A few nice sales at Sedo.com yesterday and today
The domain Undergraduate.com sold for $22K, a nice education domain but also a possible social networking site.
Sava.com was purhcase for $21,250 by SAVA Transmedia Inc o Montreal.
There are quite a few companies using Sava in their name so this was a nice end user acquisition.
Market.de sold for $30K, which considering that Television.de sold for only 3,300 euro’s or around $5K
Finally, gameofthrones.com the name of a Tv series currently airing on HBO sold for a just over $2K and was not purchased by HBO
not so much for MARKET.de
Wow – that seems like a great deal for Undergraduate.com, I guess the category-killer is graduate.com but still at 22K that’s a great buy IMO.
When I think of undergraduate – i think of something like Girls Gone Wild or a MILF site in line with the movie “The Graduate” or even night putting from Caddy Shack.
That said Michael’s social networking might just have a bit more “spice” to it.
“”i think of something like Girls Gone Wild or a MILF site””
What a surprise