The Washington Post published its 2014 In and Out list for 2014 a few days ago and one entry hit the domain industry right in the heart.
On the In and Out list along with over 60 items, people and products;
.Com is out and “.EverythingElse” is in.
Other tech related in and outs for 2014 include
Out In
Bitcoin Coin
SnapChat WeChat
The future of .Com’s and the new gTLD’s will determined by consumers but consumers can be lead in directors and influenced so it important to keep an eye on how pop culture in the media is going to treat domain names going forward.
If you own a big company and all your competitors are in the .com area. Will you need the .com to stay in the competition?
Let say, your #1 competitor buys a exact match domain or less than 4 characters .com for 3 millions.
Will you buy a similar domain in the .whatever for 90% cheaper or will you do the same?
If your company is multilingual, will you use an english gtld like or an short and sweet extention like .com and .co?
So a guy and a gal on WashingtonPost.COM wrote an article that is circulated by a guy on thedomains.COM that is being responded to by a guy from Domenclature.COM?
I’ve said that in order for these dot critics to be successful. they have to operate their websites from “dot EverythingElse”. You can’t write an epitaph about something that is housing you.
Out – Print newspapers.
In – Newspapers operating on .COM.
Simply ! Dot Com No1 ~~
With all the money riding on the success of the gTLDs, someone’s palm had to have gotten .GREASED for this article.
I’m still waiting for the flying car, robot servants, and the ‘kitchen of the future’ that I was promised in an article written in the ’50s.
You can hardly believe everything you read, especially when it’s apparent that it’s nothing but a bunch of guesses and opinions.
I’ve been gathering some info/stats on all of the Fortune 500 company names & the domain names they use. I know the list changes but IIRC, maybe a couple used .net and ALL of the rest used .com when I went through it. These companies are not going to gamble on switching to a .gtld They don’t need to. They can’t all have their own .brand either. Its bad enough that some of their names are close sounding; using the same keywords. ‘YourCompanyName’.com (whether spelled out or in acronym, etc) is the best address you can have for your business and will be for a long time.
As far as the list, just someone’s view of what they see in pop culture I guess. But when has, or will, deep frying ever be out? 🙂 And I can only hope that people will stop using “disrupt(ing, ive)” easily my most hated. word of 2013.
I have just set up a .com link to an exceptionally well researched article out of MIT that contradicts the Post at . So long as this link remains in place I doubt anyone could fail to remember how to return to it. In fact, by similarly branding TLD networks, websites and webpages with .com taglines and missionlines, integrated advertising and marketing can only support .com URLs. Imagine, for example, the impact on the chain of jewelery stores that registered if they had access to, and, as well.
these in and out lists are typically fluff pieces based on nothing much at all. out bitcoins, in coins..what does that even mean?
so funny Says It All ~~ No1 Dot Com