Elliot Silver, of ElliotsBlog.com tweeted back in April that he just bought shares of Apple.
Accrdoing to his tweet at the time he wrote , “Bad new if you own Apple stock. I just made an investment this morning, so my guess is the stock is going to tank”
However Elliot tweeted today that he sold his shares in the early morning when Apple was still going up, & wound up making over $100+ a share from where he bought it back in April.
“Sold AAPL today… not too shabby, eh @thedomains?”
You can’t blame someone who sold shares of a company when it hit the highest valuation of all company’s of all time.
After Elliot sold his shares in the morning, shares of Apple fell in the afternoon to wind up down over $9 a share.
Elliot not only has an uncanny timing on domains, but apparently on stocks as well.
No we are not getting paid for the recommendation, but Elliot is one of my personal favs in the domain business and a good friend so I couldn’t be happier for him.
Congrats on a nice hit and a nice call.
Now I can retire (kidding).
Most of the time, I have the opposite affect on a stock. I learned long ago that I am better off sticking to domain names and I let the pros manage everything else.
Congrats, Elliot – and Mike. From yesterday’s domain proverbs:
“Marchex stock fall when domainer not watch – Mai Ki Ber Kins“
“Buy low, flip high – Ei Lio Tsil Ver“
Elliot should have held on…IMO Apple will break 700 in September.
Good timing, Elliot!
Seriously and with all due respect to Elliot whom I respect and admire, are you insinuating that there is a direct correlation between Elliot selling his stocks and Apple stock sinking, Lol..
Apple from the little I understand about the stock market, is still peaking, and will for a long time to come. There are products in the works yet to be unveiled which will be coming out in the next six to twelve months, that will revolutionize the TV technology segment (one of many.) Just as they have every market segment they have entered in the past, they possibly will dominate that market with it’s new products. With that will come new huge market share, revenue and stock elevation.
Any market has it’s peaks and temporary setbacks on it’s way up, just watch what will happen in the next year or so.
P.S. disclaimer, I own NO Apple products, domains related a few..
“Good timing, Elliot!”
Thanks, but it was luck more than anything. I love the company, and I probably left money on the table. It’s always good to quit while you’re ahead though, and usually when I hand pick a stock, I don’t have that choice!
@ Dean
Thanks for the nice words 🙂
Hello Michael,
We agree. Apple is the most valuable company in the world.
Sincerely, Jeff Schneider (Metal Tiger), 8-22-2012
You know what gets me? Elliot won’t release his domain sales prices, or even purchase prices, so it can be properly categorized by domain journals, and help boost, or establish market prices; but he would release his stock purchases, and sale prices? Go figure. And, Berkens you should have mentioned this in your piece.
He must have sold a lot of shares to sink the stock price! (I know…)
How is this connected to the domaining world?
Also, it is important for all of you domain bloggers to help each other by posting information about each other rather than about domains?
@ Domain Environment
I visited your blog. With 2 out of the only 5 articles you currently have there titled “Domain King,” and “Mature Domain Investors are Mostly Pricks,” aren’t you kind of doing the same? (Except instead of being helpful, you’re being negative and nasty.)
Is that another nickname for you?
And, of course as always the commentors real questions remain unanswered.
Congrats E!
Grim isn’t a nickname, it’s my real name that my dad, Cantankerous, and my mom, Moody, gave to me. I have a sister named Gloomy, and another brother whose name is Morbid. Our dog’s name is Bill.
“but he would release his stock purchases, and sale prices?”
I didn’t do either, nor did I mention how many shares I bought.
I kiddingly tweeted that I purchased Apple stock back in April, mentioning that I seem to give stocks the kiss of death. Mike replied that he owned Apple stock, too, and he was worried I would give it the kiss of death. Yesterday, I followed up with my initial tweet to tell Mike I sold the stock and he no longer has to worry.
The dumb money has left Apple stock, look for $1,000 per share before year’s end. Who is Elliot and why should I care about his 10 shares of Apple stock?
I thought it was pretty self evident that the conclusion was tongue in cheek
@ Striker
I am just a domain investor, and you shouldn’t care about my Apple stock purchase and sale.
Congrats Elliot,
I bought Apple stock on Monday, sorry to say core of it is in Bin, tasty,
I think there’s nothing wrong that Elliot sold now at a nice profit. Profit is always good! But I can see Apple going even higher. Apple is golden right now, and I think people would, if for no other reason, like to see it go above the thousand per share mark, just for the sake of seeing it do so. But of course, Apple has new products coming out that could very well help that goal along as well. So that combined with people wanting to see just how high Apple can go may well help it reach that mark.
I may be completely wrong, but Apple is in a very unique position that every other company out there has to be completely envious of. Anyway, we’ll see what happens, but this is far more interesting (to me anyway) than the new gTLDs. 😉
I love and respect Elliot but to sell apple at this inflection only to buy more domains is nothing to celebrate in a post like this