I sure blew this one.
But at least I’m not alone.
The next big thing is going to be 3D.
3D was the talk of the Consumers Electronic Show in Vegas in January.
3d Tv’s are already on sale and the World Cup was broadcast by Directv in 3D.
ESPN is launching its own 3D channel any day now on Directv.
Yup its going to be huge and I missed to boat completely.
However it doesn’t look like I’m alone.
Looking through the best 3D domains I could think of it doesn’t look like Frank, Kevin or even Rick locked up any of the best 3D domains or at least what I consider to be the best of the best.
I thought it would be interesting to take a look to see who owns the best of the 3D domains.
Lets start with the 5 star domain for the topic, 3D.com.
Its owned under privacy at Network Solutions.
The domain name was created all the way back in 1994.
The domain goes to a Net Sol, parked page so whoever owns it, isn’t making any money off of it, and it does get thousands of visitors a month according to Compete and Alexa.
A Waste.
3DTV.COM Is owned by an end user, Brad Beckerman of Beverly Hills, California
Its actually a pretty cool flash site you should check it out.
3DTELEVISION.COM and 3DGlasses.com are owned by an end user, Deep Vision 3D, of Hollywood, CA, although the 3dtelevision.com domain is not resolving properly for me the company sells 3DGlasses on the 2nd domain.
The domain, 3-DGLASSES.COM is owned by an end user, Theatric Support of Studio City, California
3DTVS.COM is registered to Jon Schultz of Blue String Ventures, Inc.
The domain, 3-dtv.com goes to a parked page and is under privacy.
Ted Amaradidis of Delray Beach Florida, owns 3-DMOVIES.COM and 3Dmovies.com and 3Dmovies.tv
3DTELEVISIONS.COM is owned by domainer, Gregg Ostrick of GNO, Inc.
3DSPORTS.COM is owned by our good friend Chad Folkening of Ecorp.
3DMOVIETHEATERS.COM is owned by Ralf Schumacher, who is another fellow I know pretty well.
3DTHEATERS.COM is owned by a Daniel Symmes of Woodland Hills, CA and is another domain not resolving properly.
The domain name, 3DADVERTISING.COM is owned by our good friend Stephen Douglas of Success Click.
The domain 3dprojectors.com is owned by Scott Bennett of Glasgow who is using it for a blog.
3DGAMES.COM is owned by another good friend and ICANN’s worst nightmare, George Kirikos.
3D.TV and 3-D.Tv are both owned by a Guy named Ben Geren.
(If you are not familiar with Mr. Geren He also owns some of the best possible .FM domains, including Rock.FM, HipHop.FM, Classical.FM, and Country.FM, ClassicRock.FM, and Oldies.FM just to name a few as well as some pretty good .TV Domains including, wireless.tv, channels.tv. concerts.tv and cinema.tv)
Congrats boys, you own part of the future and you all kicked my ass.
The next big thing is NOT 3d. Have you ever tried to watch a 3d movie, or TV show? They suck. The TVs that are supposedly “3d” enabled right now – also suck. 3D will NEVER take off. They can all take these words to the bank. I wouldnt waste my enemy’s money on 3D domains.
FS owns 3dfootball.com, a very nice one
They have a long thread on DNF about 3d.
If I can’t own one of the prime 3D domains (which is too late now),
I’m not going to waste money on mediocre domains.
3DHealthRisk ,com is available.
Must disagree – the new 3D stuff is going to be awesome. And why not get a halfway decent name. They’re only going to be more expensive in 2019, when there are 3d wristwatches and hourly shuttles to Mars.
Thanks Mike…just regged 3-dFlashgames.com
I have 143 3D and 3-D domains in my portfolio including:
3dflatscreentelevision.com ,
I got these.I guess we’ll see what happens.Cheers everyone.
There are still plenty of good names to be found, as I did just recently too.
i got 3dbullshit
My business partner has always owned ddd.tv – I’m not a big fan of .tv but he receives offers for that name all the time.
Tech domains are always a bigger gamble. You hold them for years counting on their short shelf. Think of CD.com, how many more years before that one is just a LL.com (which yea I know too bad on it’s own but u get my point). I agree with your best of the best thing, it’s at least hard to go wrong with those. Going ape shit registering any 3D domains may not be the best biz strategy for someone.
I agree that 3d will be hot, Congrats to Howard for getting ahead of the curve.
I’m jumping on 855 number .coms that I think will be in high demand after the Oct 1 launch of 855 toll free numbers. I can see the .com being valuable when used in conjunction with 855 numbers to bolster response to TV, Radio and print ads by companies that own and use the new 855 numbers.
An update on this blog post, for kicks (yea I got sucked in after all) I checked all these “best of the best” 3d domains but did a find an replace on the 3 for a 4 (so 4D) and all but two were taken, so I reg’d them being coined best of the best from on high.
So now I’m the proud owner of 4-DGlasses.com, and 4DMovieTheatres.COM (The english spelling).
I also went and checked 5dtv.com, and up. The first available one is 10DTV.com. Any takers?
I have 3Dfolios.com and it gets only 15-20 type-in visitors per month (while 3Dfolio.com is an actual 3D portfolio – developed by an end-user). I didn’t actively tried to sell it, but I’ve listed for sale on sedo, just $100 …. and no luck.
I think that 3D is a decent market but far from top ten (I don’t want to suggest that my domain is a premium or anything but I expected more traffic).
NameAdmin/Frank owns 3dFlash.com
I own 2 swedish 3D .com domains.
3DGlasogon.com (“3D glasses” non idn way of spelling)
3DGlasögon.com (“3D glasses” the correct swedish word for it)
Sorry, most of these domains without the “3d” are poor – adding “3d” as prefix doesn’t make it better.
Reminds me of the delusional domainers from years back who registered a bunch of “virtual(keyword)” or “internet(keyword)” or “cyber(keyword) domains…all hot words from yesteryear
Or the redundant keyword “flatscreen” – when everything today is flatscreen.
Well, outside a tiny number that are truly relevant, that sell to end users, most of them are worthless.
In 5 yrs or whenever, when everything is 3D many of these names will have little value (think “internet(keyword)” domains).
Well anyway, it’s nice that some people have a nice pastime similar to playing the lottery & at least some of you domainers are not doing harm to anyone else…
As usual registries/registrar make coin from gold prospectors.
Will 3D be popular? Sure.
Will it make mediocre 3D domains valuable. No.
Got 1, that’s it 1, BUILDA3DWEBSITE.COM And it my be good for 1 minute 1 day! 🙂
I only have one 3D domain name, and I’m the end user. 3DArcade.net, Dot com was taken and the owner wouldn’t sell it to me for anything. He also owned .net but let it expire so I took the 2nd best!
I sold 3DLaptop.com for $1000 when I paid less than $10 for it 60 days earlier. I even had to wait a few days as SEDO (the auction I sold it for) said I was shy of the 60 days. I have other 3D Domain names that are getting hugh amounts of traffic from all over the world without ever advertising them.
Two words. Pigeon Shit.
Hi Em-Bee
Thanks for the mention of my “3Dadvertising.com”. Those who questions its relevance should just put a google news alert in quotes for “3d Advertising” to see that every agency, company, manufacturer, marketer is jumping into the 3D advertising world. It’s a no brainer. Everyday I get a minimum of 15 news articles regarding new advances in advertising with 3D technology.
However, I agree with AGGRO’s assessment of “adjective” related nouns that will become so mainstream at some point, making the adjective moot. If an adjective becomes too commonplace for the prodservs, it will basically extinguish itself, such as the adjective “online”. Remember how many domains were registered with that word? Well, everything you define for the internet is “online”, so it’s redundant. I call it the “Redundancy Principle” for domains my clients should avoid buying. It takes a lot of study and IQ. Luckily, in this case, 3D will be growing and evolving for 10 years or longer, so the choice between “non-3D” and “3D” will still be the defining option, keeping the 3D adjective very powerful. Within that time, holograms will introduce themselves. I pwn this sector completely. 😉
Anyway, 3D names have to be specific, and relegated to consumer/business use in a way that an enduser will be able to brand it for its prodservs. I didn’t seen any other domains in the comments that I would consider high value, although some should sell for four-five figures at some point. I liked “3Dfreetrial.com” and “3DTVFX.COM” (nice brand).
3Dadvertising.com is probably in my top 5 best 3D domains, (several high five figure offers) which I bought five years ago forward. The others (out of 40):
•3Doptical.com (for the glasses. I have had several five figure offers on this one)
•3Dhomeviewer.com(and 3Dhomeview.com) for the ultimate in presenting your house for sale
•3DTVbroadcasts.com (which will run about a five year “is it in 3D or not” style choice, dulling the “Aggro Razor” theory.
•And, for the realistic marketing studio/networks – 3DTVAmerica.com
Oops, more than five.
Thanks again, Em-Bee.
I think 3D is going to be a popular fad, but not as big as most are predicting. I tried a 3D TV at the Sony Store and had a migraine headache for 2 hours along with messed up vision. Don’t know if that is how everyone’s eyes react to that kind of extreme vision perspective change, but for me it was enough to have no interest in going 3D.
I didn’t like the experience of everything jumping out towards me either.
The person in charge of the TV section in the local Costco store told
me last month that they will be featuring a number of 3D tv’s this
People were “on this” early, leaving only a few modestly interesting .nets for latecomers like myself, such as . .
a TV it’s a TV it’s a TV…
This type of domains have a very short term “Shelf life” (aside from 3d.com )
Just like : Big screen TV, Flat Screen TV, Plasma TV, HD TV , Satelite TV , Super HD TV. True HD TV,
By the same token : Movies are Movies…
Even if 3D becomes the standard nobody it’s going to say perpetually ” I am going to watch a “3d Movie”…
fads are fads.
till the next big thing.
I think the key here is to hold on to your 3D domains for another year or two when the market really explodes. I have a few…
and I’m right there with you JP on getting a jump on the 4D market
Who knows, maybe one will pan out.
MHB, i think you omitted one of the ‘biggies’. 3DPorn.com .. just sayin. that has got to be a huge market coming down the pipe
Domain Animal
Maybe I’ll just wait & get 3dporn.xxx
@ Eric,
KILLER. This is already a MAJOR focus with all the TV and sports cable networks. Hold on to it and let those who want it slobber…
good job
Sorry to burst the 3D bubble here, but has no-one else read this?
The occasional 3D movie is OK, but prolonged exposure to 3D can damage your vision and is especially hazardous to children who’s vision is still developing.
I suspect 3D TVs and 3D Games may be prohibited by authorities in the near future.
Hi, These are entertaining post and comments – thanx! 🙂
3dpigeonshit.com is still available Andrew, you gonna grab it or what?
Lol. I could start a directory with 95% of the names here. 🙂 As a someone once told me “unless someone is searching for the exact term it’s worthless”. If, as some people on here say, they received 5 figure offers for domains with 1k global exact search domains, you’d be an idiot not to sell. Allocate that capital elsewhere!
Hahahahaha … they closed NP thread and now the same 3D bunch is here promoting their 3D names – where else will they go.
By the way, 3D is not the next big thing. Mobile is the next big thing.
I have a few:
Agreed, 3D popularity will increasingly skyrocket — glasses free 3D is the next iteration that will gain traction.
What started off as a nice post about the top 3D names deteriorated to a bunch of comments about rubbish 3D names (not all, but many).
3d domains were mentioned to me 3-4 years back – when i realized i was dusted long ago.
MHB, you should get a commission from the registrars who benefited from all the new 3d-related domain registrations inspired by this post.
I have.., I have…, I have…, ……….. Good grief. Hijacking someones blog to pump one’s domains. The desperation wreaks..
Further evidence, the ‘true money’ in domaining today, is in being a registrar!!
Gee, what a surprise. This blog post has gone the exact same direction of every 3D thread on every domain forum – from a discussion to a shameless self promotion tool.
have to agree w/ Brad and Kevin M. poor etiquette imo.
I save my “self gratification” for the top of a 14,000 colorado peak – I gennerally get more satisafaction directing “matters” with the brisk wind.
The silver lining in publishing a list of domains for sale on a blog is a reminder of how few pure generic brandable terms there are relative to the amount reserved for speculation purposes – per the reason to have a registrar as the previous guy mentioned.
God knows I have let countless of my own drop as well – part of the tuition we pay to get where we are.
I got some adult names.
3DUpskirt.Com and a few more with naughty names.
Another excellent article, now reduced to a sales pitch for people who own terrible 3D names .
This always happens, Michael did not ask you to show us your names, but you need no excuse to start listing your names in the slight hope someone will email you saying “Wow , i saw your name on TheDomains.com , how much do you want for …..?”.
You can’t buy class.
I agree, I was traveling today but now removing all comments where people are trying to simply sell their domains.
Guys if your trying to sell domains on the blog, your going to be put into the spam folder and thereby blocked by Word Press.
Its a fine line but you know the difference between bragging on your domains and trying to sell them
Your right.
I should be on commission
I wonder how many 3d domains got registered today
3DTVs.com is owned by Blue String Ventures, of which I am majority but not full owner. For some reason Moniker lists the Administrative Contact of domains as the Registrant. Bug in their system, I think.
MHB, I think that 3Dphone.com is one of the best global 3D domains.
Ralf Schumacher? The F1 driver?
Mega disruptive trends are passing us by while we argue on 3D…
A) Group buying
B) Mobile Ads
C) Social Media
D) Location based services
E) Mobile Payments
Recent article in Mashable.com has more insights on the above sunrise trends…
How about http://3-d.com 🙂
Though I don’t really think 3d domains is that hot.
3-d.com is owned by E-CO.com
Which may have thought about buying e.co which recently sold.
3-d.com is going to a parked page
I found 3Dking.me’s “top 10 3D Domain wish list” from “My Top 10 Favorite Domain Names” on Elliot’s Blog as follows:
May 3rd, 2010 at 12:16 pm
Top 10 3D Domain wish list.
Maybe not 5 Stars, but none too shabby (imho):
I agree bro, but but I know several good domainers that have your A,B,C,D, and E covered too. Any good future trend domain buyer got into those at least five years ago.
Good call tho. There’s always a “future”, I think. So use basic “current” trend domain buying for the same theory on buying future trend domains.
Talking about disruptive trends…
What about LED lighting?
With the potential for replacing billions of incandescent and fluorescent bulbs/lamps (including appliance and automotive) over the next decade, I’d say that’s no small change.
How’s 3dhot.com
Not stellar but nice and short.
@Lou Mindar
No, I am not the F1 driver 🙂
But I love 3d Domains.
My 3d Domains
@Ralph Schumacher,
Please contact me for further information on 3D domain marketing. I see at least seven very valuable 3D domains you listed. Join my little club and push the domains to their best value. Another domainer and myself joined forces over five years ago to gather up these kinds of domains, which will obviously work huge. You can get my email address from Em-Bee or my blog.
good job
Jothan, you big lug.
Yeah, that brand is huge. Don’t act like you don’t know it! I’ll give you a call, or you can call me and I can get you situated. Of course, you’ll have to tell me how the internet works. ‘-)
LED light replacement. You are doing your homework, dude. Now to find a term for this conversion that will work on a consumer level. I started looking into this 2 years ago, and it’s not going to be easy to find the right domain. If you find something under 10 characters that defines a strong promotion of the LED conversion, you’ve hit pay dirt.
very good!
TIP: when buying domains, try to avoid double adjectives if you can, unless the niche goes exactly to those prodservs. (such as “3D” [adjective] “Home” [adjective] “Movies” [noun].com). This domain leads you to another question: are there really “home movies” beyond 8mm cameras? You have to think of these things before you buy the domain. It’s actually not a bad domain tho…)
I’m just giving this inside info here on Em-Bee’s blog because he made my day. 😉
Stay tuned for some incredible domain paths to choose (you can even see Rick Latona seeing the light in a “telling” comment he made to RJ on DNJ over six months ago. I have a copy of it on my blog. There’s going to be an avalanche of amazing domain sales and website buildouts that are going to pop eyeballs.
I failed to mention Jothan’s killer domain brand for the 3D consumer explosion:
Like, this domain is hot in three dimensions! Seriously, these kind of domains are being looked at by thousands of ad agencies, mainstream and production companies. Follow Jothan’s lead.
As far as those who think only registrars are making money from this kind of focus on 3D domains, I’m assuming you don’t have any domains in this category to give yourself and anyone else a stiffy. Yes?
I can only dream to imagine how much money them guys are going to make.
here are a few of mine:
Why am I such a sucker, and furthermore why have I not unsubscribed from this post yet so I can stop thinking about this. Well, this post just cost me about another $25 as I just reg’d
Of course it would have been really cool if I just reg’d the above 3 with the prefix 3D instead of ‘ddd’.
Well I did it again, already. What has it been 5 minutes? Anyway, this is my last reg of this sort I swear, but I think some here will be proud, I took it one step further.
That’s right, holographic TVs. It’s a real thing too, coming to a living room near you (well from glancing over the eons of google results).
Don’t worry, I already checked, all the other Holographic domains are taken, though I don’t think I checked everything with just the prefix ‘holo’ in case that turns out to be what people call it.
Ok, stopping now. Is this really what I should be doing with my time here in Bali?
Have fun in Bali.
Yes Holographic is the NEW 3D. What is “4D”? Nothing.
HolographicTheaters.com is a killer domain. You’re on the right track. But just email me directly for more info if you’re going in this direction.
How about 3DLCD.com ?
The global market for 3D display will be worth in excess of a hundred billion dollars.
LCD will be the primary display technology used for 3D displays, as a result of its wide range of display applications ranging from small mobile phones to large public displays and TVs, according to DisplaySearch (January 4, 2010)
Already, lots of 3DLCD web sites have been developed by many countries such as 3dlcd.com, 3dlcd.ca, 3dlcd.nu, 3dlcd.com.au, 3dlcd.co.uk, 3dlcd.eu, Samsung3dlcd.org ………… (within a short period after CES 2010)
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) revs up the 3D revelry with some stats, according to CEA:
. 4.3 million 3D TVs will be sold in 2010 (that ‘s 25% of all set sales)
. 53% of adults want to watch 3D at home, according to CEA survey
. 1 in 4 folks plan to buy a 3D set within the next 3 years
If this thread continues to evolve, people will start registering
3DConcrete .com
3DLightingStore .com
3DDogFood .com
3DAluminumFoil .com
3DElectricCar .com
Interesting observation, 3DConcrete is reg’d since 2001.
