After reading a lot of article in the tech world, 2013 was the year of Big Data, 2014 is looking to be the year of the Internet of Things (iot).
The Internet of Things as short and concise as I have seen it described in, is:
“”A new era of ubiquitous computing is taking root and is a game changer. ”
“Clearly, the Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a buzzword but now starts at our fingertips and extends to our shoes, cars, and homes. The promise of this disruptive trend is to automate and connect everything to bring a new level of convenience to our lives.
The influx of data will be huge.
“Morgan Stanley predicts that the number of devices connected to the IoT will be four to five billion by 2016 and will reach 75 billion by 2020.”
“According to McKinsey, the IoT will add between $2.7 and $6.2 trillion a year to the global economy by 2025.”
So the Internet of Things looks to be upon us and is going to be huge and that brings us back to where it usually does, domain names.
On the domain name front, the domain name is for sale with starting offers at $2.8 Million.
The domain name appears to have been quietly acquired in 2012 where it went from a site owned by NXG BV, into a parked page under privacy.
NXG seems to have acquired the domain name in 2007.
The domain is owned by a Sounding Board Inc. of Ontario Canada and goes to a parked page and has been owned by them since at least 2007 is owned by Cowabunga, Inc. of Murrieta Georgia and is for sale at
The IoT has a domain connection beyond just domains.
According to, IoT, focuses instead on making all things (not just those electronic, smart, or RFID-enabled) addressable by the existing naming protocols, such as URI. The objects themselves do not converse, but they may now be referred to by other agents, such as powerful centralized servers acting for their human owners.
The next generation of Internet applications using Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) would be able to communicate with devices attached to virtually all human-made objects because of the extremely large address space of the IPv6 protocol. This system would therefore be able to scale to the large numbers of objects envisaged.”
So the Iot is crossing paths with domains and some brand holders at the London Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Congress is that many of them are planning on using their new Brand gTLD’s to track products, communicate with them in the case of say auto manufactures for example.
Each car would receive it own IP address allowing the manufacturer to interact with car and monitor the vehicle.
Looks like the IoT is the next BIG thing and are $2.8 Million you might be able to lock up the matching domain. owned by Cowabunga, Inc. – that is Ross Koty – been around for a long time – maybe 1994 or so – lots of very high end ??? domains and he owns also.
and ‘Data Factory’ is the next industrial revolution:
Hi Mike, nice article.
I own the domain – I’m happy to take somewhat less that $2.8m for it. Not much less, but I’m open to offers!!!
I am ready to make an offer of $5 for the set of and
offer goes off the table after today in favor of 5 cents
Quite the negotiator Brian, impressive!
not this domain (IMO)
is it just me or does ‘internet of things’ seem like a silly phrase?
Not as silly as my latest registration:
Very interesting. I’ve been following the iot market for a few years. I hear a lot of tech guys always mentioning iot, but the acronym has not become “household” to the average Joe yet.
it’ll be interesting to see how much goes for, especially this early in its stage. The Chinese are heavily invested in iot. I could see a Chinese investor paying 3+ mil for this domain.
> “Each car would receive it own IP address allowing the
> manufacturer to interact with car and monitor the vehicle.”
Not only the manufacturer, but your auto insurer could monitor your vehicle as well. So watch your speed, and don’t make it a habit to park in front of a bar for hours because your insurance rates may be adjusted accordingly.
But that’s just the beginning of what could be in store. Google internet of things privacy.
While there will be a lot of good things that this technology can bring, individual privacy could become a thing of the past. And if that’s the case, ‘1984’ has arrived, it’s just 30 years late.
Grim –
I think there is an original star trek series episode as well – a 2 part episode cant think of it right now
I don’t like it. But, I like, “m2m.”
@Grim said:
It’s here! “Telefónica’s global M2M solution – powered by Jasper – will enable connectivity for Tesla’s industry-leading in-car infotainment telematics including navigation, online music, and internet browsing, and remote vehicle diagnostics that relay information about the car’s safety, security and performance to the driver and Tesla service in real time.”
– Telefónica to provide M2M connectivity for Tesla electric vehicles across major European markets
How about an article about the worth of It’s already a developed site:
It couldn’t have found a better use . . .
I hand regeistered, SyncM2m and M2mTraffic.
They are viewed as two different things by the authors of this report:
Internet of Things (IoT) & Machine-To-Machine (M2M) Communication Market by Technologies & Platforms (RFID, Sensor Nodes, Gateways, Cloud Management, NFC, CEP, SCADA, ZigBee), M2M Connections, IoT Components – Worldwide Market Forecasts (2014 – 2019)
The IoT infrastructure allows combinations of smart things/objects, sensor network technologies.
M2M communication will be focused more on the terminals and data centers (e.g. cloud computing and home data centers).
They complement eachother:
Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Market Worth $498.92 Billion by 2019
I guess could be worth millions. Look what industry already did with!
M2M maybe appeals to me, because it is close to the wonderful brand, m&m. Ampersand character is not allowed in a domain name, as is the number 2, so maybe it appears like, m&m, with the allowed, “2,” instead of the, “&.” Who knows if that enters the psychology of why I prefer m2m to iot . . . maybe also the double m, with a number separating, makes an attractive logo . . .
I do not know if is worth 2.8 millions but we’ll see how much is worth!
It’s being auctioned now on Godaddy?
My guess it will probably end up been sold for 10k-12k, I dot not expect it to be more than that.
Looks like the term, “m2m,” wins in low sales! Sedo reports, 1,500 USD.
Not bad, for three word dot com!
m2mDateExchange purchased by Raco Wireless, no slouch in the m2m field, according to Frost and Sullivan:
Frost & Sullivan Recognizes RACO Wireless for Recent Enhancements to its Multi-carrier M2M Communications Suite sold for $1.2 million, a deal, compared to iot listed at $2.8 million!
The best iot domains might not even have, “iot,” or, “m2m,” in them . . . The NY Times recently published two article:
Controlling Your Smart Home With One Hub
Quirky to Create a Smart-Home Products Company
The best iot domain contains, “hub,” and Mike Berkens owns one of the best:
So, MostWantedDomains might have the best iot domain name.
Not a minute too soon!
Logitech invests in the smart home with Harmony remote and hub
Logitech Targets Home Automation Play with Harmony Living Home Lineup
” The ability of a single remote / hub device to control multiple home entertainment devices (AVR / TV / media players) coupled with one-touch control and simple setup has been well-received by the consumers. ”
Sorry you have to copy and paste the article urls.
Remote Hub is coming in the news, next month: June 2015, when Apple announces its smart home hub, the Apple tv.
It’s here! The Remote Hub for HomeKit is Apple TV:
HomeKit support doc shows setup, confirms Apple TV will serve as remote hub
In a moment of confident exuberance, I hand registered another iot/m2m domain. Do you want to hear what it is? 🙂
Okay. Drumroll, please ………………………………………………………………
This name is probably worth around 2million to the tech company who has the means to buy it. Recently was acquired by Cisco systems.
What is the latest on this domain? Has it been sold?