We just came across another site offering new gTLD stats at Namestat.org
The site offers a section entitled “Fastest Growing gTLD’s and not surprisingly .Club is leading the way.
Here are the top 10 Fastest Growing new gTLD’s according to the site:
Interestingly the second or third gTLD with the most registrations, .Berlin is not on the list nor is .Expert that just launched last week and has over 10,000 registrations in a week, not sure how that is not on the top 10 fastest growing list.
According to Namestat.org there are 772,939 new gTLD registered.
According to Ntldstats.com, there are 784,537 new gTLD registered
NameStat.org has .Club in the 2nd spot just ahead of .Berlin while Ntldstats.com has club trailing .Berlin by less than 500 registrations.
We are going to stick with Ntldstats.com as the authority for new gTLD numbers for now.
The domain name NameStat.org, was updated last month and is registered under privacy at Internet.Bs
They seem to be monetized with a lookups page that leads (from what I’ve seen) both to
(1) Uniregistry
(2) findnew.domains
Mike, thanks for the shout-out.
The Top 10 Fastest Growing TLD list is generated from a rolling average of the last 7 days of registrations ignoring the first 7 days of GA. .Berlin has an average of 46 registrations per day over the last 7 days so even though it has 47,242 registrations it is growing really quite slowly (in fact it is not even in the top 20 fastest growing). .Expert gained 174 registrations yesterday but has not had a full 7 days GA yet, so is not in the list (yet).
I excluded the initial blip/rush in registrations for the first 7 days to try to bring some consistency and stability to the list. Happy to debate whether this is a valid move or not.
The discrepancy between ntldstats.com total figure and namestat.org is down to the method used to count registrations. We use the zone files (using the CZDS system from ICANN) and have counts exactly the same as RegistrarStats and very similar to others that count in a similar way. I’m about as confident as I can be that the count is accurate if just the zone files are used as the method (barring occasional pauses in the data when CZDS needs re-authorising). I’m don’t know where the additional registrations are from in ntldstats.com stats.
The domain was under privacy as are most of my domains. I’ve temporarily removed the privacy so you can see that yes, I am real.
Joseph- The monetization is an experiment to help pay for the site. As the grand total collected so far is an overwhelming $0, the experiment is likely to be short lived..!
Nothing wrong with monetizing a time-consuming endeavor in some way.
Welcome to the club of numbers.
I think that the ntldstats.com discrepancy is due to a parsing issue with the zonefiles (if that’s their method of counting domains). The expiry/reapproval thing is causing problems for everyone tracking new gTLD stats.
Thanks for checking in.
I would suggest that in the world where several new extensions are launching a week there might be a better way to address “fastest growing” or something on top to tell people what is excluded (new gTLD launched less than a week)
Best of luck
Yes, fair point. I’ll add an explanation to the top to make it clearer.
From an interview I did with Andy a few months ago
Andy Brier runs NameStat.org which serves as a portal for all things new gtld. From the latest delegations to new gtld stats, Andy also provides a lot of updates on Twitter @namestats
1) So what was the motivation for starting NameStat ?
Andy – I’d been following the domainer blogs for a while and the increasing debate on the new TLDs. Words are a passion of mine and I realised that internet naming was about to go through a revolution. I wanted to be a part of that. I’m working on a naming framework and realised I’d need a platform to explore, develop and receive feedback on those ideas. NameStat was born of a need to understand what was happening and to provide that platform. I’m only part way there, but so far pleased with the results. Just need to code faster.
2) Can you tell us a little bit about your background ?
Andy – I enjoy programming and released my first shareware (remember that?) in 1998, a 3D desktop launcher which sold a phenomenal 20 copies. Two years later I’d made enough to pay the monthly mortgage, just, but then along came the children and my internet dominance days were over. Now our main income is from an ecommerce site I run with my wife, selling homeware in the UK. We’ve been operating about 5 years, are probably #1 or #2 in our niche and last year emptied the house of stock and moved to a warehouse. I design and run the site but my wife does all the hard work.. dealing with customers!
Full interview at: http://dotwhatever.com/interview-andy-brier-namestat-org/
The one thing that could cause a discripancy is if your missing any strings did you check to see if you have any pending requests in the zone file or was denied by any string?
You’re right I am missing three .Wien, .Ceo & .Menu since the 14th May (still waiting for requests to be re-approved). Their combined total before the expiry was 5568, any increase from that point to today is unlikely to be huge though (perhaps a couple of hundred). I keep on top of the new TLDs as they enter CZDS and have approvals and am collecting/processing 219 zone files at the moment (including the three above). Ive been denied access to a further three, two of which are government/public interest IDN’s from China, all of which are not yet released. I have 46 not yet approved including recent ones such as .beer but also some IDN’s from February. Judging from a twitter post from Kevin at DomainIncite this morning I’m not the only one waiting for approvals from as early as Feb.
.Club registrations today on Namestat.org 47,362, RegistrarStats.com 47,362, DomainIncite.com 47,362 (according to a blog post earlier today) and ntldstats.com 47,485. I’d be interested to know why there is a discrepancy.
Could somebody come up with a Countdown to New GTLD Renewals, such as dot guru, dot sexy….
I believe is at day 273 and tomorrow it’ll be 272 Days to go, then Thursday 271 Days…
Have just opened New gTLDs [re]Sale League:
Heads to @getDotClub for leading with 11 deals
Appearently no ”expert” has heard of the ext .TOP ….like Shane Cultra …..asking the question to his readers if anybody had heard of .TOP
Top 10 Biggest Selling gTLDs
1 .xyz 830,771 2,910
2 .网址 (web address) 371,364 -11
3 .science 324,812 2
4 .club 262,592 28
5 .top 258,428 947
Top 10 Fastest Growing gTLDs
1 .loan 3931
2 .xyz 3289
3 .date 1164
4 .top 1132