Enom took control of the domain in 2008.
The domain was initially owned by a concrete company.
Hey I’ve seen movies branded as 4d before. In seaworld. They shake the seat, spray u with water, emit smells, etc… Not the true meaning of 4d though
Very short time “shelf life” for this type of domains.
Ask the people that had/have “Big Screen” “HD” “plasma” True HD” “Satellite” domains…
Sell them while they’re hot…
People will continute to buy TV’s (period)
People will continute go to the movies…
(exceptions apply : 3d.com 3dtv (s) .com and a ahndful of c.c ‘s )
…till the Next Big Thing.
I can’t help but mention this audio equivalent to 3d video:
binaural music & sound
This technology has been around for years, but it never had the opportunity for broad adoption because implementation relied on the use of earbuds or headsets. The iPod changed that.
The concept is fairly simple. Special, miniature microphones are placed in the ear canals (or computer simulated ear canals). When the sound is played back, the brain is unable to distinguish playback from the actual sound originally recorded. The result: dimensionality of sound that must be experienced to be believed. It is beyond surround sound. You know this when you attempt to localize the sound to your headset, when listening, and can’t!
For a demo, go to the iTunes store and listen to the “Darwin Chamber” album demo (earbuds or headphones required): 3D Dante’s Inferno (Headphone Remix) 1:54 – Darwin Chamber 3D
advertising in 3d may well be a lucrative avenue to explore also
i recently purchased 3dvideomarketing.com
I also setup a 3d niche directory for fellow 3d domainers who develop domains into sites
just a short list on some names i have picked up
looked at various ways 3d is going and looked for some in those fields,the adult industry may take just a little longer
Hey Domo :).. please don’t mistake HD with 3D.. not even close to the same thing… HD is an ‘ENHANCEMENT’ – 3d is an ‘EXPERIENCE’ – not to mention the amount of ways that 3d can be applied to so many every day things (like phones, and computers and tv and education ..etc..
Unfortunately, i may never make this list of TOP 3D NAMES, but out of the few hundred that i own, i think i have some nice ones stashed away.
When considering 3d Domain names, i pretty much looked past the product names and directly to HOW 3d will effect the web and HOW 3d can be applied and really make an amazing website useful and beneficial, so a lot of the names i have i think are going to look much better in the years to come then they will at the moment.
What i mean are a couple of names like:
3d Rental Homes or 3dHouse Rentals, 3d Dating Websites or 3d Dating Sites or 3d Shopping Sites ..etc..
… names that i think will eventually be here and in very high demand… factor in the CPC for the terms withOUT the 3d and these could be very heavy hitters later.
There are a few other names that have emerged as BIG terms this past year that even industry insiders may not have predicted, like 3d AIO (or 3d All In One) … point being that you still CAN join a party a little later and have some fun.
Here are a few of my FAVORITE 3d and FT names (not necessarily my BEST names though)
• LIVE3dEvents.com
• LIVE3dTelevision.com
• 3dAdvertisingAgencies.com
• 3dOnlineMarketing.com
• 3dTestDrive.com
• 3dVideoMail.com
• GestureInteraction.com
• TouchAndGesture.com
• 4dMovieTheaters
• HolographicGlobe.com
• HolographicAtlas.com
• 3dEducation.net
• 3dVacations.net
• Online3d.net
• Streaming3d.net
• 3dGame.co.uk
• Map3d.co.uk
• Net3d.co.uk
• Travel3d.co.uk
* The Traveling industry is another industry that should reap tremendous viewers once 3d virtual tours are stereoscopic video’s and not just some panoramic picture… Any 3d Geo buyers here? – i definitely missed the boat on those – i grabbed a bunch of .info’s and .us’s for the fun of it but was not lucky enough to scoop up any of the dot-coms.
NJoy 🙂
I can’t wait til Schilling, Buydomains and Marchex start posting all of their 3d domains for sale in this thread.
The following domains are available.
333-DDD ,com
3DGarbage ,com
Dear sir, I started this run on 3D several years ago… I’ve promoted 3D and other technologies for domainers to try to purchase OOTB domains for Future Trends (FT domains).
Unfortunately, my good friends, including Frankie, Kevin, Rick & Rick, Em-Bee, Howe-Doggie, El, Dub-A and several other top domainers weren’t buying these domains cuz I wasn’t promoting them during the period of time I was building my portfolio for these domains that will define our consumer/business focus in the next three years . All these domain experts already had success in their experienced areas, and God love them, they make waaaaaaaay more money than all of us, including me.
However, in the next five years, my domains will “mature”, along with several other domainers I know who were smart enough to look into the future for their killer PREMIUM domains. Domaining is a fantastic business to be in. You can buy current topic domains from someone who just wants quick cash, and then flip that domain for twice what you paid.
Ironically, I have two partners who sit around in their underwear, shooting squirrels in their backyards, but selling domains they buy one month for four figures, and resell them for five figures or more a few months later. All while sipping beer and keeping up with daytime TV. Laugh all you want, you’ll just be mimicking what these geniuses do daily. It’s a blessing, and I hope they understand this. Me, I took that “invest in a neat name” representing something coming soon.
There are “old school” domainers who have their techniques to make lots of money, and there’s the “new school” that’s going to “school” the “old domainers” on what’s going to be current this year and the next few years.
The Masters of Domaining succeeded greatly in nabbing the best of the best “current trend” d0mains. They didn’t spend time looking to the future. I did. I have spent 8 hrs a day (night) searching science and technology for domains that represented what’s coming up next. That was MY strategy (I can give the credit to my wife, who wouldn’t let me spend $100k on a domain I wanted – her reasoning was “make what you got generate cash, then we can talk”). I love my woman.
Anyway, 3D is only one small aspect of FT domaining. The field is wide open. I explained this on my blog and way back in 2006 with Monte Cahn on Domainmaster Radio.
If you think 3D is a joke, pick the most valuable phrase with the adjective “3D”, and google ALERT it for your email. Then see how many news articles appear from those ALERTS every day.
You’ll be a believer in 3D domains very quickly. BUT, remember, 3D is just one small facet of FT domaining. Thats’s what I teach my clients and myself. I also tell my clients the other ten most promising FT prodservs for them to look at. But as always, “buying domains takes brains.” (©stephen douglas 2010)
Much success to you!
#1 – My point was – it is rude to post your domains for sale on someone elses thread.
#2 – They are making the same mistakes many of us made a number of times over the years.
They are taking an excellent category and reg’ing every possible combination.
They (and all of us) need to stay prime. If you want to own a prime 3d, shop around for a good domain at a good price. By reg’ing a bunch of garbage is throwing money in the garbage can.
And, you are making an assumption that old-time domainers are not continously looking for new trends and categories of domains.
Hi Bro,
I wasn’t ripping the old timers — but trust me, they aren’t “focused” on analyzing and studying “new future trends” of domains. they are looking for strong current trend domains that are dropping daily… still. Why? Because they make money NOW for those domains, and they have this system locked in.
I’ve looked on most of the domain auction sites for FT domains and nothing for sale there compares to what I already own.
I appreciate your reponse, and would be happy to continue this conversation with you.
You are right about a “rush to buy anything with an adjective being promoted”, such as “3D”, but those are the actions of unprepared and uneducated domain investors. (This is why I make a lot of money as a domain consultant).
I don’t care if they buy tons of crap. I warn them not to, I warn everyone to take their time and think hard on how a domain name will manifest itself as a revenue generator. However, you’ve probably already figured out that domain buying for noobies is like playing the quarter slots in Vegas.
Shame abounds!
Google Announced today that YouTube, 3D is coming within the next year:
here’s a clever end user… http://ddd.com
Pretty cool (DDD)
I actually went (REAL) outside the box on ONE of these kinds of names… (not as good as DDD though) … biggest downside would be that it would be totally and completely driven by marketing (not be search) but i thought a very cool way to stand out from the crowd (if you had the money to market it)
using IIID as ‘3D’
something like ‘IIID Movie’ (not mine – still available BTW)
may sound ridiculous at the moment and understood (i only have ONE :)), but given some time and with the 3d market getting much more cluttered, it could become a little more appealing… until then, i can’t argue with anyone laughing about it.
Here’s what I don’t get….
I wear glasses, and the correction is different for each eye. That’s not at all unusual. So anyone who wears glasses is either going to watch a fuzzy 3d image, defeating the idea of HDTV to begin with, or “relax” by wearing two pairs of glasses. Ummmm…. No thanks.
Obviously, you have to buy an undetermined number of these things to match your anticipated maximum number of viewers, and in different sizes for kids and adults (and the ones the kids will break). And, yes, there is parallax barrier technology, but then you can forget about viewing angle.
It just strikes me that 3dtv is great for single childless gadget freaks with 20/20 vision (i.e. young), but the mass market potential is just not there.
3d has always been “the next best thing” for movies, through several generations since the 1950’s, but even with each “latest and greatest” 3d cinema technology, it hasn’t been worth a handful of titles every now and then (and the polarization technique has been around for long, long time). So it’s not as if even “good” film 3d has a track record of being commercially worthwhile.
And, oh yes, keep your head pointed straight and level at the screen, since any 3d tv technology has to be only laterally binocular. Throw away your tv watching couch and register 3dtvNeckStrain.com, because that will be the next-next big thing.
I have to agree with John that registering all kind of 3d names is useless, don’t forget that if it catches on, everything will be on 3d. Do you search for “Color TVs” now on Google?
This “Stephen Douglas_Successclick.com” needs to chill out and not monopolize the entire thread by trying to tell us who he is and who he supposedly knows.
I say have a 3d only domain auction and see where the chips fall.
We are seeing more and more major companys getting involved with 3d like
hollywood and major directors
Holografika (hungary)
SeeFront (germany)
Sensio (canada)
Zalman Tech (korea)
Dassault Systèmes
Dolby Laboratories
ok this is just a list from the top of my head if i was to really think hard then we could have 100 times more here,
technology is moving fast concerning 3d so much so that even though i know more than the average person its hard to keep up on all of it lets look at how its being developed away from 3dtv and movies.
have you ever considered the possibility of 3d being used in the nuclear field ?
no well thats exactly whats happening.
Fusion power technology is mankind’s biggest engineering challenge. Leading scientists, engineers and planners are working towards the solution significantly aided by the availability of 3D model based data held within a single software environment.
well you have probably heard of 3d baby scans but what else in the medical world has seen new horizons due to 3d
how about a new prosthetic leg using 3d technology
just a few examples but its not just 3dtvs look beyond this people its a whole new revolution using this its crossed into so many different places that i guarentee within 5 years every single perosn will in one way or another will come into contact with 3d and i dont mean a 3dtv
Its been good up to now that people just couldnt see past a 3dtv its left the door open on some really nice domains that me and a few others in the field have snapped up,i myself cant wait untill we see 3d mobiles hit the marketplace next year
yes 3d mobiles you dont need glasses with
just a 3d fad ?
erm not quite
oh and i forgot 3dtvs will always be switchable between 2d and 3d hence 3d will never be dropped from being in the name you will either watch in 2d or 3d.
I let CheapHDTVs.com drop because it was not worth the $7 to renew it and that is the case with almost all the useless non-brandable 3D domains suggested on this thread.
Just because the 3D technology is cutting edge and fun and visual (and will further the adult entertainment experience), this has nothing to do with branding 3D domains.
All said, it makes me feel good about hanging on to Orgasmatrons.com over the years.
Improved Orgasmatrons, with 3D and a Holodeck – and I will never have to leave the house again !!!
@ brianwick
oh boy look beyond your tv and your little 3d movies
3d is not all tvs
glad to see though that people like you continue to drop names not saying i want yours i dont hd domains were never that great just a fad you obviously missed the boat when to sell
have you seen wikipedia in 3d yet ?
so n normal adult movie is just that “an adult movie” so wait how do we distinguish between the two ?
wait i know
“3d adult movie”
sorry but thats the way it is 2d and 3d must be distinguished between
seriously you slate others and you regged Orgasmatrons.com ?
anyway i hope this helps in making more domainers drop names 🙂
i dont mind dropping a few names tbh all my 3d domains have made my reg fee back so right now i am sitting collecting for each renewel if needed which i will be able to do at least 2 years on each meaning i have lost nothing also the 3d domains have paid for all my other renewels not bad if you ask me.Scoff at em all you want but searches rising clicks rising offers rising,sales rising all point to one thing
no matter what way you look at it
not saying every 3d domain is gold there is some bad ones out there and i am not shouting i am going to be a millionaire or anywhere close this is more a hobby for me.
hook up “3d” in google alerts and see what comes through you might get a shock at just how broad this is forget 3d movies and 3dtv seriously thats not even close to the money unless you have 3dtv.com etc
Sorry for your obvious sophomoric frustration friend
The Realist
not me my friend i am happy in life and happy with what i do 🙂
no frustation here free domains all round whether they crash and burn or not really does not matter to me i dont lose any cash or sleep for that matter
RealD (NYSE RLD) – a 3D Movie maker and 3D technology distributor – went public today.
I suppose everybosy should start reserving more of the DDD type domains now.
What’s the best place to sell my 3d names?
@ brianwick, can’t believe you let CheapHDTVs .com drop!
I don’t think anyone will search for 3D because it will be the standard and expected.
People don’t shop for cellphones or smartphones, they search by brands based on the heavy influence advertising.
You don’t search for a phone with voice mail and caller id because it’s expected.
You don’t search for a 3G phone or a 160 GB hard drive. You get to the hard drives and make the choices there. You get a mailer from Verizon telling you why you should switch from ATT.
I think people will go to best buy or amazon and hit the television tab.
3D technology probably has a bright future… The top 0.01% of 3D domain names may, too….
The vast, vast, vast, vast majority of people who are invested in 3d domain names (99.99% of which are unsalable, hardly usable garbage) are simply dying death by 1000 godaddy cuts.
You are assuming that EVERY telecommunication service and display will be “3D”, which is clearly not the case, and will never be. 3D won’t consume every entertainment venue, but it will remain a specific “choice” for the consumer/business. I understand what you’re saying when a domain name can’t have an adjective that describes a “new tech” that quickly becomes “standard”. It’s kind of like buying domains using “betamax” or “vhs” — when VHS obviously captured the market quickly and removed both the need for “betamax” and “vhs” distinctions in domain relevance.
That’s not going to happen in 3D/Hologram technology. It still has a decade to figure itself out, and I think that there will be so many different visual variations available, that keeping the distinctive adjectives to define 3D, 4D, Hologram/Holographic will be important in prodservs online.
I’ve stated this several times before in the last week when this same argument came up. For example, would you buy a domain name that had the adjective “HD” in front of it? Or use the term “high definition” in a domain? You could, but we all now this “descriptive phrase” will be mainstream for all visual technology within a year or two. There won’t be a need for any terms branding prodservs “HD” because all tech visuals will already be understood to be “HD”.
Good points for domainers to consider when buying ANY new tech domain.
We have about 80 3d.coms and 3d domains , Our best
You get the picture, I just noticed that Adobe will be releasing it’s next software package in 3D and that means 3D websites soon to follow, 3D domains will sell for high prices within the next 24 months. So don’t under sell.
Contact me for the 3d seller’s list.
.. i never understood this logic (you’re not alone)… according to your thought process there is no need for any other domains except for maybe the Fortune 500 companies…
do you completely discount ‘search’?
MILLIONS of people ‘search’ for their desired product/service on the web – in DROVES they search – and it leads them XYZ website(s).
… i’m not trying to be rude, but do you still not really grasp the POWER of the internet, let alone ‘3d domain names’?
I only own one 3d name – it is now a little over 10 years old … 3DWealth.com 🙂
Well i have some GOOD NEWS for you EVIE
Verizon FiOS TV Launches ‘WealthTV’ in 3D On Demand
Good Luck To Ya 🙂
We added 4 new 3d domains just today
Stunned they were available
“Stunned they were available”
Stunned you wasted your money. I personally like 5d Vodka mixed with 2d soda and 4d twist of lemon.
You are completely wrong
Lime, not lemon with the Vodka and Soda & although more fattening Tonic is better.
Why not add:
– Booze for those in Denial, Drunk or just plain wanting to go in Debt
Good luck – but what is the market for Gin3d.com – maybe a 3d glass of Gin ?
I have TV3D.com 🙂
Any thoughts on these?
COPAMUNDIAL3D.COM (world cup in Spanish)
FUTBOL3-D.COM (soccer in Spanish)
PUBLICIDADE3D.COM (advertising in Portuguese)
Also have a hand reg’d a few 3D(movie genre).com;
and a few more…
Worldcup I believe is trademarked
Boy do you guys think small. 3D websites will be display sites. You will be able to try on pants soon on the new 3d internet, All the words we put in front of 3D.com are brandable words. Anything brandable 3d.coms will sell for big bucks as the 2d websites phase out.
I have just a few, but my favorite is 3dOnTheGo.com.
I predict that in the very near future, mobile users will be able to project 3D images from their mobile phones.
I’m not a big 3d investor, though, and none of my domains are category killers.
@MHB, welcome to your new most popular post of all time 🙂 i’ll bet you this post has not even reached the halfway point of comments
“I think people will go to best buy or amazon and hit the television tab.”
that seems to imply you dont support Rob’s (Monster) theory of ‘federating’ the web. I expect you will raise the issue in your upcoming power lunch, and I look forward to hearing the debate.
cf. the recent interview on Sullys Blog – http://sullysblog.com/Monsters-View-of-the-Internet
(quoting) “Mike: I have seen some of the Epik portal sites. What is the concept supporting these?
Rob: What we are essentially talking about here is federating or distributing Amazon. ….. You can federate the web and have different types of information on different domains as opposed to having everything residing in one massive repository. ” (end quote)
@Ms Domainer,
You’re absolutely correct. They already beta tested an add-on module for cellphones/cameras to convert their photos to 3D, both shooting and displayment. Those who think 3D items are just a flash in the pan, they’re going to be surprised.
