Number 2 on the list is .Co domains
Number 3 on the list is 3D & Holo Technology.
“From websites to energy sources, here are a few of the best recent tech advances that have slipped under the radar.”
“Solar powered everything”
2nd: .co domains
“A relative newcomer to the domain name scene, .co domain names slipped onto the market in mid-2010 with little fanfare. For consumers, however, this relative lack of news coverage could be a benefit as many desirable .co domains are still available for purchase.”
“Operating just like .com domains, .co sites are easily recognizable in a global economy and help businesses and organizations distinguish their site in an often cluttered field. ”
3rd on the list:
“Holographic transportation”
“”Once regarded as a futuristic pipe dream, holographic technology is quickly becoming a fascinating field of innovation. In late 2010, researchers announced that they were successfully able to take an object from one location and transmit it in 3-D motion to another location – an idea straight from science fiction.”
“Engineers hope to eventually improve the speed of which the transmitted image is refreshed by about 100 times which would, in effect, allow for true holographic “transportation.”
the 4th entry on the list is “Cloud computing”
With Apple paying $4.5 M for the domain it is undeniable that Cloud Computing will be huge.
The article winds up by saying:
“In a time of 24-hour news channels and up-to-the-minute live blogging, it’s difficult to imagine many technological innovations have escaped the glare of the Internet spotlight.”
Obviously The DailyReporter is not a reader of where none of these “New exciting Tech Ideas” have flown under our radar.
happy to read this since I own MANY good 3D domains 🙂
Great news 🙂
It’s always been my dream for
to do an article on FT domains and mention
We all have goals in life and news like this makes me feel it’s just a matter of time.
“Operating nothing like .com domains, .co sites are rarely recognized in a global economy (and even then only as a typo of the world-recognized and commanding .com) and will help absolutely no businesses or organizations distinguish their site in an often cluttered field. ”
There. Fixed.
very soon all TVs & programs of the WORLD will be 3D and hosted “in the cloud”
that’s why I’ve just registered 3Dcloud . TV and Cloud3D . TV 🙂
Nice article, the rest of the world seems to be catching up with the Future of Technology.
If you’ve been a domain investor in the last year or two, you’ve already heard about those ‘hot’ topics.
“very soon all TVs & programs of the WORLD will be 3D and hosted “in the cloud”
Hope so, I just hand registered!
well, now we can hope to find a giant company (SkyNews, GoDaddy, CNN, etc.) that buys all these domains or a big domainer (with huge pockets) that wants to buys all them to resell soon at 3, 5, 10 times the price! 🙂
Good news for me. I invest many 3D and .CO domain names.
The Future Trend Auction by Stephen Douglas and Moniker will be a big hit, I’ve submitted 10 of my best domains, fingers crossed.
the best 3D domains will have hundreds times the value of the best .CO domains
Good news, my “BullS” site says it all about all the websites…
The internet will kill civilization-too much BS info overload.
There are a quite a few other technologies being developed i would have put in the findings before .co, but interesting non the less.
LOL… I am liking you more and more BullS.
I really need to start following your site.
Cheers just sold for $80K
“, sold for $7.5 million in 1999”
so, a .com has about 100 times the value of a .co
each day there are people creating websites aka startups with crappy names and they think they can make billion$$ overnight.
Go read mo dot com and you can see crappy names with their websites.
It just come to a point where there are toooo many sites that nobody believes what is truth on the internet.
If you look at it …all websites are the “Same” the same old BS
Haha what a crock of shit, I’m actually laughing out loud. A random website writes three general sentences about .CO domain names that can apply to any extension, and tries putting it in the same list as “cloud computing,” “solar power,” and “holographic technology.” This is almost comical. I wonder how this got in here …..
Is this really worth of a blog post ? Oh wait, of course it is, you are promoting gTLD’s and .CO
Seems that PT is upset at something.
I wonder if he got burned on some future trending domains before?
Just seems he has it out for .CO and the worst part is, it could only effect the people who buy or sell the domains.
I wonder if (s)he stresses out this much over anything else that other people do?
Just a thought.
Slate, maybe you should pull that stick out of your butt, I bet you don’t laugh too often.
You really can’t see the absurdity of putting .co domains in a list of exciting technologies that include CLOUD COMPUTING, HOLOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY, and SOLAR POWER ?
All being said, from your posts, it would seem that you are the one that stresses here.
I personally could care less if someone hypes .CO or hates .CO. The reason being is that it does not affect me what someone else does.
If an article from a site that gets 20,186 unique visitors per month wants to include .CO (their opinion) in an article that also includes the likes of Cloud Computing, Holo Technology, and Solar Power… let them go for it.
If MHB wants to write something about it, this is his site. He can do what ever the hell he wants to here.
Granted, we are both entitled to our own opinions, but I am not the one hating here. I am just pointing out that even though you are entitled to your opinion, other people (out side of your little world) find value in the .CO extension as a viable source for domain names. If NO ONE saw any value or potential value in it, there would be ANY sales to post.
And yes, I understand that the sales numbers of .CO have are not comparable to that of .COM, but you would not begrudge someone who bought a .COM for $30 and turned around and sold it for $1,000. Why would you have a problem if someone can do it with .CO?
Let the people make their profits. Let the companies/end users/domainers buy them if they want. It has no (or should have no) affect on you (if you are not the one buying or selling the domains). Just let it go… You will be much happier that way.
Cheers and all the best.
Based on your long-winded, off topic statements trying to make broad generalizations based on my 2 brief posts, you clearly have some agenda. What it is I don’t know, it’s obviously there, and you also have some pent up anger that you need to shake off, which is ironically what you keep trying to push onto me. No one would post such long and off-topic comments otherwise.
You still, not surprisingly, ignored my question so I assume you actually do see the absurdity of the article but conveniently ignored it. You just threw in generalizations about .co and went off on a .co tangent, when my comment was confined to this particular article and the ridiculousness of putting a domain name extension side by side with cutting edge technologies that are all over the news and changing billion-dollar industries. And yes I took a shot at what I perceive as MHB’s constant promoting of gTLD’s and CO, which of course he is entitled to do.
This is what the comment section of blogs are for, discussing things, arguing, and calling people out for BS. You can call me stressed all day and I can say the same about you and call you someone without a sense of humor with an agenda. That’s the game. But don’t pretend you don’t have an agenda, since you clearly tried spinning my comment so you could run off and unload your random .CO love-fest.
Nice article….
After my success with, I just bought another cloud domain
@Robert Cline
This is one of the threads that you want to speak your mind about .CO domains.
All I am saying that you should not be going on .CO domains in a thread that was clearly intended for the sale of a LLL .COM.
It was a nice .COM sale and when there are some .CO sales, MB will make threads about them as well and we can comment on them there.
So if you are going to go on about .CO, please just do it in a .CO thread.
Just my opinion.
Nice article. But I think all these .co,cloud computing were popular among the web experts before 1 or 2 years itself. Is it?
I have 2 new “solar” names as well (I love this name) (Solar Europe)
What do you guys think about:
Just looking for your first thoughts on those names.
It’s a good news for dot COs
Another 3D sale