In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle tonight, the CEO of ICANN Rod Beckstrom when asked when the new gTLD program will be approved by ICANN answered:
“The earliest time this program could be approved is sometime following the March meeting, and the latest it’s approved,
“is your guess is as good as mine”
I can’t speak for all involved in the ICANN process but when the head of the organization says the new extensions maybe approved anytime from today until “your guess is as good as mine” doesn’t exactly inspire a lot of confidence.
Certainly the statement would tend to discourage companies from investing the hundreds of thousands to Millions it will take to successfully secure and launch a new extension.
On explaining the brand protections for “global trademarks” Beckstrom said:
“We have agreed to create a global marks database. By marks we mean trademarks and service marks. … If you get a document to show that you own the trademark or service mark, you get to put it into a global database”
I though a global trademark was one which was recognized all around the world.
When I 1st heard of the term “Global Trademark” I thought about those brands universal in nature like Google, Microsoft, Intel and Yahoo, but apparently as we saw this week and as it was explained by the ICANN CEO, it could include generic terms like the letter “F” or the word “Tsunami”.
So now that Japan experienced a Tsunami this week and the term was repeated thousands of times by all major news networks, I guess those networks like CNN and ABC news are now trademark infringers since they used the term and didn’t attribute it to the “Global Trademark Holder” as determine by the Global Database.
That makes plenty of sense, doesn’t it?
So maybe there is a problem with the way the CEO of ICANN is now expanding the definition of a “Global Trademark”?
If you read in between the fine lines, if you have a generic name like Kayak, it means that your website have to deal with kayaks and other boating accessories,
if you have oyster, your website is all about sea shells and not for hotels or travel.
If you do, it is misrepresentation, false advertising and HomeLand/ICE will seize the domains.
That the way it should be!!!
Good luck folks.
So now ICANN is the earth’s trademark office?
“I can’t speak for all involved in the ICANN process but when the head of the organization says the new extensions maybe approved anytime from today until “your guess is as good as mine” doesn’t exactly inspire a lot of confidence.”
Oh dear! Maybe poor Rod CAN’T say anything in case of trademark infringement? I recommend a SOCKPUPPET to take the rap. I did hear they have it all sorted where the next meeting will be held…a meeting about where to have the next meeting – brilliant!
So maybe there is a problem with the way the CEO of ICANN is now expanding the definition of a “Global Trademark”?
ICANN NOW openly shows it’s contempt for Domainers , after all
the Honorable (cough) Bill Clinton will solve any problems …
except one problem they did not see coming …
So who did end up paying Bill Clintons secret “SPEAKING FEE”
i heard it was not ICANN … is that true ??
One-word ccTLD’s are selling like hot-cakes right now, in anticipation of the gTLD program not happening.
At the end of domain meetings, there is an auction of premium domains.
Sometimes successful, sometimes not.
Will we establish a pattern where at the end of Icann meetings, there is
an auction of new registries?
Some successful, some not.
Will we establish a pattern where at the end of Icann meetings, there is
an auction of new registries?
What was that movie ? “They Horses Don’t They ?”
What was that movie ? “They Horses Don’t They ?”
What was that movie ? “They SHOOT Horses Don’t They ?”
they’ll make more money as quickly as they’ll approve the new TLDs
“So maybe there is a problem with the way the CEO of ICANN is now expanding the definition of a “Global Trademark”?”
Does that really surprise you?
(ICANN) = Beckstrom’s Law
Non-Profit = Total Bullshit + More Power + More Greed = Huge Paychecks + Fat Benefits + Bonuses² = Who gives a F*** what every one else thinks!
or for the scientific
NP=tB+EGO+$$$= >$$$=>$$$=>$$$² = FY
or for the Layman
Bend over and take it in your chocolate starfish because we will do exactly what we want to.
Doesn’t surprise me but we will continue to fight against it
Once the “new gTLD plan” is put to bed for good, as in not happening- what does this do to the average one-word-termed ccTLD, price-wise?
To anyone wondering, we hand-reg’d WinningSex dot com today for $7.99. With C. Sheen jumping on today, we figured had some value…I like it for 8-bucks anyway 🙂
“Doesn’t surprise me but we will continue to fight against it”
You must have the patience of a Saint to take on that bunch. They’re stone deaf.