Good call.
3D “items” are NOT a flash in the pan…only 99.99% of the 3D domains that are being reserved are a flash in the pan – as someone boldly came forward with earlier.
How about this:
for every 3D variant domain reserved, please buy 1 share of Verisign stock – i.e. if you are going to rot your intestines a greasy big mac or whopper – you might as well buy stock in the company that is laughing all the way to your grave.
another one I’ll let drop…
One thing I’m sure of is that in the very near future 3D will be huge online and in the gaming industry not just TV. I’m betting on that..
I would tend to agree with you
Please note that I’m not saying anything is “3D” applicable as an adjective resolving prodservs. As a matter of fact, 3D is only the gateway to the more technologically difficult but endgame for 3d… it’s called “HOLOGRAM”. Or “HOLOGRAPHIC”.
I only own about thirty 3D domains, but they’re workable, viable domains, as Em-Bee pointed out here in his article for one of them.
I don’t understand what a “3Dvodka.com” could be. I’ll take my Popov for real, (can you tell my good taste?) heh
3DVodka will shortly be outdated by 4DVodka.
If anyone is interested 3gvodka.com and 4gvodka.com are available
as far as i can see where people are going wrong is concentrating on 3dtv and stating
“oh well it will become the standard thing and the 3d part will be dropped”
erm not so maybe tvs will eventually go that way where the tv auto switches to 3d when you insert a 3d dvd etc but at the end of the day not all movies and programmes you watch will be in 3d tvs will always have 2d so dropping 3d from them will take years if it happens at all.
other advancements ie
things like this also will never drop off the 3d i cant be bothered really making a mass list but you get the idea here many technology breakthroughs are being made with 3d which without having the term “3D” would not descibe it so how can it be dropped off .
the internet is going 3d have you seen the 3d wikipedia experiment made a while ago ?
still not heard wether they got the backing of w3c on this but lets hope they do it would be a great boost for the internet
As time goes on and we all sit and argue the advancements are being made
i have several 3dhtml and 3dxml names tucked away from a long time ago specially for this whether they make it or not who knows but thats what i do i speculate and every so often it pays off with a nice big sale
@ Stephen Douglas
are you planning something if so let me know 🙂
i could have something thats very beneficial to you
i have 3dcinema.biz
thought anyone
i know its .biz but still a good name i think
Should we all band together and start the .3d tld since it is such a powerhouse of domain value?
Just kidding. But good luck to anyone that actually tries.
@Another One
You’re asking me, the strategic/tactical monster of domaining if I’m “planning something”? lol
Every day my friend. My plans can take years to come to fruition, but just the fact that my buddy Em-Bee wrote this article, and has received this many comments shows you the interest in the area of “future trends”. Amazing, huh!
Email me if you want to be included in my “plans”. I’d like to hear your ideas, confidential of course!
dude, go get 3D surfing something… (you’ll be surprised at how many of the terms you’ll look for are already taken). As a surfer, you have some other ‘inside” terms the domainers won’t (or haven’t nabbed yet). The fact there are so many “3D surfing” niche domains already purchased only pushes your own picks further into mainstream. yes?
Catch a little head dip for me, would you?
I like all of the controversy, concerning 3D. We have the believers on one side, and the nay-sayers on the other side. The development for 3D products is hugh! Just about anything electronic, with a screen, will be using 3D…! This is just the beginning, for a monumental opportunity. You can wait and watch, or be a leader, in this new-born industry. I will be up-front, with the trend. How about you…? P.S. And, don’t forget about 3D’s new best friend, 4G!
Will somebody here explain the “reality” of “4D”? The Fourth Dimension? Really? Is this the “TWILIGHT ZONE”?
There’s nothing commercially viable about 4D, and I’m sure you’re not going to see anything advertised using this adjective. I could be wrong… nothing surprises me nowadays. (GW Bush did NOT create our financial situation in his 8 years of office!!! It was Clinton’s fault!)
Yeah… but I’d like to see some commercial usage of “4D”.
Just so everyone gets it right I did not buy 3dvodka.com I bought vodka3d.com
Huge difference. 3DVodka makes 0 sense but the other way around is a 3D display website with Vodka as the product being sold. Its huge, Im glad nobody saw it.
VODKAIN3D.COM is still avaliable
so is idiotin3D.com perfect for ya Big D
regarding someone’s comment relating to 3d gaming domains…
– when the consumer demands his casio/card game be in a 3D presentation – 3D casinos just become casinos again with those 3d expectations – otherwise the user just goes away.
Repeating myself – since all consumers expect HD in their TV – it just becomes TVs again – not HDTVs – and that is why I dropped CheapHDTVs.com – not even worth $7 a year.
@ brianwick, You’re smart, and the fact you registered cheaphdtvs in the first place shows it. Far be it from anyone to dispute your right to drop a domain for whatever reason. If CheapHDTVs made you angry, maybe you are better off without it. Trademark, gambling, cuss, religious domains I avoid, no matter how high the value.
CheapHDTVs still gets exact searches of some 2400/month, and a CPC of $3.27. It even appraises at $7200.00 on Estibot. So you made a savvy domainer/registrar happy by dropping that thing, is all I’m saying. You have better names than that, more power to you!
Would you send me a list of domains you plan on letting drop? I might take them off your hands for a profit!
– L 🙂
Good for you on making cheaphdtvs.com work for you – personally, I have trimmed things to where I want to be about 7K domains – so you win that is great.
FYI – sometimes it is better to leave a bit of money on the table and focus on what we try to be good at – rather than chasing the next whim – in this case hd, 3d, 4d, 5d, holodecks, whatever – too much brain damage for me.
PPC is a temporary way to pay the bills – but no where close to the reason I got into the business starting my 13th calendar year in January. Building turnkey business around a pure generic is where all the money is at !!
Best of luck friend.
@Stephen Douglas
a few 3D surfing domains I own and can’t wait to start developing ( just waiting to tech to catch up with my ideas…)
– 3dsurfmovies.com
– 3dsurfmagazine.com
– 3dsurfpictures.com
If you surf too, you know it’s going to be huge in the industry..! See you in the lineup! in 3D!!
@Stephen Douglas – RE: 4d
I actually have 4dMovieTheaters.com …
.. which have been around for a while (albeit only at major amusement parks) but have recently started to hit the mainstream in the obviously much more advanced countries like Korea.
4d Movie Theaters are the ones where your seat moves with the action, and mist will spray you in a rain scene, or smoke will blow before you in an explosion scene – you get to experience the ‘smell’ of the BLAST… or suddenly you will feel heat from that explosion… fun little ‘experiences’ like that is what a 4d Movie Theater is… i thought this would translate very big here in the States, if not for adults, then for one of the main vehicles that drives product demand and marketing – the TEENAGERS.
Koreans Watch AVATAR in 4D
– – – – – – – –
Vodka3d …
… look.. i’m a pretty big believer in 3d and the effect it will have on the web… but 3d is ‘basically’ a VISUAL EXPERIENCE – whether it be via touch or gesture or any other form of ‘interaction’ it’s astonishing because what you ‘SEE’
… some ‘senses’ just don’t seem to translate well for the 3D realm… ‘smell’ and ‘taste’ being, probably, the two worst senses to benefit from 3d or a 3d web.
… although it has been posted that 3dBakery sold for $1k…
I absolutely wish you luck with it though.
– – – – – – –
… as Stephen Douglas had mentioned above… ‘3d’ is the ball breaking the brick for AR and HG… i know these are RISING industries that have set their sites on our future and are an inevitable outcome waiting to happen… ‘3D’ (Three Dimensional), whether sterescopic or cad or holo… i’m betting ‘3D’ will “most likely” be the main calling of these industries.
Take something like ‘3d Trading Cards’ (NO – this is not Lenticular 3d)… Topps puts these out … started last year… it’s really Augmented Reality – VERY cool – makes me wish i was a kid collecting these all over again – but they’re being called ‘3d’ trading cards… ‘augmented reality’ gets a nice supporting nod somewhere in the description but the calling for this has been ‘3d’.
– – – – –
In closing… a 5 month old Backorder finally hit my account this weekend – extremely excited about this potential killer name (Thank You GoDaddy!)
• 3dInteraction.com
is at long last is MINE!
Njoy all 🙂
– 3dsurfmovies.com
– 3dsurfmagazine.com
– 3dsurfpictures.com
Total winners. Minimum value in 2 years – $5,000 each, and that’s going to be adjustable of course. I wish I owned those babies, but no, I’m not buying at retail, ZE. lol Hold on to them. Those domains will be the gravy on the elk steak of those who love surfing and can actually SEE it 3D, and those providing this ability will WANT to own these domains.
@ 3D Domains,
John, as long as the 3D domains represent an applicable use as prodservs that is easily understood and “semantically” connected to those prodservs, then you’re on the right track. 3Dinteraction.com is an “EW” domain (Either Way). If people will be able to interact with 3d, then you’re king. If not, or the visual name changes (as in “hologram”) you might have a confusion there.
As for “4D”, that’s always going to be relegated to amusement parks, but will quickly be replaced by the correct definition of experiencing the “full display/senses”.
There’s a common misunderstanding about “3D” prodservs. If you took the name “3D” literally, it would describe a “globe” image. It would be like something you could hold in your hand, or such as a model of earth hovering in the air, and you can spin the 3D globe, or actually just walk around it and see the different sides of the globe.
However, the term “3D” for advertising/prodserv purposes is a big marketing/advertising “distortion of meaning” to use in order to sell the products easier. The 3D you see becoming commonplace even today, such as the movie “AVATAR in 3D” is actually only a set of “images in depth perspection”. In other words, you will see images “pushed” at you at different levels of perception in depth. But if you got up, and stood to the side, nothing would change as far as linear viewing of a complete image, such as that “globe”.
Since that “3D Globe” is a perfect example of what 3D “really” is, but manufacturers can’t yet create that effect without pushing the consumer/business cost into the five figures, what the term “3D” has become is just a layered “2D” perspective. That’s still exciting for everyone, and a big technological advancement for visual entertainment. But in reality, the term 3D is being misused in marketing/advertising of the prodservs.
This is probably a result of not having another short “term” to describe this “layered perspective” technology. It’s not really “3D”.
What is the term now for REAL 3D? It’s called two different words/terms: HOLOGRAM, HOLOGRAPH, HOLOGRAHIC
Those last three words are the “super tech” adjectives for the future of visual entertainment at all levels. Some people still call it “Virtual Reality”. That’s a correct term for those three “holo” words above.
3D technology and prodservs will be sorting itself out in the next decade, so don’t worry about buying domains in these adjectives. They aren’t like commonplace acronyms, such as smart domainer Brian Wick is talking about. You have to see a technological advance as a “bust out and done” feature, or as a “this term will take some time to figure out and divide between old and new”.
In Brian Wick’s example of “HD”, that term caught on quick, so HD was accepted by everyone within 3 years. In fact, it was a necessity for broadcasters. So the urgency and major availability of the HD technology rendered any domain using that term in the “going out of style based on common standards”. Brian is right on that understanding.
Ultimately, if you’re going to be a Future Trend domainer, you have to use many parts of your brain to choose which domains won’t fall into the Brian Wick category, which will have a future of “old and new” separation of prodservs, and how strong the new technology will be.
I’ve given a lot of huge hints here. I should have just posted this response on my blog, but Em-Bee has been good to me, even though I’ve never shared a double Lagavulin Islay with him… (can’t wait – maybe at DF 2011), so I’ll give him my expertise here and the content.
Thanks Em-Bee!
Oh — and to DMpartners… don’t be mean to Em-Bee. He can buy California if he wants.
NOTE: I have to thank Em-Bee for being fair to me again. He listed one of my domains, and I received email notices of posts (that never made it to this comment section) that attacked me for “talking so much about 3D domains”.
And another post attacking me for showing a few 3D domains I owned as examples of the types of 3D domains to purchase.
I’m not sure, but I don’t think any other domainer has as much knowledge, other than John at 3D domains, regarding 3D technology.
But I was set to answer these negative and unfair comments I saw in my inbox, but when I came here, they weren’t posted. Thx Em-bee. You’re a scholar and a gentleman!
@Stephen Douglas
The best part of it is that the last 2 I reg’d just yesterday after reading your post on 3D surf domains.. as a surfer and web designer I’m stoked to be a part of this movement. Also reg’d today:
– 3Dsurfcam.com – I can see it already… looking at the surf as if you were there…
…and made sure to register the reverse order too… will users search using the 3D at the end or in the front..? These are universal terms in the surf industry but depending on the language of origin, the “3D” comes either in the front or in the end to make sense in that language… I think this will also play a role in motivating a potential buyer to get both versions of a generic term… it’s worth the 7 bucks risk for each…
@ ZE
That should work — I prefer 3d as a prefix, but for branding, I think front/back are both acceptable in correct grammatical positioning.
I agree that branding gets the name first, We just hit xxxtv3d.com
It’s there because most did not see 3d.coms. We did and picked up a great batch because of it. I know xxx has been hit hard but at least we got one this late in the game.
3DMOBILEZ.COM – aswell
Hey everybody .. just curious to hear and see if anybody jumped on any 3d names with the new dot co extension.
Would love to see a few.
VERY good sign that SO many of them have already been grabbed (surprisingly so).
3d.co is 10 years away. 3d.com has to run it’s course before a typo extension will work IMO.
Hi Stephan! We have come a long way forward, from the Grandma Moses effect of 2D….but, her art work commands millions $$! You made mention of the term, 4D, and that generated some testimony. It is 3 to 5 years away, development-wise, and even longer for marketing. Think in the term of 4D, 4G, 4K…Flowing, but slow growing from my development is..Quantum synchronization, infinite periphery, quasi-view, binary arcing, and more confusing terms for the masse’s. But, all in all, some years away for 4D, but on it’s way. And, no, there won’t be strange odors coming from your hand-held, Ha- Ha! It’s kinda like trying to run lightning thru a flashlight. The marketing gurus like to use the term 4D, fully knowing that the public accepts the term, at face value. Have a great day, Jerry P.S. There is engineering talk of 6G, and I just shake the marbles in my head…Geez!
I managed to bag alot of 3d domains before the party started, see my list below, and comments would be great.
I see 1 good one free3dporno.com would be better if it said porn,
Not happy with anything but .coms right now and that is just my O
I think 3d.coms will take a few years to buy up again just my O
it was very interesting to read.
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?
You can follow me on Twitter here:
Hhhmmm interesting reading all the comments on 3D names. I suppose should things take off as well as everyone thinks I may be a fool for offerong 3DLaptop.com for $45k obo.
There seems to be a lot of “willing” to good fortune going on.
Good God Almightly
I’d sit on that for about 2 years, or, if somebody with corporate vision knew how to capture that coming market, gave you your $45k right now. Price seems right, but will double in a year.
I think what’s not being understood here is that I’ve personally spent five years, almost every night, for hours, researching new technology and how they connect with branding or generic descriptive domains. 3D isn’t going to be a “done deal” by any means, and will NOT become standard (using the argument that descriptive niche domains lose their value once the “niche” becomes “mainstream”.
As I stated back in 2006, Future Trend domains will be the new Gold Rush on domains within 10 years (although I stick with .com and .orgs).
Yes, 3DLaptop.com, thank you for your advice, 2 years eh, not bad.
Hi all
Some of you may know me from DNF or Namepros, or just general chats on email. I’m guilty of randomly emailing other people interested in 3D domains lol
I have a few names I have invested over the last 3.5 years or so.
3dGlobalNetwork.com to VERIZON??
I told you there is no such thing as a 3D Player LOL
All the best Froy
Moving from “.com” to “.co” or any other non.com is like moving oceans and creating new beachfront property – and how much money has been invested with the existing beachfront property?
Some of you will remember as .cc (an easy abbreviation) gained a certain degree of acceptance years back – that acceptance created confusion with the consumer and corporate America. That limited success ultimately became its recipe for failure and sent .cc to the vast wasteland of worthless, useless non-brandable non.com’s.
As Emma says – and has been said countless time .co is just a typo ultimately – but if some of you can make a quick buck prey on the utterly naive – go for it.
Thats the not the word around town Froy lol, nice to hear from you mate
My msn is gilescoley, keep in touch, would be good to chat sometime.
seen quite a few low 4 figure sales recently but still to see a really big one last one i know of was 3dtv.co.uk
i recently sold one .info 3d domian for $400
@3D Domains,
A .info domain for $400? That’s bad? On a domain that features prodservs that haven’t even come close to peaking in the consumer trend circle? What domain was it?
I’ve turned down offers for some of my 3D domains in mid to high four figures, because in a year or two, they’ll be mid to high five figures. Considering my continued investment in those domains is only $8 per on an annual basis… time is on my side. If not, maybe I’ll write to this company I heard of called “digipawn” where you can “pawn” your domains. 😉
Just added another 2 domains to my 3D list
Just grabbed one last night. mobile3dnetwork.com
We have all the mobile and global 3d network combination’s hoping for a big one there.
“If not, maybe I’ll write to this company I heard of called “digipawn” where you can “pawn” your domains. ”
lol there isnt enough lube.
Per the Lube comment,
I am very entertained by all this lube, greasing and over all self-gratification regarding 3D.
speaking of lube …
… just grabbed these (stole?)
• SexPorn3d.com
• PornSex3d.com
high search in the ‘non’ 3d version (not so much in the actual 3d at the moment)
Anybody think these are worth the gamble?… i’m not exactly an aficionado on the adult industry names, although i do have a handful of nice 3d porn/sex names stashed away 🙂
sexporn3d and pornsex3d
Why not the names say it all.
you cant ignore the adult market ever,so much money in the industry and always a market for it
3dpornvideo.com sold recently for €1,000.00 this before its even mainstream
i have the following
and i have these as well
we have 2
xxxtv3d.com and bondage3dtv.com
I like the bondage one the best of the 2
Total score on those
did you get them OOTB? I predict 3Dconsole.com will sell for five figures minimum by 2015 or sooner. congrats!
