreme here.
“Trying to Cyber – bully me into paying you ? Check mate grandfather of domains. Move over.. their is a new king in town.”
Enjoy your reign. I am sorry the millions you spent did not reach me nor many other domainers. I just don’t get it and I am not alone. Sorry but insults is not sales. I know we are all stupid for not buying into your vision. But I have really not seen anything that would lend itself to your optimism or that vision other than your arrogance and outrageous claims that I really can’t figure out.
I don’t know how you can talk for an entire generation with no evidence or proof or even a plan. Just wishful thinking. Again, the outrageous claims are a very big turnoff. I think some of the gTLD folks need to learn about sales. The arrogance alone will put many of these guys out of business before they even start. We don’t need.all these extensions, but you sure as hell need us and this is far from the path from that event.
I thought ceo.xyz was a groupee like that guy Kline. So sorry Daniel. Had no idea. Really. I think you need to up your conversation to a level that does not insult our intelligence. I was STUNNED that those posts came from you.
Besides, I really don’t give a rats ass about who is behind or owns what extension. Meaningless to me and meaningless to end users. I only care and handicap the extensions and their chances to be a viable investment. So don’t take it personally.
Besides, it should be xyz.ceo and the .ceo registry really need some registrations cuz .ceo by all accounts is about the dumbest and weakest extension ever next to .rich.
I think .xyz even tho it has like 3 vowels as opposed to one vowel for .com, will do better than ones like .ceo but that ain’t saying much.
Funny how everyone is getting millions of registrations so easily but 100+ extensions COMBINED this year can hardly make it to the first million.
When a strong extension like .web comes out, they will get more registrations in ONE DAY then all we have seen so far. And when that day happens, the stock of ALL these gTLD’s will take a HUGE dump if there is even any room to fall. Some say that may be a few years. That’s even worse because the carrying costs may become big losses.
.CEO, .Rich, .Horse won’t have to worry about that event as they will have already DIED ON THE VINE!
I will let you know about .xyz after the first week of G.A.
Numbers don’t lie. So I still don’t get it.
The registrations overall are so dismal that they have to add them all together to report them and not look silly.
I totally agree with Rick on all points here.
And I’d suggest you to have a look to an interesting news I’ve found about Daniel Negari: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Beverly-Hills-Mint-Berta-Negari-Daniel-Negari/Beverly-Hills-California-90211/Beverly-Hills-Mint-Berta-Negari-Daniel-Negari-BERTA-NEGARI-AND-DANIEL-NEGARI-BEVERLY-HI-446350
If this is his way of doing business … well … I’m not surprised …
To the XYZ guy (who says he’s not the XYZ guy).
Now is your chance to explain what the hell “XYZ” means bud. I’m not sure if you thought of this before hand or not, but “XYZ” is almost always used as an equivalent to “bla bla bla”. For example if I was describing something and forgot some unimportant details, I would substitute them with “You know, XYZ and so on”. Simply said, XYZ was a disastrous business decision and I hope that you were kidding when you said that you spent MILLIONS of dollars marketing this crap. I mean, you should be a god damn ashamed of yourself trying to market this shit to domainers and even naive end users. What were you thinking guy??? And I remember the founder in an interview saying that it represents “generations X, Y AND Z”. Really? Who would have guessed? Just throw your money away already…….
As an engineering student, the first thing that comes to my mind when I read XYZ is the 3D Cartesian coordinate system. Other than that, it’s meaningless IMO.
“xyz and so on” has over 2 million results…you know, xyz, so on and so forth and whatever…….
You know some of you who are attacking Rick should be ashamed of yourselves,you think someone that has been though all the ups and downs of business hasn’t got a plan?? I’m about Ricks age,and I don’t feel like a dinosaur,yet.I stand by what I said a couple of days ago on XYZ extension,it’s crap.Rick is hedging his bets a little.Some of you who say this or that about him are all probably under 35,or less.HE has made it,he has enough to write checks none of you would be able to honor,but of cause you know it all…good luck with that,and good luck trying to predict the future of this business.But show the “oldies”some respect,and your Mothers as well!.
My question is why is the only time you comment on this blog it to chat about Rick?
If seems you don’t care about domain names, .com new gTLD’s or anything else involving the industry other than to chat about Rick whenever you have the chance.
When we see people that don’t really have a comment, but an agenda there comments are highly regarded