NameJet and XYZ.COM announced they have partnered “in a groundbreaking advanced auction format prior to the release of the TLD to the open market in 2014.”
“Forty premium .XYZ and .COLLEGE domain names will be offered in this first-of-its-kind advance auction, where the highest bidder purchases an option to acquire the domain at the winning price, taking possession of the domain when it becomes available at the registry.”
“As more gTLDs become available, individuals and organizations will have more choices for developing their brand and improving their customer user experience on the Internet. There will be new opportunities to claim keyword rich domains that have not been available in the .COM space for nearly 20 years.
“Below is a sample of the exclusive domain names being offered during these advance auctions:”
The first of the advance auctions begin on November 6th, 2013, and the last of the 40 domains will be auctioned by February 28th, 2014. “
In addition to offering these advanced auctions for the registry, NameJet will also oversee both the Sunrise and Landrush auctions for the .XYZ and .COLLEGE launches.
The auction is surprising since ICANN has been pretty clear that domain name cannot be delegated or even sold to anyone until after the Sunrise period for each new gTLD has been completed and any “sale” prior to the end of Sunrise is subject to being taken in Sunrise by a trademark holder.
It will be interesting to see the what disclaimers the auction site provides when the auction goes live.
They refer to .XYZ as global, international, worldwide. Nothing is further from the truth.
1) Less than 35% of the global population use the Roman / Latin alphabet..
2) In many of the national alphabets there are no X, Y or Z. e.g.
There is no X in the Polish or Turkish alphabets
There is no Y in the Romanian alphabet
There is no Z in the Icelandic or Swedish alphabets
There are no X or Y in the Slovenian or Italian alphabets
There are no X,Y,Z in the Irish, Scott Gaelic or Hawaiian alphabets.
3) In EVERY non English language XYZ are pronounced differently and with a different accent.
To summarize: Less than 10% does not make it “global, international, worldwide”
I have a funny feeling you are going to see some very high prices come out of this select few auctions, and some strong PR shortly thereafter if you get my drift.
I personally feel .xyz means nothing but jibberish, I see a lot of the pre registration of these gtlds is coming out of India, when it comes time to pull out those CC, you are going to be left with a lot of empty promises.