I paid
Via Afternic, I know these domains will do well, I do think the 3D SMARTPHONE one will be the biggest of the two, by the end of 2011, 50% of all phones sold will be Smartphones according to expert reports, by the end of 2011, 3D Smartphones will have hit the market and will be the next upgrade from the original Smartphone, 3D MOVIES, 3D GAMES, 3D CAMERA , 3D INTERNET AND 3D NAVIGATION, come on, who would’nt want that on a phone.
I don’t have you on my FT list (Future Trend domainers) unless I don’t know who you are – and I don’t. I’d like to have you on my list for this special group of domainers who understand tactics and using their heads/wallets to “invest” properly.
Can you contact me at my email address? You can get it from my website, or someone you know.
Yeah, when I am paid for appraisals, I ALWAYS give the minimum price to alert the owner not to sell below it. As we all know, there is no predictable “ceiling” or maximum on a domain value. I’ve provided appraisals at minimum values for five years now. I’ve never been wrong, and not far off from my “minimum” to the max selling price.
Nice prices for those two domains. I’d like to talk to you directly – can you find a way to contact me or me to contact you?
Good job on the domains. I hope someone will come back to this post where you revealed your price of purchase at the start of the 3D revolution, and how much value for the domain was built over the coming years.
Hi Stephen Douglas, Ive sent you a email.
or contact me through – 3dsmartphone.com
The majority of Smartphones if not all are set up on “contract only” with a fixed monthly fee, developing countries use “Pay as you go” mobile phones, when Smartphones are both contract and pay as you go then I personnally think they will edge the market and be the “norm” when it comes to mobile technology. Few links below
“I think we’re going to see stereo[scopic 3-D] ubiquity in five years,” he explained. “I think it will percolate to handhelds and laptop devices — this is where the big breakthrough is going to be in the next few years.” With telecom giants such as Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T pushing towards next-generation networks,
Looks like a 3Dmobilenetwork to me.
ala 3Dmobilenetwork.com
Look at what just popped up 1 min ago
Need I say anymore about my 3DSMARTPHONE.COM
Hey guys, this is an interesting discussion, 3D does seem to be taking off at the moment, I have picked up a few 3Ddomains this year, they prob will be hard to sell, but a few will hopefully be worth holding onto, any thoughts?
Ta 🙂
Me likey!
The day is coming, and those who don’t believe will know their failures… that makes me sad. heh heh
You could probably put me in the minority on this one… and YES – i definitely like your smartphone name (heck, wish i had it ! haha)… but does anyone say ‘smartphone’ anymore?
I’m located in the states, so maybe things are different elsewhere, and yes, you have the almighty dot-com, but the term ‘smartphone’ was used much heavier about 4- years ago and has since been referenced to just ‘mobile phone’ .. it’s basically ‘assumed’ now that your mobile phone or cellphone IS a ‘smartphone’ being as it does everything it does.
I checked Google insights, and it shows me that i am indeed wrong, with the Phillipines leading the charge in ‘smartphone’ verbiage… but if you are considering holding this name for an extended period of time (as you have already suggested), don’t you think this term will become as obsolete as ‘records’ or ‘netbooks’?
This will become integral to anyone looking to drop big money on a ‘long term’ investment, and me, personally, i think this would be your biggest hurdle.
I’m not trying to sour your investment – it’s a GREAT NAME, please don’t think i am trying to diminish your name… but i would consider this very strongly for the long term as this MIGHT have a very short shelf life.
I DO believe you will make a significant ROI, but please be careful not to overplay your hand with this one.
.. my opinion ONLY, of course.
… with that said… ‘count me in’…
Dig On This:
• Buy3dSmartPhone.com
everyone i know says “i got a new mobile” nobody really uses the word smartphone much and tbh this has always been the case i cant really see everyone changing to smartphone from moby,mobi or mobile anytime in the future but that does not take away its still a very good name to have and yes i am the same wish i did have it 🙂
3d mobile names we have are
I continue to see these 3d domains popping up everywhere but I cannot find what they are attached to.
Is there expected to be a 3d internet launch? If so when is that expected to drop?
Just a price report ( kind of ) had a $25k offer on 3dlaptop.com and passed :0
There is only 1 3D mobile site and it’s http://www.3Dmobilenetwork.com
Verizion AT&T Sprint Virgin Mobile who is gonna get there first.
Hi Forum, following this tread and seeing the comment from Josh that 3dlaptop has been valued at 25k, this is amazing, it makes me think my domains may actually be worth something, please see posting above, do you guys think these domains are worth developing sites on? bit of a newbie to the domain game and not on any forums so haven’t had any feedback, so any advice would be appreciated, ta
…it’s funny… i have so many of these 3d names i forget what i even have… 🙂
…and then with all the ‘laptop’ talk’ i realized that i was able to hand reg:
I understand it’s not as great as your beauty Josh, but what do you all think of this one?
*** PSSST… Hey DM Partners…
… you’re certainly not gonna gain any brownie points from VERIZON with a typo – (Verizion)
.. in your original post, you mention the following name as one the ‘Great’ Names in ‘3d’:
… am i to assume by your post then, that you believe that “3-D” (Three DASH D”
is within the realm of greatness for 3d domain names?
I know the ‘proper’ dictionary term is exactly that ‘3-d’, and everywhere you look and read, it is referred the same ‘3-d’ (this is probably more proper editorial than anything)
… some might say that ‘3d-Glasses’ would be a better way to go (dash separating the two words)
… up and down the internet you will probably get a different response to this question, but being as you yourself have included this in your list of ‘Great 3d Domain Names’, are you condoning ‘3-D’ as a viable option for the other 3d domainers who visit this site?
thanks 🙂
Not sure exactly what you mean by:
“are you condoning ’3-D’ as a viable option for the other 3d domainers who visit this site?”
I don’t think 3-d domains are as good as 3d domains, its still have is a hyphenated domain especially when combined with other words like 3dmovies, I like it better than 3-dmovies but its still worth having
i agree with what you are saying at the moment, and i have a couple of ‘3-d’ names myself for the exact same reason you mention “but its still worth having”
… but i don’t think i would have ever included that in my own personal list of ‘Best 3d Domain Names’.
By you actually posting a hyphenated ‘3-d’ name like that gives me hope for a few of my other ‘just to have’ names (eg.. 3-DMobile.net)
Personally I’m not in love with .Net’s at this point with 500 new extensions coming
i have fallen out of love with dot net a bit myself, i was just using it for an example.. (but i do also have 3-dLaptop.net 🙂
.. and one that gets a lot of views, both on my site and the who.is… is 3-DTVOnline.com…
… now while i really like the name itself, but boy, do i sure wish it didn’t have that dash
… and yes, probably a bit too long to include a dash but it could hold some potential.
Anyway.. thanks 🙂
3D Domain Names
Thanks for the heads up on the typo.
All the best
DM Partners
“Personally I’m not in love with .Net’s at this point with 500 new extensions coming
500 new extensions? That sounds like fun, would you care to share what you mean by 500 new extensions? **I understand that there will be 500 more extensions coming out, but when and what type of extensions**.
Anything of interest?
Cheers and thanks for the information.
I walked into a well known mobile phone shop here in the UK yesterday and they had 3 sections to the shop, “Contract Phones” , “Pay As You Go” and “Smartphones” . The word “Smartphone” here in the UK is a big deal right now, Ive sean and heard Tv and Radio adverts advertising “Smartphones” , I do think with new technology comes new names and I know the word “smartphone” has been around for ages but so has the word “3D” and look what kind of an impact that is making at the min. The press release by Sharp yesterday chose to use the word “Smartphone” and not “Mobi” or “Mobile” , which makes me think this is the correct word to have in the domain section. The thing is, if all the advertisement and press releases are using the word “Smartphone” then who would go and type in a search engine “3D Mobi” ? The future for me is the “Smartphone”, wonder how much Smartphone.com is worth?
Just one more thing whilst im on a rant, I do think the words “Mobile Phone” will be used in future by mum and dad who want a phone for texting and making calls, the kids want a “Smartphone” for going on the internet, playing games, watching movies etc…. Just my opinion! 🙂
@ Slate,
I started the 3D “research” on domains in 2005, then spoke of “future trend” domains with Monte Cahn on DomainMaster Radio a year later.
What you can do to see what’s happening with “3D” trends is to simply “google alert” your email, so everytime a story is written on 3D, you’ll get a copy of the article in your email everyday. I get from 10 – 25 articles on 3D daily. Obviously the trend is here.
And judging by the amount of interest by at least five domainers on EmBee’s blog article, looks like the excitement is still going strong. My warning:
Stick with .com’s, don’t start going crazy, analyze and research your purchases before buying.
I’ll be preparing an exclusive Future Trend domain auction with one of the top domain auction sites in the next 60 days. If you’re into FT domaining, contact me.
My only concern with a “Future Trend domain auction” is how people are going to place a value on the domain and who will risk paying a lot for a future domain that might be big? Everyday will all buy domains that we think might be big in the future but if they are sold early the seller will only get 1/10 of what the future price could be?. Am i wrong?
Welcome to the world of domain investing. What made anyone think buying coastal property on California Native American land called “Santa Barbara”, would be valuable. Selling at a profit is the game, never look back at how that domain’s value grows after you’ve sold it. Sell at profit, be happy.
Can reserve prices be placed?
“And judging by the amount of interest by at least five domainers on EmBee’s blog article, looks like the excitement is still going strong.”
Anyone got a link to this article? I had a quick look and couldn’t find it?
or is that referring to this article??
Just seen this quote
“As Ross Miller of Engadget notes, Sharp’s upcoming phone can be expected to compete against at least two other 3D-enabled smartphones slated to hit the market sometime in 2010-2011”
Seems everyone is jumping on the 3D Smartphone bandwagon! 🙂
and not the “mobi” wagon!!
“500 new extensions? That sounds like fun, would you care to share what you mean by 500 new extensions? **I understand that there will be 500 more extensions coming out, but when and what type of extensions**.
Anything of interest?”
I’m of course referring to the new gTLD’s.
If you have not been following this, I suggest you use the search feature on the top right of the blog and type in gTLD and start reading some of the articles I have written on them.
500 is just an estimate of the number of expected applications in the first round and should be live in mid to late 2012.
This is ICANN estimate.
The time for application isn’t opened and won’t be until next year.
Some of the extensions that people will be applying for include.
.NYC, .Africa, .Irish, .Music, .Gay, .paris, .berlin, just to name a few
@mr curly
i would rather have any mobile or phone name than smartphone
why ?
because thats what the comsumers know not smartphones
ten years time they still wont be called smartphones on the street by joe public
look at your quote 🙂
“Sharp’s upcoming phone”
what sounds better
iphone would look rather naff called the ismartphone dont you think
smartphone is only used as a descriptive word by companies to promote its not a word that consumers actually use in the uk,usa or anywhere else
check google results on the list see where smartphones fall
not the place to get overboard on thats why you got this comment of reality
its like the .co thing really .co will never replace .com not in the near future if it had a chance of it then its 10+ years away same with smartphone
its a good name and will earn you something nice but calm down a bit 🙂
plenty of comments on here of bigger names but they dont go ahead and try to gloat
think marketing
“Sharp’s upcoming phone”
what sounds better
3dmobilenetwork looks good to us.
MHB. I have taken your advice and have looked the post on the 500 extensions.
Thank you for that. The information was very helpful. I do have a question, well more like a comment. The correct term for “Three-dimensional” is “3-D” and not “3D”. It is hyphenated if written correctly. Merrian-Webster recognizes “3-D” but not “3D”. Just a quick Google result frequency for “3D” turns up about 403,000,000 results (0.44 seconds) and for “3-D” the searches are about 1,530,000,000 results (0.23 seconds) .
At the same time with Google Keyword tool, “3D” never appears by its self its always with a filler word like TV or Movie. While “3-D” does get searched on its own with only 60.5k global searches.
I know from a Domainers point of view hyphens bring down the value of a domain. Any conjunction of a word would bring down the value but if it is the correct way to spell the name (such as Blu-ray or 3-D, correctly spelled has a hyphen), would that still bring down the value of the domain?
Sorry for steering this off topic a bit.
Again I think 3d or 3-d by itself is one thing but when part of a longer string I think people would type in 3dmovies more so than 3-dmovies.com
Just look at the Alexa and compete scores for those two sites.
But that’s just my opinion and I’m often wrong.
Just ask Berryhill
I don’t disagree with you. I was just wondering out loud really. I must be getting “OLD”. I still attempt (attempt being the key word) to spell things correctly. I fail all the time but that is besides the point.
I was only considering why the correct spelling of a word would make it less desirable. Have we gotten to a point in society that slang has become the dominating language?
Again, just thinking out loud.
MBH, thank you for your work. You always get my mind thinking and I appreciate that.
“Have we gotten to a point in society that slang has become the dominating language?”
not to steer off course, but one could probably argue that the ‘printing press’ was one of biggest inventions of all-time… this created ‘marketing…. which created business… money, money, money
the internet and domain names are really nothing more than a digital version of the printing press with the power to reach across oceans.
The target has always been and always will be the consumer.
With marketing, we (somewhat) have the power to manipulate the consumers idea of what is and what is not big, or popular, but in the end, it’s always going to be the consumer that dictates what will and won’t sell.
As i have pointed out earlier about “3-D” being the correct and proper usage of the phrase (this is because it is the combination of TWO WORDS – ‘Three Dimensional’), this will still be in the hands of the people who search (the consumer)… and by the looks of it, “3D” (no hyphen) seems to be king.
As for domains, the rules may need to change a little bit too (evolve) as numbers have always helped to ‘cheapen’ a name just a bit, not to mention the hyphen now entering the equation too.
This ‘3D’, ‘3-d’ game could get real tricky, but in the end, the people will let us know everything we need to know…
.. as for me, i focus on ‘3D’ (no dash) but will still grab a nice ‘3-d’ name if i feel strongly about the term (3-dPorn.co.uk).
Its just the way it is, people will not for the MOST part use a dash, in fact you have to than factor not using a dash and the following keyword s-dtelevision for example, its a LONG shot at traffic. Proper or not the hyphen is not the primary direct navigation choice.
IMO there are but 25+/- key 3d names ( more if you factor singular/plural), after that its a crap shoot.
spelling mistakes above..
ment to say ” you have to than factor USING a dash and the following keyword in combination, 3-dtelevision for example, its a LONG shot at traffic. Not saying it isnt worth anything just that there may only be 25 hyphens such as that which are.
So registering 3-d names is at this point an absolute waste. jmo
Nice, cosy community here, may I join ?
So, gentlemen,
here is my list – any potential seen in a few of my 3d related ones ?
Which is the better of these 2 names
Can I have some opinions, thanks
Ok folks, is it time yet to start a 3D forum somewhere? Or Stepen u ready to open up a FTDForum.com (I wonder I’d FTD would appreciate that) or something. It’s calling to you, I can hear it.
mmm, intersting, personally I prefer
I dont like the “DMovies” bit, I think a lot of people would seperate them naturally between the 2 “words”..if you call “3D” a a word
Just my opinion though…..
some info for you all, some intereesting stuff on here
But I agree, would be good to start a new one
I like 3D-Movies.com far better than 3-DMovies.com
I think 3D-Movies.com is better for branding and would be better for SEO as well.
Had 2 offers via sedo and 3 offers overnight via the holding page for 3DSMARTPHONE.COM . Im going to take all the smart advice and develop for now.
My 3D portfolio:
Please let me have your feed back. Which is the best 3D among the portfolio ?
Not bad I like genuine3d.com and 3dnudebeach also 3dable.com
FYI we own airforce3d.com
Do you think airforce is a TM issue?
3dlol is very appropriate. I’d like to thank those that have contributed to making me feel better about myself by posting their “portfolios” and giving me the occasional good chuckle. Keep ’em coming!
Oh, and 3dphone is better than the 3dsmartphone name that was being thrown around the other day, so grats. What’s the saying… “even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while”… yeah.. something like that.
And finally, yes, airforce/air force is a TM of about a dozen different companies for various products, but I’m sure you could find a use that’s non-infringing. Check uspto.gov
Just had a 8k offer on 3DSMARTPHONE.COM via Sedo
Do I get a commission?
myself i have concentrated on adult and mobile themed domains mainly as when i started most of the names i wanted were gone so i quickly found some areas that others were not looking at now i have some decent names not saying any are going to let me retire lol i wish but at least some may make me something back.
I only have around 50 or so .coms but in total i have around 200 names some were very bad choices which i now regret but i learn from mistakes and now know exactly what 3d domains will sell and what wont.
I have spent every day on this from around febuary time onwards constantly keeping in touch with every development in every type of industry affected and if you do the same it will blow your mind just how much 3d is going to eventually affect all our lifes in way or another.
Set up google alerts to start with and read what comes through,there is still time to bag a nice premium name from someone just looking for a quick turnaround but remember good things come to those who wait and if you plan to flip 3d domains now then you could be crying later this is not a fad you are seeing here 3d has started its own revolution and is gaining power with no signs of being overthrown.
you certainly have picked up a great 3D domian 🙂 Are you now committed to selling 3DMARTPHONE.COM? or are you just testing to see its value? have you set a reserve price. I think I read that you where planning to develop this domain.
My news names, any comments?? As you can see…Im trying to cover all the new tech that is coming out…
Regarding 3DSMARTPHONE.COM, I will leave the domain up for sale Mike on Sedo, I just wanted a bit of reassurance with me paying $900 for it (a lot of money for me) and i certainly have it now, as for all the bad comments on this forum, it doesn’t bother me. If I receive a very nice offer via Sedo then i will sell, I also have a friend developing a blog site for me at the min, the plan is to push to Google Page 1 ASAP
Great domains as always mate!
I also have a few other mobile domains
sorry, should be
Great conversation……………I have these:
I understand that ‘3d’ will be biggest by itself, combined with ‘whatever’ product name, website or service, but early on, i was able to grab a bunch of pretty strong ‘HD3D’ names and was curious what everybody thought of these.
‘HD3D’ seemed to be the primary marketing phrase of Panasonic’s line of 3d products and they looked as if they were positioning themselves for a head to head battle with Samsung for ‘King of 3d’.
To this day, if i see an ‘HD3D’ name, i tend to receive it as a premium name for said product (think Lexus vs. Toyota)
With that said, does anybody see any future in these HD3D NAMES:
• HD3dBluray.com
• HD3dCinema.com
• HD3dComputer.com
• HD3dDisplay.com
• HD3dGame.com
• HD3dGames.com
• HD3dLCDTV.com
• HD3dLPD.com
• HD3dMobile.com
• HD3dPC.com
• HD3dPDP.com
• HD3dProducts.com
• HD3dSport.com
• HD3dTheater.com
• HD3dVideoGame.com
• HD3dVideoGames.com
• FullHD3DLCD.com (Live Site)
• FullHD3DMovie.com
• FullHD3DMovies.com
• MobileHD3d.com
• HD3dCamcorders.co.uk
• HD3dGames.co.uk
• HD3dMonitor.co.uk
• HD3dMovies.co.uk
• HD3dPC.co.uk
• HD3dTelevision.co.uk
• HD3dVideo.co.uk
• FullHD3DLCD.co.uk
The ‘FULL HD’ may be a bit much, i understand, but how about the others?
Thanks everybody.
I like the hd3d names, think you will do well with those mate.
Ive just picked up another .co.uk domain to my 3d collection
now i have 3DCONSOLE.COM and 3DCONSOLE.CO.UK , has anybody else heard anything about this new Sega3D Console? link below
So late in the game to be able to hand reg this one…
… but if ‘3-dGlasses’ is among your TOP 3d names
.. where does this beauty fall?
• 3-DWEB.com
Very nice domain – 3-DWEB.COM , is that yours?
I LITERALLY just Hand Regged that about ten minutes ago
(Thank You BTW :))
I own V3d.com and several others
stands for Virtual 3d great neutral site for gaming and other 3d related business
@ Ivan,
I understood that domain immediately. SWEET! Value – $150,000. Brand, character length, recognition. Contact me for our future trend domainer list.
Have you ever received 245 responses on a post of yours before? Did I kickstart a trend or what? Thanks for the article. You’re now the “Father Of 3D Domain Success”. lol
Nice discussion but I still don’t think a record, getting close though.
I’m old enough to be everyone’s father
Aww come on, you aren’t old. You’re time-tested and factory tested to maximum output! Plus, I think I’m older than you.. Based on your current pics, you look like Robert Wagner and I look like a fat George Carlin.
I’ll bet this thread will reach 250, that’s got to be a record. (1/10 of that would be a record on my blog).
Another great neutral domain 3D500.com
a fortune 500 3d portal.
“you look like Robert Wagner and I look like a fat George Carlin. ”
Arn’t both those guys dead?
nice that makes me feel much better
Thanks Stephen
lol, I was mistaken, Carlin is dead yes but Wagner is still going, its day to day of course but … youre welcome.
Thanks for that appraisal Stephen Douglas, you are the first domainer that did not try BS me.. also do you know of any good developers or high end auctions that I could partner with or sale the domain on? or do you think I would be better off direct marketing it to a large companies?
Huge 3d news today
A new Immerse Private 3D Internet?
A new home page for both of our Monsters
Thanks for allowing me to post links and websites
I dont know if anyone is aware of the 3d summit happening on sep 15-16 in hilton los angeles
going to be quite an informative day wish i could attend
here is the link check it out
And the last and most significant two:
• ISPs can introduce new and different internet services, such as 3D.
• Wireless services are exempt from all these proposals, apart from the condition of transparency.
The New Immerse 3D Internet unavailing right before our eyes
Im looking to get rid of 2 3D Domains, Anybody know a good place to sell them?
Any ideas would be great
Thanks for the link. Checking it out.
What do you guys think about this one:
I saw it for sale recently (quite by accident) and didn’t think anything of it until I saw this posting about 3d names. Just out of curiosity I looked up the Google keyword stats (for domain hosting… since there is no real 3d terms out there) and they are pretty decent. I can see 3d domains needing special hosting requirements… But then again, I have been known to be dumb many times.
I just wanted to see what you guys think of the name as a whole. Would it be worth perusing if they are not asking an outrageous sum?
Good news for this domain…………..3DHANDSETS.COM
From Canada:
CBC Television made broadcasting history today with the first-ever Canadian 3D images on a national television network. The historic images were the first public test of CBC’s 3D technology, in preparation for the full airing of the documentary special Queen Elizabeth in 3D on Monday, Sept. 20.
This morning’s test showed Her Majesty reviewing the Canadian naval fleet in Halifax, as well as attending Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa and the Queen’s Plate in Toronto-all in 3D.
3D is also 3D Virtual Worlds – ala Second Life and ActiveWorlds.com
Gamers are also included.
3DNB – the National Bank for 3D Netizens
Hi Em-Bee!
How’s the record “comments” going for this blog? Looking good so far! 264! I’ll bet it reaches 300 before the end of the month.
I checked out this 3D summit Conference in LA website, and found this sweet lead-in for the domain of mine you mentioned in your article:
“Panel Session – The Drivers in Advertising: Advertising the Next Dimension: The Mad Men of 3D
After the buzz for 3D at the Cannes Lions this year, 3D advertising is in full swing. From the pioneers in the medium, hear what marketers, agencies and producers are doing to bring 3D to screens large and small. Why do I need my ad in 3D? We have the answers.”
Oh yeah? They have the answers? They will when they put my 3Dadvertising.com domain up for sale and get a commission on it. lol
Thanks for the link to the Canadian broadcast. You’re just feeding the fire here, bro! You should just put up a small page for “3D domain sales” and capture all the traffic you’re getting from anyone doing 3D research. I think the word “3D” has been mentioned over 2000 times in your article. As Dave Chappelle said in “Half-Baked” when ganja was delivered to his door:
“What a country!”
(not an Oscar type of movie… but funny if you decide to not be “old”)
Ive sent you an email regarding your offer today to your successclick account.
Look forward to hearing back from you mate.
I have two domains that could fit in here:
Hi mate, not sure who you are… can you resend email and ID your handle here as who you are in your email and your posts? (this is why I hate “handles” in posts. Just use your real name. This is a business)
Europe ready to launch 3-D TV outperforming the competition
Well, this article got me looking.
I found and registered 1 (that some how got over looked) that I think may be valuable.
Please let me know what you think.
Personally I hate it
Why so?
The hyphen?
Are 3d movies going to play on dvd players or bluray players?
They are on both or at least the movies are on both dvd and blu ray.
I have also looked at 3d dvd players (or at least they claim to be 3d).
Ok so i’m thinking that in the next few years most people that buy 3d Dvd’s will play them on a bluray player, so the dvd 3d player is already on the way out
That’s just my thoughts
you should ask Mr. Douglas who seems light years ahead of me on this
I see what you are saying. Thank you for the input.
you’re both wrong gentlemen… (sorry)
you’re not going to buy bluray players either.. they’re already being packaged as ‘All In One’s’ .. a 3dtv with a slot for your disc..
…and the next phase after that is direct streaming ..
.. they’re both going to be short lived if you are talking about ‘the next couple of years’
**by ‘Both Short lived’, i mean dvd and blu ray
* sorry for the multiple postings *
but you can see the World’s First All In One 3d Tv with Built in Blu Ray and HDD Recorder here:
I registered 3DDVDPLAYERS.NET a while back and BLURAY3DPLAYER.COM ( I know about the TM issues with that one before anyone points it out)!
i played that one a little safer…
.. i grabbed 3dBDP.com
but to follow my last post up, i also grabbed 3dAIO, AIO3d and AllInOne3d – all dot com’s
Just reg’d a few more 3D Domains
New article from the Wall Street Journal today:
Just walked away from the registrar with another SECRET, HIDDEN name that was seemingly waiting for me to come along and pluck it away.
• 3-DPORN.TV</font
again, not a big fan of either the dash OR the TV, but when it’s THIS fitting, i just can’t walk away from it…
… not to mention, i bought i it Moniker ($15) and not GD ($40)
First-Ever 3D Experience Hits New York City Next Month
“Tri-curious New York City residents and visitors will be treated to a very special three-day (of course!) event next month, when The 3D Experience hits Times Square. Following successful events in Singapore and Hong Kong, this festival will be giving both industry insiders and consumers at large the lowdown on the latest and greatest technology. For more details on what we should expect next month–the official dates are Friday 9/24 thru Sunday 9/26–we bent the ear of Nino Balistreri, Managing Director of The 3D Experience.”
Full Story Here:
The slash is bad but its a great buy for 15 bucks
I know not technically “3d”.. but I believe Mr. Douglas would appreciate this one….
GDA… FINALLY hit my account:
• HologramMonitors.com
This Mr. Douglas (no relation) doesn’t appreciate it. HolographicMonitors would be the proper term, not HologramMonitors. And HolographicDisplays would be better than either, but it’s owned by Ford Motor Company so good luck with that. I have done some business in the past with the guy who owns HolographicTVs.com… decent guy to work with if you are interested, but he already has enough of my money 🙂
I do not disagree with you – Holographic Monitors would probably be the better name… but i don’t think HologramMonitors is that far off the charts… i have seen it referenced both ways tbh… personally i think the one thing hurting this name more is the ‘S’.
Looking at exact content on Google for the past year will show you a roughly 5 to 1 differential in “Holographic Monitor” (165 results) to “Hologram Monitor” (34)… singular.
However, i know it’s still early in the game for this breakdown, but ‘Hologram Monitors’ is showing 11 ads to ‘Holographic Monitors’ zero.
*Not trying to be confrontational, trying to learn a little more about reading into future domains 🙂
Looks like we are getting very close to the 3DMobileNetwork.
@ Andrew Douglas
Hi Andrew. Actually, a true “HOLOGRAPH” in the initial proper term meant “written in the person’s own hand.” In other words, it’s like a handwritten letter. It was mostly used in the legal community to refer to a document, serving as a will, that was handwritten by the person establishing his will. So “holographwill.com” is a domain for providing info on these legal documents, but also could be a “hologram” of a 3D piece of handwritten paper of someone’s will. (the latter not likely).
Today, all these terms are synonymous with “3D imagery”. Hologram, holograph, holographic. They are all interchangeable.
HologramMonitors.com is actually a term that can be used (probably as a measuring gauge or device in the operation of holograms, but not the actual image vehicle itself.) A real holographic/hologram image providing “unit” is going to be different than what we have now as “monitors”. The display unit for a hologram/holograph/3d image is expected to be a “table” projection TV setup.
The only problem I have with Hologrammonitors.com is the two “M’s” together, but yes, you can use either hologram or holograph to define 3D images.
oops… I apologize… I was reading up on the holograph will to double check and when I mentioned it in my previous statement, I accidentally put down my domain which made no sense.
Nope — never mind! It was correct – i think.
I didn’t say “holographmonitors” I said “holographicmonitors”. Hologram is a noun. Holographic is an adjective meaning of or relating to a holograph or hologram. Holographic Monitors is simply proper english.
I thought the term being thrown around was “Holo” , Holotv.com, Holoprojectors.com etc…. Im also trying to work out if there will be a such thing as a “holographic monitor”, I thought holograms will be projected by beams of light so you wouldnt have a monitor? Might be wrong, but looking at this link – http://www.hdguru3d.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=431:japan-invests-billions-into-holo-tv-technology&catid=35:hdguru3d-news&Itemid=59
@ Andrew D
You can use any noun as an adjective in a domain phrase. So “holographTV.com” would be a TV defined by the adjective “holograph”. You’re surely not saying that a definitive domain name of two words that make sense can be done with the grammatical acceptance of two nouns together? Yes?
“Glass” is a noun
“Table” is a noun
GlassTable.com makes “glass” an adjective. Same application for holograph. You don’t need to use “holographic” to define the intent of the domain phrase for holographs. You can use “holographic”, and I do, but it won’t be essential to the general public. Any use of the words “holo”, “hologram”, “holograph” and “holographic” will all be acceptable to define the general interpretation of a 360 degree viewing of an image.
As a domain consultant, I provide this type of information and knowledge for my clients so they better understand the value of their domains, and how to buy correctly.
Hope this helps.
HoloMonitors would also be preferable to HologramMonitors (and it’s owned by the same guy who owns HolographicTVs).
I appreciate the advice Stephen but I’m going to stick with consulting a dictionary in this case. That Webster guy often (but not always) gets it right. 🙂
How about HoloVisio.com???
Is this a good name?
HoloVisio looks like a typo and the word ‘Visio’ i believe, is a tm… so be careful. (Could be wrong)
i actually have “ChannelHolo.com” <– i love this one!
– – – –
Wall Street Journal just posted an interesting video review today:
Worth It?: Toshiba 3-D Laptop
My hand in the “Holo” game are the following –
More to follow….
The last two i picked up for $4 each on expired section on Go-Daddy, worth a punt!!
Oooops, also have
Oooops x 2 , I dont have HoloMobile.com , got things wrong there, i have Hologrammobile.com, a bit rubbish that one, again the 2 “M’s” together!!!
How do you feel about “3dDatabase.com”?
I can see lots of applications for it, but what do you guys think?
Actually, 3Ddatabase.com has some future trend potential, some programmers are working on that concept.
I don’t like conjoining identical characters between words in a domain tho.
@Andrew — you stated the you think “holographic” is the correct word, but the dictionary, which you say you’re using, says “Noun – a manuscript handwritten by the persona named as its author”. “Holo – from the Greek “Holos meaning “whole”, and “graphos” meaning “written”.
But also the term “holography” is the “study or production of HOLOGRAMS. This is from the dictionary and online dictionaries.
The terms holograph, holographic, holograms are interchangeable, and that’s FROM your dictionary!
This phrase might be shortened to “holo” for branding, and I wouldn’t be surprised is some major corporation is working on trademarking it right now. It will be hard —
I picked up 3-dsoftware.com for $69 on namejet yesterday
I have //FAQ3D.com// for sale … but can anybody help me with price/estimate?
think the market for 3d names is a little bit dried up now seeing more and more regs with the dash and ones that make no sense (i have some names with dashes too before you all start 🙂 )
too many people are reading threads like this and going and registering some awfull virtually non sellable names while there is still room to pick up a drop or buy a names from another domainer who wants to make a few bucks only.
guys stop regging bad names and concentrate spend all that money you are spending on multiple names and go and buy just one decent name it will be more beneficial to you.
I did buy a lot of .infos with the mind of putting them onto bido but now bido has closed the doors and looks like it wont reopen now for some time if it does now i have to look elsewhere,the concept was good there just a shame they pulled it and no buyer has been found.
saying that i did pull in $400 on one .info should have really held it but end of the day it paid for some of my investment in 3D
anyone have a spare 30k 🙂
@ slate
3ddatabase.com i like it and know where you are going with that should be a nice one to hold
I started registering 3D domains back in February. I’m hoping that such things like 3D Photocopiers, 3D On Demand and 3D VOIP takes off.
We picked up 5 last night off GD
Like em ..
Sorry, Telenet is just a network protocol that uses a basic command prompt? I can’t see any use for telnet 3D names??
Dont see any use for the TMI or IMT names either, unless I am missing some common acronyms??
Good luck though
telnet= television network in 3d on the internet
The new internet will stream live material in 3d from a telnet3d website.
imt = internet mobile television
tmi = television mobile internet
30 bucks to try
Also not sure it makes a difference but we regged
telnet3d.com not telenet3d.com
I guess it could also mean telecommunication network in 3d
Like 3dcam calls
@DM Partners – I’m not opposed to abbreviations, but they have to A. make sense B. have at least some common usage prior to becoming abbreviations and C. not conflict with other words that are in common usage but that mean something completely different (like telnet). For example “internet mobile television” and “television mobile internet” are both just random ordering of common words that make no sense together and the exact google searches show that really the only time they are combined are when there’s a comma between them.
Let me give you an example – I recently hand registered an admittedly unlikely abbreviation for the new wave of Interchangeable Lens System Cameras that are becoming more popular (like the Olympus Pen). Now why did I register it when the abbreviation was not currently in popular use? Because there’s been no final or accepted abbreviation for what is an unmanageably long product name. DSLR for example took years before it became the defacto standard abbreviation.
Why try to register a name in this market? Because ILS cameras (or Micro cameras or EVIL cameras or hybrid cameras) are designed to replace the “prosumer” range of DSLR’s which are big and expensive. Currently there are less than a dozen models of these new mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras on the market right now, but many more are coming.
Another thing I researched prior to the registration was how frequently the non-abbreviated form of the term was used and in the case of “Interchangeable Lens System Cameras”, the usage was very high, but the abbreviated form is not nearly as common. That’s the perfect time to grab a domain imo.
Hope this helps.
I get your points, The reason I regged imt3d.com was because I saw a TV commercial and the person said I opened my new business and right away I went to the –internet- mobile and television to promote it. It may not be anything now and may be nothing later but for 7 bucks Its worth a try. Same with telnet3d.com
It just looks good to us with no thought either way. Just a try reg.
Picked up this one today
Think of wifi
hiway a shorter version of highway
Yes .. No?
‘i think’ you need to stop buying names right now 🙂
A vote of confidence YES. It’s called thinking out of the box.
If I would have said I bought hotpotato.com 10 years ago you probably would have said the same thing,
you’re singing that song to the WRONG guy, for sure.
you asked ‘yes’ or ‘no’
please don’t ask for feedback if you are not willing to take honesty in return.
.. either way…
.. good luck to you
Anybody like my new purchase, I thought for a “holo” name is was perfect, short and brandable??
Any thoughts?
Are holograms even out yet? I mean I heard of 3d but never heard of a hologram or holographic tv/monitor yet (well outside of Star Treck) but then again, I haven’t been looking into holograms much.
It really could be something in the future but I have no idea where we currently are in that technology.
@ dmpartners
i have to say a big no for that name
maybe you missed my previous post 🙂
@DM Partners,
What you should be doing is SAVING YOUR MONEY and purchasing a strong 3D domain – any good domainer has at least spent $1000 or more for a good solid domain. You can spend $1000 in less than a month going crazy buying domains you “think” will work.
Do your research, spot the trend, find a short or clearly generic domain in that niche, and offer someone some money if they own it. A lot of domainers will flip a domain quickly for $1000. Plus, it looks good in your quiver, yes?
Sign up for Snapnames/Moniker auctions, bid on some domains there. I have a feeling that in less than 6 weeks, some auction house will have an exclusive “3d” domain auction. 😉
@dmpartners, you havent done much research on holo tech have you??
You’re right, I must have missed that post…
I presume you were referring to my name??
no giles that was purely for dm partners 🙂
Very nice name Giles, top one mate. Ive just had another offer on my 3DSmartPhone.com from a bloke in Korea via Sedo then 2 hours on from that an email direct to me saying “Name your price”. Also had an email from Robb at Dough Domains , saying “You’ll do well with your 3DSmartPhone.com”. Not sure what to do right now with the domain, a big part of me wants to hold on till the 3D SmartPhones come out and another says sell the domain you tit. Gonna wait on see….. “Holo” domains are going thick and fast…..
So far end-users don’t get it
(neither do I, save a couple of names and I mean literally a couple)
Just reg’d
Been a few 3D sales on Netfleet inc 3DPrinter.com.au for A$800 earlier this year
@Stephen Douglas
Stephen, if Sedo do a 3D Auction in 6 weeks and if we have previously submitted 3D Domains for an auction and its been rejected, how will we be able to re-apply the domain for the 3D Auction because you have to wait 3 months dont we?
Just reg’d 1 more holo domains and 2 holographic –
Keep em coming…..
Just reg’d another cheeky little one for £2.50
Come on, the price of an ice cream!
Seems this conversation is headed down a ‘Holo Road’..so…
… GoDaddy – $0.99 Special Right Now
• MobileHolographic.com
can be applicable for cameras, phone(s) or projection.
– – – – – – –
and back to the original conversation
.. i got paid today form ‘Parked.com’…
…coincidentally, the following name was available for the same amount i got paid
.. so.. basically…
• 3-dLaptop.com = FREE
Didn’t mention anything about Sedo holding an auction for 3D. There’s nothing set in stone for anything yet.
@Stephen Douglas
What would be the best domain to have and would hold the most value
– holotv.com
– hologramtv.com
– 3dhologramtv.com
– holographictv.com
Everyone else can give their opinion aswell.
Looks like Nokia and Intel are working together on a 3D Smartphone –
“Nokia and Intel aren’t content to simply work on the MeeGo operating system together as they seem to be partaking in a new venture. Nokia is joining forces with chip supremos Intel in a joint research venture looking at 3D smartphone technology.
The two companies are collaborating on a new research unit at the Center for Internet Excellence at the University of Oulu, Finland. Details of the research are sparse, but there are suggestions that the two companies are looking at new types of 3D interface technolgy for future generations of smartphones, as well as at ways of representing social networking data.
Intel Labs director Martin Curley said, “There’s an opportunity for this joint innovation center to shape this, in terms of the synthesis of virtual and physical world and location-based services.” We are not 100% sure what that means, but it sounds like the sort of thing that someone ought to be doing.
The new research centre marks a continuation of Intel and Nokia’s relationship. The two companies have most recently been working together on the Meego mobile operating system, set to debut in the upcoming Nokia N9”.
HoloTV.com would be the best name there, but its owned by Robert Connor as usual, along with all the other good “holo” names…
Just my opinion though..
Is that because its the shortest?
What happens if the holographic stuff comes around and nobody is calling it “Holo” , where if you have “holographic” or “hologram” then its in stone.
The more I think about it the more I like my 3dDatabase.com.
Its generic enough that it can be used for pretty much anything 3d related.
A database of 3d graphics, 3d graphic engines, 3d games, 3d game engines, 3d movies, 3d models, 3d structures, 3d websites, and the list goes on.
Now I just have to figure out if it would be worth my time to attempt to build it out or just sit on it and sell the domain later down the road?
What is your opinion?
Looks like Nokia and Intel are working together on a 3D Smartphone –
I really like http://www.3DMobileNetwork.com now.
3D CamCalls 3DGames 3DShopping 3DPhotos 3DVideo 3DMovies all available from 1 company. Sprint Verizon AT&T Virgin Motorola who will get there first?
It certainly is one of the reasons, longer words like this always get shortened somehow and think this would be the obvious choice. I think it has a nice ring to it too. I think its worth the risk.
I think it will still be known as “Holographic” in a general sense, but I am sure there will be a shorter version for everyday use.
If not, I guess I lose out on eHolo.com lol…it has the benefit of being a 5L.com brandable name as well I guess??
Holographic / Holo / HG ???
HGTV?… HGMobile?… sounds so much better in certain instances
i have ‘4DHG.com’ with just that in mind…
… well, the ‘4d’?…not trying to steer this into ‘4d’ conversation, but check this article out from 2007 talking about ‘4d’
and some incredible pictures to accompany that article:
– – – – – – –
MobileHolographic got two hits today (anybody from here?)
.. but also one click ..
… that one click was for $0.73
.. on a $0.99 godaddy special reg?…
Even though some domainers are calling me the “Father of New Domaining”, I still present you with the facts:
The facts?
The fact is 3D is moving ahead so fast you just can’t stop it. Anytime something new comes along you have your nay sayers who will go against the trend to try and look good. 3D is going to keep moving ahead and the 3D internet is not far away.
Reason? Big Players with big money are backing it and it will keep being put in your face until ya buy it. I would not sell any 3D domains for 12 months because when the 3d internet hits almost any strong 3d.com will have huge value. Just my
O of course,
In my humble opinion, the open market will shake out what will become future trends and what will go the way of the dinosaur.
If the public grasps and likes the idea of 3d tvs or 3d websites then that is what manufactures will create.
Right now its speculative. The demand for 3d movies is great, and people are willing to pay the extra 3-5 bucks to watch the movie. Truly it cost the producers little more to make the 3d movie. Its not like they had to shoot the entire movie twice. One for the regular and one for 3d. They just take the regular movie and run it thorough a 3d generating program. So for little more work and little more effort, they make more profit.
Let the open market decide what people need. After all its the people who will be paying the money or not. It will all shake out in the end.
“Its not like they had to shoot the entire movie twice. One for the regular and one for 3d. They just take the regular movie and run it thorough a 3d generating program. “
This is 100% false.. they tried this already with Alice and Clash of the Titans and it failed miserably in comparison – not only in production and lack of quality, but in the public perception of 3d movies as a whole. It’s because of these two movies that has people reconsidering paying the extra money for 3d.
The backlash because of this thinking has already stopped hollywood dead in its tracks on the conversion wagon and has started to recharter their course, basically agreeing to only shoot the original movie in full 3d. (een porn is SHOOTING in 3d – WITH 3d cameras)
That WILL change production and planning. If you have followed anything from Avatar and the brilliance of Mr. Cameron (who absolutely laced into these two movies because of how they ripped off the public and cheapened the 3d concept along the way), you will have read by now that filming a movie in 3d, and planning each shot accordingly, takes much more time to conceive and depict properly. Filming your movie in 3d will become the next art form in movie production – much more strategic… like anything else in this world, to create something with so much more freedom, makes it that much harder.
… i only ‘somewhat’ agree with your assessment of the people making the final decision… yes, they have a lot to do with it all, but once this is all done properly, and people experience 3d the correct way (see avatar vs. alice), there’s no denying what people would prefer.
Not to mention there’s WAY TOO much money involved now from everywhere and everybody. This is train at full speed ahead and nothing will get in its way.
At present, there are just three main obstacles in the way of a full 3d takeover and once this evolution runs its course.. “You are now Under Marshall Law”:
(1) – LOSING the glasses – the biggest dislike and the biggest hurdle of all
(2) – Lack of content – but they already have that taken care of – rather then convert everything in the world to 3d 9which will not be as good) – Live 3d Events and Live 3d Television will help hold everyone over until the production catches up
(3) – Cost – this is obvious and already reduced since the first 3d tv came out – look how cheap HD TV’s and plasma are today as opposed to when they first came out… even digital camera’s for that matter (4 years ago i bought a crappy old 3 megapixel point and click camera for $350… you can go on ebay right now and buy an 8 megapixel Olympus DSLR , with three interchangeable lenses for less!!!)
this 3d game is based on one thing and one thing only now – this has become a waiting game, and whoever can hold onto the most names in the process wins.
It’s really that simple.
Good luck to us all i presume
(exhale) 🙂
3d Domains
Its funny I hated Avatar and loved Alice. I’m not saying your assessment is wrong I just liked Alice better, I thought it was great and the conversion was nicely done.
Good post lets make some money.
Hurdle number 1 overcome
I would say this is huge.
Hurdle 1-10 overcome
I wouldnt say they have overcome it just by one company stating they have the answer, its whether the public try it and like the quality. I know a lot of people who actually say they “like” wearing the glasses because it “feels” like they are watching a 3D movie.
If all the others adopt this technology, then it could be a success, but until then, no-one knows for sure..
Its still far too early to tell in my opinion
I don’t think a press release from a company proves anything. I will wait to see the final product to make any judgments about 3D without glasses.
Hmmm… So Avatar was shot twice?
It appeared in both 3d and normal version on the big screen.
How could you have 2 of the same movies in 2 distinct versions with out having to alter one of them through some sort of program? Maybe I dont understand what you are saying.
I am pretty sure that Mr. Cameron used the advancement of the 3d/4d movie Captain EO (Walt Disney creation that took 3d outside of the lame blue and red glasses that most of us grew up with). He just needed to wait the 25+ years until that technology was available for others to create works in its likeness.
I remember watching that movie 6 times when I was 10 years old. It was the coolest thing ever… I mean ever! Granted it stared Michael Jackson, but during that time he was still popular no court cases pending against him and he still had his original nose…LOL
If you where not lucky enough to see it as a child… you missed out and I am sorry for that!
With this new style of 3d they have gotten pretty darn close to what Francis Ford Coppola was able to do with Captain EO but they have yet to add all the other outstanding effects (lasers, fog, wind… ect.)
All I am saying is that the technology was there before Cameron made Avatar so he didnt invent anything new. I take that back…of course he did it with computer generation which has never been done before.
Holy crap… they reopened Captain EO again this year at Walt Disney.
If you get the chance… go and see that. I still remember that movie till this day and the effect it had on me about 3d.
I just saying… if you can go see it.
Also check out
I know Stephen Douglas asked this question a while earlier and really got no answers.. and a few posts back i showed you all ‘caveMAN and the 4d Holograms’ created for the medical field… still got no answers..
… as i look around and the deeper i dig in to holograpchis and holograms, i have found ‘4d’ mentioned a few more times – some times as punchline and sometimes seriously…
i ask because when i discovered the caveMAN article a while back (among others), i jumped and bought a few ‘4d’ names .. not many, but a few of the ‘would-be-best’ 4d names you can think of, so if this catches fire, you can imagine how pleased i will be:
• 4dHG.com
• 4dHolograms.com
• 4dHolographic.com
• 4dHolographics.com
it was worth the gamble at the time, and i still have every intention of renewing these four names, but i was wondering if any of your readers can shed any additional light or information on 4D and the reality of “FOURTH DIMENSION” or “FOUR DIMENSIONAL” … and a step further, but 4d Holograms and holographics… are people just guessing or is this a reality? Still very hard to tell.
If you would like to see just a great description of 4d and 4d space, check this video from Carl Sagan filmed some x years ago. It’s older, but he’s great in the way he explains things:
– – – –
search you tube for ‘Cinema 4d’ and you will find an abundance of very cool videos.. here’s one that’s pretty cool:
– – – – –
and while not half as intuitive as the Sagan piece, i did find this clip floating around as well as ‘4d’ is beginning to gain a little steam:
“Michael Jackson`s 4D hologram is a reality ”
Enjoy those as the future is looking like a lot of visual fun 🙂
There is quite a bit of Holo and Holographic research and development going on
US Open To Be Broadcast in 3D
L@@ks like I regged these in time hey –
More action today
More Internet Ready 3D sets. This is the reason why the 3D Internet will prevail.
I guess its going to come down to what they are commonly known as??
Holo Phones or 3D Phones??
I think once a name get used with the public and big companies, it will stay
If people start calling them 3D Phones and then new 3D phones come out that can project holo images, the public wont just change the commonly used name, I think people will still call them “3D Phones”, but with holographic capabilities,…if you get my point…
What happens with “Holotv” will this stay as 3DTV?
I think it will change to “Holo”, think thats next after 3D and so does everyone else looking at all the “Holo” domains going on!
Its only guess work I suppose, have to try everything 🙂
L@@ks like the owner of – 3-D.com has come down with his asking price, from $500,000 to $60,000 , Is that a good deal? Ive also noticed that 3DMenu.com has gone into auction on Sedo , starting bid $650 , jeeze!
How do you know that?
Its on Sedo
L@@k on Sedo
We’ll have to wait and see I guess…we can all bank on our own opinions and some may be right and some may be wrong, thats the joy of domaining…
2 visitors a month to 3-d.com
No Bueno
This might be old news to some, but did you know that Sony Playstation are bringing out a 3D Gaming Smartphone –
“3D is the big buzz right now and Sony knows this more than anyone. The electronics giant is already pushing the technology with its television range and the PS3 as well with both Blu-ray movies and some major games franchises currently in development.
Nintendo announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) that it’s developing its own 3D handheld, the 3DS. And with reports of Samsung also working on a 3D smartphone, Sony can’t miss this prime opportunity to 1up both its rivals by releasing its own 3D gaming smartphone.”
I had no idea that they where developing Holographic systems. That is pretty cool!
So how would this fit into system like (lets say) TV?
I have looked into what you had posted and then did a little more searching.
**the link is not posting right now… I will try to add it in the next message**
I really don’t see how Holograph will make it into a small centralized device like a TV or mobile phone.
I understand that over time advancements will be made and the technology will be developed. I can see the call for holoprojectors (which by the way is already taken). I just cant fathom how something like a TV will be able to split the image and project those images into an area of view (like what is shown in that article).
I look forward to your comments. Its obvious that I do NOT have a lot of experience in this area. Hell, I didnt even know that this technology was even being looked into until your post.
Under the technology tab
Its the basic setup of how the holograph/holographics work.
I just dont see how that will fit into the TV or phone realm.
something everyone here should look into is “4ktv”
for those who have not heard of it check this link
its one thing going after tech names guys but make sure you know all the angles in tech its a fast moving/changing industry
about all thats left to reg is
up for grabs if anyone wants em myself i am staying away from tech related domains for a while and concentrating on other fields which are far more predictable and profitable
Japan develops ‘touchable’ 3D TV technology
A Japanese research team said Thursday it had developed the world’s first 3D television system that allows users to touch, pinch or poke images floating in front of them.
To be honest, I have no idea how they will pull this off, bit it seems to be in the pipeline..should be interesting
With all due respect to MHB, you guys are making comments about 3D, holograms, holographic domains and sounding like — noobs. You need quick guidance or I fear you’re all going to what you’re continuing to do. Yes, all of this future tech is exciting, but you need to know some basic understanding about investing in future trend domains.
I’ve been studying 3D/hologram industry since 2004, I’ve been reading over 12 google alerts on any news printed on every term you’re talking about. Trust me, I’m 100 miles ahead of you in my solar powered car and you guys are still checking out the “scenic view” at the start off the race.
You’re all going nutty, expecting to make big sales on domains that are NOT matured yet as a consumer trend. Hologram products won’t be ready for consumers on the scale that will make an impact until 2015 at the soonest.
3-D.com domain isn’t selling and gets no traffic because nobody types in “3 HYPHEN D”, at least I never did and I’ve never seen the people involved or reporting about 3D writing it this way.
Even though I own a few domains with “holo” as my sole adjective, I can’t even be sure that this is the way holograms will be defined, since the R&D and inventors/scientists rarely, if ever, refer to anything their prodserv as “holo”. The jury is still out.
The reason why people aren’t buying these types of domains is because they aren’t educated about domains yet. Really. There’s current powerful well-known domains in the .com that are still available by the tens of thousands. Companies haven’t yet bought Solar domains en masse, nor offered what they’re worth, even though solar is in full swing. So, for every domain you buy with the short “holo” prefix adjective, plan on renewing them for another 5-10 years.
Since I’m probably the best expert on domains in this field, I should write a blog. Then you guys can come bug me for answers if your questions are good enough.
(I’m not trying to step on Em-Bee’s toes, it’s just that if I’m going to continue to provide commentary for these questions and statements on 3D and holograms, I’d rather do it on my blog so I can keep a record of my comments.)
Is this okay with you, Em-Bee?
Regarding Holo,Holograms and Holographic –
I agree with a lot of that Stephen, some really good points..
I think a new blog is a great idea..
lol so we started off with 3d then went onto holo now we are onto solar lmao
remind me again what we are discussing here
nice to see though i am not the only one who is interested in solar domains makes me feel a lot better 🙂
i also recently setup my fist solar website
Real Estate Joins 3D Revolution
this line can only mean good things:
“Google is obsessed with 3D real estate…”
– – – – –
View Your Building In 3d On The Web
– – – – –
I don’t have many dot org’s at all… but one dot org i do have that i think really fits nicely:
• 3dRealEstate.org
i also have “3d Real Estate Agency” in dot com 🙂
…a little long, yes, but ‘Real Estate Agency’ gets 1,000,000 exact searches a month at a very respectable $2.23 CPC
… a few other 3d real estate related domains i have… home rentals, house rentals and rental homes… all dot com’s with 3d in front.
.. rentals?.. i don’t know.
– – – –
btw if anyone is interested….
… 3dCondominium.com is still available at the time of this post
we have
homesforsale3d.com and homeforsale3d.com
also buyit3d.com
Great news everyday
Just an FYI, 3DTV.CO is currently at $5,200
(18 hours remaining, unless someone places a new bid)
Yeah, thats one of my original names I applied for in the beginning…
I was in the acution, but bailed out ages ago…not worth paying that much!!
I did get 3DGaming.co, not sure how .CO will go but we’ll see??
WOW glad to see these for 3d names.
I just put 3dlaptop.com for sale on ebay to test the waters.
I see 3D players listed
Just after a bit of advice, Im thinking of selling 2 of my domains
Where would be the best place to sell? Or should i put into an auction? Any advice would be great.
Any final outcome for 3dTV.co? Would love to know.
i know dot co is a bit of a gamble in these early days, but just in case, i did grab these:
… 3dPC.co
… 3dMonitor.co
… 3dMarketing.co
… 3dWebsite.co
… Mobile3d.co
3DTV.co went for $5200
I see Sony are taliking “holographic” as well and 3D is going really well according to them…great news!
Stuart and Jon and other FT domainers…
I have a strong positive affirmation on satisfying your interest. Stay patient, more info coming as I lock down things.
Email me with questions.
Thanks Giles..
… still amazes me that 3d PC is so overlooked in this market right now… i think these have the power and potential to be much bigger than TV… wonder what kind of value this helps place on my 3dPC.co name… and while significantly lower in value, i still have 3dPC dot us, dot biz and dot mobi (save the mobi comments haha)
Some latest 3-d Laptop News:
Sony shows 3-D Laptop due in 2011
HP’s fall line-up includes 3-D Laptop
– – – –
it’s … joHn .. with an ‘H’
Ive sent you an email mate.
It’s been hard to leave any posts here recently … keeps going to white page after submit…
… nonetheless…
Just added a GREAT Name to my ‘Stable’ … double’M’ or not 🙂
• HologramMarketing.com
– – – – – – –
In other findings, i KNOW you will all enjoy this clip:
… it was my birthday a couple of weeks ago …
… and my brother, who also jumped in to the 3d domain game with me, bought me a GoDaddy gift certificate…. i couldn’t have asked for a better gift… it allowed me to finally buy a few names that i have been wanting, and in an area that i wish i had more of in my portfolio… so that was just addressed
.. Thanks Chris 🙂 … look what you got me:
• 3dRetailDisplays.com
• 3dAdvertisingSystem.com
• HologramExhibit.com
• HologramExhibition.com
• HolographicExhibit.com
• HolographicExhibition.com
• 3dHolographicAdvertising.com
• HolographyAdvertising.com
(probably the only real questionable one of the bunch)
For anybody who doesn’t know .. look into the wonders of ‘3d Retail Display’ :
check this out for example:—> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc76sypeYvk&feature=related
and the ‘3d Advertising System’… which is similar to ‘Holo Pod’ … very cool stuff… these are already being used in select places around the globe, mostly in the asian countries where the speed of their brilliance is just mind numbing..
The ‘Exhibit’ and ‘Exhibition’ names tie in very nicely with the video i showed you from my last post (with the DJ)… these will be very big, i assure you. The WOW factor in Holography is unquestionable and destined to be bigger then anything we have ever seen.. it will be the line in the sand that says “we are finally In The Future”
Here is just a great site that covers most of what i just spoke about with a ton of great uses for holography and holographic advertising:
…. Feedback on these names is always appreciated
Enjoy the news and the clips 🙂
It’s the 3DMobileNetwork 3DGlobalNetwork and 3DVirtualNetwork all coming to fruition,
Im getting out of the domain game, had enough of it. Getting rid of all my 3D Domains
Anyone have a clue where I can dump this lot?
You can try to sell them at the usual suspects.
Sedo and the like.
That is probably where you will get the best exposure
thanks mate, i have done on sedo.
Think what im best doing is if i have any offers just send straight to auction straight away even if the offer is £50
Hi Stuart,
I may be intereted in buying your your domains, how do I get hold of you?
Thanks Michael
You can get me via who-is records or go look at 3dsmartphone.com or 3dconsole.com
Message for Stuart H
Are you selling 3dconsole.com ? Im very interested in your domain, are you accepting offers or do you have a fixed price in mind?
Stuart, I have sent my offer via email through your web page. Please let me know your thoughts.
LG Have a new 3D Smartphone coming out
Here comes the 3D PC’s First Sony now this
Everyday we get closer to the 3D Internet
When are these 3D.coms going start selling?
“MSI ships first multi-touch 3D AIO PC to North America”
back in march i bought:
(… and who said all the good names were already taken? 🙂
but judging from my alerts… this is a pretty live string the past couple of months as i’m always getting new emails about this regularly.
pretty exciting 🙂
3D to dominate Sony Line
in other news…
… here’s another industry right now that i touched on earlier that seems to be headed for VERY big things as it’s only getting bigger…
and that’s 3d Real Estate.
check out this excerpt:
“The Estate3d process is simple; take photos of any building, create an account at estate3d.com and upload the photos, pay the $99 fee and locate the building with estate3d’s simple building location finder. Once the photos have been taken its an easy 5 minute process. 3D buildings are created in less than 1 week. The building will then be “live” in Google Earth and able to be embedded on any website.”
whole article here:
You can’t just come into the game buying domains because a certain technology is trending and accept to have people start contacting you to buy your domains! Pay your dues!
I started buying 3D domains over 5 years ago to start this movement, and we still may not see buyer with big $$$ until the 3D trend matures fully and ‘settles in’.
Stay tuned, like I’ve said before.
@3d domain names
On the 3d real estate side, i have
also…. Just picked up
I think ive had a re-think about selling off my domains. 🙂
Thanks Stephen
I guess that makes sense, Companies will wait till its a for sure thing and then dive in. Then they pay
Don’t know if anybody saw these prototypes made for Apple…
… “Holographic Black Hole Mobile Phone Design”
Very cool stuff.
The 3D internet is here
Not sure what company this is but I like what they are saying
The first major 3D website
Look at the youtube clip
Caught A Nice Drop Today
• HolographicDevice.com
@3d Domain Names
You’re welcome, bro. But my real advice is — Stop buying domains with no resale value – THINK FIRST, that’s why I let domains drop. Just think of every domain purchase as buying a large cheese pizza… or six pack of decent beer. Once you see it that way, you’ll see a lot of six packs of beer and pizza gathering dust in your storage space.
That’s funny – that was your drop 🙂
…so i guess if i’m following in the footsteps of a master, i must be just a few years away now. 🙂
seriously though… i don’t even disagree with you on this one.. i actually DID think of the resale and i almost didn’t buy it – had it in my cart and before purchasing, i kept asking ‘as good as it is, who would buy this?’… i read a few more articles that contained the phrase, glanced over the patents being applied.. noticed HOW the term was being used … a handful of ads were being displayed, although, none buying the term… but then, ironically enough… i just thought of it as ‘a large cheese pizza (or a decent six pack of beer)’ and said screw it – at least i have something for my money … i can just eat soup 🙂
All you need is a dollar and a dream.
Or in this case, A domain name and a dream.
Has anyone seen or heard about the first annual 3d film festival?
3dff.org for details.
Its a step in the right direction for 3d to star to go main stream.
Everybody here should appreciate this…
… this is getting closer to what i have envisioned for a “3-D Web” and 3d websites … conceptually, alone, this is great to see… as a 3d domainer and an overall fan of the web:
“Everyscape Taking A Social Approach To Building The ‘3-D Web’”
“Everyscape: Google StreetView Meets Micosoft Photosynth Meets Yahoo’s Flickr”
and here’s a DEMO:
(you might just want to jump straight to the demo)
Now …
… IMAGINE the potential!!!
A new 3D Console out from Lenovo
Two 3D web sites were newly developed by Epik:
Nice find on those websites they look nice all they need now are some 3D phones to sell.
Thanks for the domain sale of free3dporno.com transfer almost complete,
interesting PR
Hi , I have this domain, 3dgelatin , and I want to share with everybody, who are
interested in 3d gelatin flowers this unique art from Mexico. Learn how to make encapsulated gelatin flowers, as well my techniques.
What I would love to see..is all those great 3d domain sales?
TV is TV
Movies are Movies.
till’ the next big thing.
Hey Domo
There has actually been a lot of 3d sales this year alone, and for some ‘decent’ money.
you can see a list here:
**Please keep in mind that these are just reported names… others have sold that are not on this list (Travel3d.com, 3dDating.com..etc..)
I have to say that I am actually excited to see all these advancements in the 3d realm of things.
I just learned today that a very dear friend of mine is actually filming a TV promo for new comedy series in 3D (about a month ago).
This was in Australia. Its starting to hit home for me which is cool.
Now I am reaching a point like everyone else and trying to think how can I profit from this.
I think my biggest claim to the 3d world is my 3dDatabase.com domain.
I haven’t developed it yet. Every time I look into it I get whelmed over.
There is SOOO MUCH 3d information out there that I don’t even know where to begin.
Anything from 3d movies, 3d graphics, 3d game engines, all the way to 3d medical and structural models, 3d software, to even 3d TVs.
This could be a HUGE database if I decide to construct it myself. I am open to suggestions
Wonder why my 3DCONSOLE.COM isnt on that 3d sales list.
“”Wonder why my 3DCONSOLE.COM isnt on that 3d sales list.””
Was it a private sale?
No, via Afternic for $700, I had 3DSMARTPHONE.COM for $900 the week before aswell
There is a chance that it hasnt been reported yet, or the information hasnt been updated yet.
Those are the only 2 logical reasons.
.. both of those names WERE up there at one point. But if you notice, there are a bunch of names that had sold a couple of months ago being listed as Sept 10… this date is inaccurate – that’s apparently the date for when they updated the system… for some reason, your names dropped off the list… maybe only allowed ‘X’ amount of names to be listed?? .. i don’t know … if you MANUALLY type ‘3dSmartphone in, it IS listed.
.. haha .. doesn’t change the fact that you have them now and are probably better off with them NOT being listed anyway.. so NJOY!!
– – – – – – –
And if this one was another gift from you SD, then Thank You – i have been wanting this one for a few months now… just waiting for it to clear through pending and deleted status…
• PortableHolography.com
Long Term Name 🙂
3-D Is Key at Honda’s Times Square Event
2010 September 24 3d Domain Names permalink
Hey Domo
There has actually been a lot of 3d sales this year alone, and for some ‘decent’ money.
you can see a list here:
**Please keep in mind that these are just reported names… others have sold that are not on this list (Travel3d.com, 3dDating.com..etc..)
A lot of bark no bite…
Mostly what appears to be : domainer to domainer … nothing will kill this novel concept faster in domains terms…
Advice needed
We own http://www.mammogram3d.com
With this news is this a good one.
If you find an end user, it could be a great one.
Keep an eye out for major practices or manufactures that could use a name like that and contact them.
I am currently building out my 3ddatabase(dot)com site and I have come to realize that there is a butt ton of 3d technology out there. I have barely begun to scratch the surface.
Every time I turn around there is new stuff that pops up.
Cheers and all the best on your mammograms3d domain.
Nice bit of info
Back to the original question at the top of this post, I think 3DGAMES.COM will be the winner.
Just thought this would be cool to mention. This could bring in the scifi crowed (assuming they where not already into 3d)
“”GEORGE Lucas is set to re-release the six Star Wars films in 3D, beginning in 2012 with one film annually led by The Phantom Menace.
Though the 3D versions have been rumoured for some time, Lucas was evidently waiting until there were enough 3D screens available to make the release a sizable enough event.
A statement on the Star Wars website said: “The cutting edge conversion will take that immersion to the next thrilling level.”
Fox, which released all six of the original Star Wars films, would also release the 3D versions.””
Great article Stuart
We are just hoping 3DMobileNetwork.com will make us happy
We have Apple following us on Twitter
This game is tough everyday you look at the email waiting for the call.
Back to the original question at the top of this post, 3DPHONE.COM might be one of the best.
Online shopping site was launched by Epik team earlier than production of 3D phones by global makers.
@ dmpartners
What do you mean by “Make us Happy”???
What do you think a domain like yours would sell for?
We should think about most of us who have 3d domains to band together in some form and like each others sites.
Just my thought
The domain is intended to go to one of the top companies Verizon,Google Apple Nokia Sprint AT&T, Motorola etc., 7 Figures will be needed to take this domain, Its brandable and the top domain name in the mobile sector.
Hi Stu and gang,
Oh 3dgames.com is pretty good, but I think everyone, and I mean EVERY advertising agency and medium electronic will be doing some “3Dadvertising.com”. sorry for the tee hee pitch! lol
Stu, did you sell 3dconsole.com yet?
@ stephen
I have to agree here 3dgames.com is a nice name to own but imho gaming will be be big and money will follow for those lucky to own names like this but the advertising/marketing side to 3d will be massive also a lot more potential here
hence my purcases
Yeah Stephen i still have 3dconsole.com for sale, no-one doesnt want to pay my asking price of $1000 though, might have to sit on it for a while. 🙁
Email me.
Do not sell 3DCONSOLE.COM for $1000,you will see it sell next year when Nintendo bring out the 3D Console. It will sell for $xx,xxx soon, trust me.
No more silly offers please. NOT FOR SALE!
Just hand regged http://www.3DPrivateCloud.com
Years away Im sure,
What drugs are you on? I fancy some!
Seem’s to be alot of “what-ever” going on about the 3-D issue….It’s been around for 60+ years, and won’t be going away, anytime soon. Holo, & 3-D will be holding hands, for years to come, so everybody please enjoy this new “marriage.” From my developer’s point of view, the .com address is still the “Big kid on the block” and…. the developed .com will bring you the $$ that you are looking for…it’s a rarity that a “name-alone” will provide you with retirement $$, but still fun for everyone, never the less…Have a great day…Jerry-
My pal Stuart read this
3Dlaptop.com for 50k or best offer? Who ever has this domain is underselling.
Pull that from your website its bringing down the market,
There will be huge amounts of 3dlaptops
Not a fan of 3DTV names. Think good TV names go up in value now though.
3D anything is too niche to start a business around. Like being in the emerald green sedan business – a little silly.
Rather have a great TV name with a broader reach.
3D TV Shipments to Approach 50 Million in 2015, Says ABI Research
I think its safe to say it’s not a bad idea to start a business around 3D.
Im happy with my bondage3dtv.com and anytime3dtv.com
Not sure about your post
I’m sure emerald green sedans produce 50 million in sales too. Still not what you would work around. You won’t see 3D store opening up. You will see places like best buy sell a lot more in their accessory section.
Nice names to compliment a main site but I’d never use one as my main site. Rather have a good TV name for that.
And the debate about 3D continues.
This is my thoughts on this (and if you dont want my thoughts… tough luck). I am not sure if those people who are nay sayers have done their homework. In the last year or two, 3D has really taken off. I am not really a big 3D person. In fact I only own two (2) 3D domain names.
However, while building (I am still in the process of building) one of my 3D domains into a site, I have come to learn first hand that 3D in general is HUGE!!!
I have 3dDatabase(dot)com and that means I am attempting to touch on everything 3D.
3D is not just limited to Movies and TVs.
There are 3D cameras and camera lenses.
3D camcorders
3D Software to include 3D animation software, 3D Game engines.
3D Graphics Software that has 3D Models, wallpaper, and clip art to name a few.
There are 3D channels for your television. Directv has a whole 3D section you can get.
and of course there is the 3D TVs, 3d CellPhones, 3D web, 3D Movies (to include blu-ray), 3D projectors, 3D dispalys… and the list goes on.
I just barely touched the surface of 3D with what I have listed here.
3D is becoming huge! You cant take that away from it.
I dont think however, that every domain with a 3D in front of it will fly!!!
3d Dishwashers… 3D refrigerators… Not going to work. A little common scenes here can go a long way.
3D TVs, 3D electronics, 3D Web, 3D computer and things of that ilk will make it as great domain names.
Its just my opinion from a person who is waste deep in 3D content. There is just SOOOOO much 3D content out there that its actually difficult to keep up.
@ Slate
I saw it coming in 2005. lol. You’re absolutely right, and you covered a lot of areas I don’t think many domainers realize. Of course it’s huge. Just look at the responses on Em-Bees post here. I think it’s passed the 450 comments, which I believe is a record for his blog (Em-Bee, am I right?)
3D IS THIS GENERATION AND THE NEXT’S TREND… and soon, Holograms/Holographs – the Final Frontier.
Not only is it a record but not a really a day doesn’t go by when another one is not added
Like I said to start with
You saw it coming in 2005? Why didnt you snap up all the best domains dude? You could be sat on your private island by now! 🙂
Toshiba unveils glasses-free 3-D TV
The Tokyo-based company on Monday unveiled the world’s first high definition liquid crystal display 3-D television that does not require special glasses – one of the biggest consumer complaints about the technology.
nice this is what most consumers are shouting for
Point I was trying to make is for every penny in 3DTV, there are a million pennies in TV.
Of course, everyone with a 3DNotWorth20Bux.com is going to come out the woodwork.
The silly technology will fade, TV won’t and even if it becomes a phenomenon it’s not strong enough to start a business around.
Predictably, domainers always flock towards what’s sexy not what’s valuable but if you like value, TV names are much better.
A lot of money in electronics but you never see end user sales, so I predict years of parked 3D names and shitty affiliates. Don’t foresee many 3D entrepreneurs either. All that money is going to Best Buy and the likes.
@ Em-Bee – thanks bro… I respect your opinion and it means a lot to me
@Stuart – I only bought domains that were from topics being discussed at the time. Plus, a few other guys were quietly in the game for 3D, while I was capturing the largest Solar and Robotics domain portfolios in the world.
3D isn’t the only game in town. heh.
Just keep your eye on “cellphone scanning”. In the next 2 years, your cellphone will represent your financial, travel, personal, communicative, and business activities. (I have a blog article I’m writing that for next week that will blow everyone’s mind in all these areas).
I couldn’t get all the “3D” domains, because my research on 3D let me to the “end game”, the “final frontier” of entertainment, especially in gaming and visual… and that’s holograms/holographics.
While many domainers focus on what’s current today (and there’s nothing wrong with that), over five years ago, I figured “what about what’s coming in the future?”. Then started picking off the best future trend domains I could find. I stated this to Monte Cahn in an inteview on DomainMaster radio in late 2006, and regretted it ever since!
@SD… cellphone scanning is already here… Chase was the first to incorporate this into your cellphones… i have it and have already used it – it’s pretty cool.. the technology may still be a bit early, still some bugs (and limitations: $500 max check), but this is very cool…. the days of ‘The Check Is In The Mail” will soon be as ancient as using the word ‘Groovy’, although rumor has it, SD still uses this term. 🙂
but yes… many don’t truly understand the magnitude that 3d has in store for everybody. Understandable to some degree – they stick to their niche and never leave- i get it – this is where they excel … but you have already established yourself and built a very respectable name for yourself in the domaining space SD, and congrats to you for that, but a ‘new-on-the-scene’, little ole me?… man, i have been BLASTED and ridiculed up and down this web over and over for even the thought of such an idea…. luckily i’m strong enough (or stupid enough) to be my own man and not let myself get swayed by the masses of ignorance…. if they would JUST spend an ONE hour TRULY looking into ‘3d and where it is about to come from (and NOT just TV’s) and the hundred or so ways that it will be used in this world, maybe they would see what i see … or everybody else on this blog sees… the NEED … the WANT… and the many uses of a good 3d domain.
… while you touched on a nice amount of 3d content, you really only touched on products. (phones, tv, movies..etc).. There is still a GREAT BIG world out there for the use of ‘3d’ that you haven’t even touched on… like the medical industry with 3d scanning, and the educational fields that use 3d to teach, or the businesses that have already started training all their employees using nothing BUT 3d methods… 3d teleconferencing is just a site to behold in and of itself as well… how about those websites that will feature 3d concepts, like ‘travel’ and ‘real estate’ and ‘dating’ or the soon-to-be ‘3d Test Drive’ where you can sample your ride right on line … the sky is the limit here and really, all it takes is ONE major ‘3d’ website to kick the door in and show everyone – in the wild – show them with their very own eyes, what a ‘3d website’ is all about, and HOW this can be just SO advantageous over their competition (not to mention COOL!) and everyone will be lining up for their own 3d website and 3d domain name. (..and NO, not all 3d names are ticketed for stardom, see.. 3d milk or 3d BALD to name just a few).
as for my holo names, i’m up to about 30 pretty strong names now, mostly in the advertising and marketing end of things (this just seemed to be safer money), although, my favorite name in the bunch has to be “Channel Holo”… LOVE this name.
Anyway, that’s my two cents
Enjoy your sunday everybody 🙂
Just offering a difference of opinion. Wishing success, not failure to 3D holders but don’t challenge me dude.
Get one of those 3D names to end user in a week and I’ll pay you a chunk. If you don’t, you pay me a chunk?
See you can’t, cause I know the space and they don’t care. Like I said, just a future of parked pages, bad affiliates, and sales buyers will regret.
You have some of the better 3D names, so if you can’t noone can.
who me? (haha)
… i’m not challenging you in any way, and i’d probably have a hard time selling to an end user at the moment, but that’s because the field is not level yet – need to wait for content and to rid the world of the glasses – but it IS coming and there will be a market for it… about the only obstacle that will remain once that does happen is going to be the COST of an actual ‘3d’ website. (or so i see it)
Mr. Douglas has mentioned he has one of the best holo name portfolio’s anywhere, but at the time, there’s no real market… it’s calendar pages away, so are his names worthless at the time because finding an end user in a future market is just not there? i don’t know if you have seen his holo names, but i’d give a limb to have that for my own (ok, i’m being dramatic… i’d give him YOUR limb haha – j/k )
admittedly, there will be more than a few drops (i didn’t buy smart out of the gate, my smarter buying came after weeks and months of researching, not just a quick graze of google), but whatever names i have been lucky enough to sell have already covered the cost of the drops, so luckily, no harm there.. my initial investment now is down to the ‘keepers’ and as a business man, i can live with that… the future is bright for my holdings, and i believe will be worth my time and effort.
i’m still fairly new to the ‘insides’ of this industry so i won’t challenge you, but bet me in another year or so and see how that turns out… remember, Derek Jeter was once a 21 year old unknown at one point.
**BTW – Congrats To My Yankees On Another SWEEP!!
Don’t worry, you’ll do great. Electronics is a tough area though.
So you have a market that is admittedly not there, while domains in bigger established markets sell for pennies.
Just funny to compare, when trying to value.
@Stephen Douglas
“I couldn’t get all the “3D” domains, because my research on 3D let me to the “end game”, the “final frontier” of entertainment, especially in gaming and visual… and that’s holograms/holographics. ”
The end game, as I see it, is a noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). Replicate the signals processed by the brain, so that the brain can’t tell the difference from the real thing, and you don’t have “holograms/holographs”, you have neural reality. Take everything you know about computers, e-commerce, wireless networks, social networks, love, sex, rock ‘n roll, etc. – now grant direct access 24/7 by your brain, and the collective brains of a global population. The only thing left to do – reboot. We can choose to be a part of the collective or simply exist on our own channel. Or both. In layperson speak: Welcome to the “The Matrix” evolved.*
For those who doubt, read Ray Kurzweil’s book, “The Singularity Is Near.”
1,000 years of linear growth requires only 10 calendar years when progress is accelerated exponentially.
*Anti-virus protection suddenly takes on a whole new meaning. Also, it’s probably time to revisit “permissions” and “friending” architecture(s) when deployed on a biologically based, hybrid neural network. Just saying…
@sdm ..
… as interesting a topic as this is (and i LOVE this stuff!), there would just not be a need for a domain name at all at that point. You’re also starting to head into the world of ‘Cyborg’ at this point.
**The Matrix, yes, but this post also made me think of ‘Demolition Man’ (with stallone), when there is no human contact in the future and the only ‘allowable’ way they had sex was by sitting across from each other and each placing a helmet on their heads while plugged in to some type of brain wave connectivity device to ‘get it on’… they would close their eyes and their brains would ‘think’ they were having sex because of how the data was recieved…
‘Total Recall’ with Schwarzenegger, with the implanted memory chips (always thought this was his best movie)… but the good news is, they’re making a remake of this – i can’t IMAGINE what kind of new sneak peak technology we will be seeing in this one.
.. i don’t know how FAR away this all is, but by then how we use the internet will surely be drastically different if we will be connected like that, no?
Our Future On This Planet = Exciting but seriously SCARY
@3d Domain Names
The truth of the matter is that only the top 10% of the wealthiest 1% of our global population could afford to implement the ultimate BCI technology as described.
For the rest of us, the technology will trickle down to PlayStation, XBOX & Nintendo in addition to less expensive medical procedures – just enough to keep us mildly content, amused and distracted while others decide our collective fate.
Yep. The rest of us will still be on Facebook, texting while driving (bad idea) and, oh yeah… buying domain names.*
*I understand BCI POD servicing and maintenance is probably a growth industry during the early stages of this emergent technology.
Back to earth…….L@@ks like someone is loving 3d gaming
Just paid $60 for
i saw that one falling… 3d-CELL.com is still out there ready to be regged if anyone is interested.
Good luck 🙂
Back to earth…….L@@ks like someone is loving 3d gaming
take notice again at the title of the game they are talking about :
‘Motor Storm 3D’
ENDS in the ‘3D’
I know this has been an area touched on many a times and one that i sometimes favor,, but every time you turn around, the 3D is at the end.
.. just something to keep an eye on as more content starts creeping in.
Ive noticed that aswell, but ive also noticed that is the word is generic then it starts at the front ie….3dgames.com, 3dmobile.com, 3dtv.com…..and if it is the name of some film of game then its……saw3d.com, motorstorm3d.com etc…..
3DSmartphone info
Tim Burton’s ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ To Use 4D In Special Event
“Fan favorite holiday movie (Halloween or Christmas — take your pick), The Nightmare Before Christmas has seen its share of new DVD, Blu-ray, and theatrical releases over the years. The Tim Burton-produced, Henry Selick-directed stop motion animated classic has already seen a 3D release, so what could be next? Well, a 4D release, of course! “
Full Story:
Advice needed, Ive just had 3DSMARTPHONE.COM accepted in the TRAFFIC Miami auction with reserve of $10,000 , LOL, I know it prob will not sell but if it does will i regret it considering 3d smartphones are not even out yet! Any advice would be great.
Stuart… sit tight .. i will email u 🙂
Stuart this is your call 10K is good cash, Will it be worth more? I think so
Ok mate, will do, I also have a contract to sign??????? WTF
Yeah, you will have to sign a contract. Make sure you read the contract well because they will have rights to your domain name in an attempt to sell it for 60 days after TRAFFIC.
Its not a bad deal if you are not actively marketing it yourself, however if you do sell it yourself within that 60 days they are granted 15% or $200 what ever is more. At $10k its going to be 15%
Still you have a chance to make some great money if it does sell. If not… no loss.
I would put it up and at the very least get some name notoriety out there for it.
The chances of you making it into the MAIN part of the traffic auction is small already.
Cheers and I hope this helps.
All the best
Thanks for the advice guys, Im tempted but since its 23.29pm here in the UK , I will sleep on it and hopefully wake up to some more advice in my inbox or on this site. Thanks guys again
I have these 3 in the TRAFFIC Miamin auction as well
Dont hold much hope though, Ive set high reserves as I am happy to hold onto them…
Good luck Stu
Stuart, you will regret this.
@Giles.. i don’t think you’re in the live auction though… final auction results have been updated.
and this should make a few people happy … i remember someone earlier had mentioned a few 3d surf names they had regged… so this is for you: 🙂
Live 3D Television at the Rip Curl Pro in Portugal
@3D Domain Names
Thats fine, its more a little exposure thn anything else
Good luck to anyone with names in the auction…
Just looked at the final list for the Miami Auction, it seems a bit weak to me, just filled with .cm and .co but good luck to anyone with them and hope they do well. Taking into account everything that has been said to me I think I will leave this auction alone (Not as if my domain would sell anyway, still too early) and wait for a proper 3D one to come along with no 60 day sucker punch.
The person who owned my 3DCONSOLE.COM before me wanted to sell it back in March and wanted $$$$$ for it, this article has been floating around on the internet, find it really funny –
Game Vendors scramble to purchase 3DConsole.com
A record-breaking domain sale is expected to lift suppressed dot com prices as major game vendors scramble to purchase 3DConsole.com prior to the launch of the worlds first 3D console by Nintendo in June of this year.
The auction is currently running at Sedo.com and industry experts are suggesting a 5 to 6 figure sale, which would be a very welcomed boost to this one time booming industry.
Click on http://3dconsole.com to find out more…
I think the end bid was $30 ish, LOL
@Stu and others,
It cracks me up to read your postings here on 3D domains, selling them, buying them, what’s going to be big, etc. I have all the answers but few of you contact me. Check soon for a comprehensive blog article on my site in the next week.
Have fun!
Well it looks like we hit the 500 comment mark on this one.
Well make that 501 now.
Not bad
Go ahead, brag about it! Arrggh! lol. That really is impressive, bro. I appreciate you mentioning my name, and I hope this article stands as the highest comment section EVER on any popular domaining blog (I actually think it does). They should have an award at one of the conferences for “Most Comments On A Domain Blog Article”.
It shows just how popular and likable your blog is, and rightfully so. When I write my wrap-up on 3D next week, I’ll definitely hook up to this article for any new readers left who haven’t yet read your article. 😉
Have a great weekend, and Congrats again. You’re a class guy.
No 3DTV without glasses for upto 5-10 years says Samsung, but smartphones and consoles ok to go
Very nice 3d article
For the Holo/Projection fans out there… it just keeps getting better and better… i wish i could find more on this but i haven’t been able to…. i can’t believe how far this has come so quickly…. nJoy!
– – – –
i caught two really nice holo names for myself today
• HolographicShows.com
• HolographicCommunications.com (love this one!)
And ‘stole’ another on GDA
• HolographicMemoryCards.com
i don’t know how many of you are familiar at all with this tech, but it’s amazing what we’re about to be capable of as far as storage (yes, some of this already exists, but not at the level it’s going to be as far as total capacity and speed) … from passports to medical cards to complete company website business cards, these are going to change how we do a lot of things in this world.
**Only problem i have with the holo names is that they are so damn long.. i always think to myself, ‘well, there’s nothing you can do about that – it is what it is’ – but some of these man… just lo-o-o-ng.
‘Holographic Communications’ is very solid, in my opinion, BUT…NINE syllables? and 25 characters? … Is that too much to diminish the overall strength of this name?
In any event – love my new names. 🙂
@3d domain names
Heres one for you mate, thought you might like
Just a tidbit that makes me go “rah rah”!
ESPN picks the Thursday night game of my team the OREGON DUCKS vs UCLA for their first Thursday night TV broadcast of college football.
I love my Ducks!
But 3D is making me a lot of KA CHING!
Ok so if were going to go there I don’t have much to say since my Gators certainly suck, but I’m pulling for Boise.
After all they have the same colors and who doesn’t love a team that plays on the electric blue grass.
Microsoft on 3D below with 24 added comments, good read
Movidius brings mobile 3D a step closer
And that means a 3DMobileNetwork.com gonna be reupping this name for 3 more years and that should be enough IMO
Just noticed
is available if you like .co
You are a wise man. Boise State is my 3rd fav college team behind the Ducks and Beavers, because Boise State beating Oklahoma in a bowl game was the best game I ever saw in my life, and it taught the ‘biggies” a lesson: Never underestimate the “little guy”. He might have weapons that can destroy you. heh heh
Boise is up there with the Ducks, either way, I believe one of these two teams will be in the National Championship. Get rid of the the BCS system tho, and go with a playoff system.
Why did you pick Boise State? Just curious.
Boise is the quintessential underdog, David Vs Goliath, not only did they beat OKL in one of the best games of all time, but their running back proposed to his cheerleader girlfriend right after his scored.
They spanked TCU last year in the bowl when they were a 7 point underdog.
Their colors are orange and blue, and they play on blue grass, how can you not love them
You all want to watch a proper game – Rugby League!
Ps. 3DS.Asia – is deleting on pool.com on 2010/10/26 for all those who can reg it!
Anyone can register .ASIA names, but I would stay far away from .ASIA
Who really want to register a .ASIA? Well its not my taste. I dont see much redeeming value in a .ASIA but then again, I dont consider myself a domainer either.
Just wanted to put in my 2 cents
India Launches First-Ever 3D Smartphone
• 3dOnlineMovie.com (Sweet!)
and another emerging holo tech name for the future…
• TouchableHolography.com (Wow!!)
it doesn’t seem possible – but it is!!
PS… 3dBusinessCard.com dropped today also – still sittin’ there if anyone wants it
NJoy all 🙂
With technology like this, don’t go for the long names like TouchableHolography.com (even if its the exact term), these names are too long and they generally dont do well, just think about the most popular and successful websites, they are generally not long like that, have a look at sites relating to this type of technology (no, we aren’t the first) and most of the names are short and to the point….
This is the type of name that would be good for this technology, taken and developed though
Good luck
Nestle ‘s 3D Marketing Campaign
@3d domain names
I have 3DMOVIESONLINE.CO.UK , bit like yours 🙂
Amazing drop today everybody … i’ll let you guys fight over this one
SO much potential:
.. i’m kidding)
Just snapped up
3D-PC.COM via Afternic for $300
Its ok I suppose, been itching to buy something for ages so i thought why not.
I have never used a – in any word searches
Don’t like the buy,
Thanks for your opinion, Im happy to hear anyones opinion on my domains, with regards to typing in a ‘ – ‘ I dont think you have too, might be wrong but im sure you still get traffic as long as you have the exact words.
P.S. Good luck with people typing in – 3DMobileNetwork !!!
• the search engines treat a dash as a space, so no need to worry about ever typing it
• statistics have continuously (and overwhelmingly) shown that people tend to click on web sites that match their exact search before any others.
• some studies, believe it or not, have been proven to give dashed names more relevance over the non dash counterpart… this is usually due to the words being more defined and easier to understand by the spiders and bots.
• If given the chance, would you trade your Vodka 3d for 3d-PC ?
..haha.. be careful what you answer here.. i think some people are licking their chops to see how you handle that one (haha)
– – – – – – – – –
New Additions
… Holo sector (yet again)
… $0.99 GD coupon in effect everybody(use SCARYONE)
• 1800Holo.com
– – – also – – –
• GetHolo.com
my first and only 1800 name… sales stats reflect nicely for 1800 names…
anybody else use these before? .. either way .. i like it 🙂
– – – –
other domain news:
BIDO is Back!!!!
– – – – – –
nJoy all
Had contact this week with a MAJOR tech company on one of my better 3D names. Ill see if I can say anything should it progress to a trade.
I just noticed something about the current 3d name I am working on.
I found a medical field attachment to my 3d database domain.
Apparently there is a 3d Database Searching associated with drugs and chemical compounds. I didnt know that until today.
Even some .GOV site has stuff related to 3d Database.
“”The 3D database is being using for:
* 3D pharmacophore searches to discover novel active compounds
* Statistical investigations using the 3D distance keys””
I just thought it was interesting that I just found out that there is a medical link to my site besides the 3D stuff that we all talk about here.
I just wanted to share.
… it really is just a matter of time..
[B][U]USA TODAY – With little 3-D content to see, fans create their own[/U][/B]
njoy 🙂
This really can ONLY be looked at as Good News for the future of a 3-d Web:
“Microsoft to buy 3D chip and gesture control maker”
“Canesta, a company which specializes in 3D sensing technology and 3D gestures used for natural user interfaces (NUI), has announced that it has signed a definitive agreement with Microsoft.
Canesta is responsible for a leading single chip 3D sensing technology platform and has accumulated a large body of intellectual property, with 44 patents already granted to the company and more on file.”
whole story:
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
i know big companies take on side ventures like this all the time and never see the light of day but it still shows the direction everyone is leaning… still LOTS and LOTS of money being spent on 3d for it to go NO WHERE… don’t ya think?
If 3d was ‘just a fad’, wouldn’t it be over by now? a year later? this journey really hasn’t even begun yet.!!
… so be thankful for all your 3d names boys and girls… our day will come.:)
oh… and… Jackass 3d (of all movies) – in just 17 days – has just topped a HUNDRED MILLION at the box office!! .. that’s more than the Social Network (Facebook) drew in 31 days. ($79 mil)
.. Saw 3d opened up this weekend at number one as well… judging by most of twitter, a lot of people seemed to really like it so it might gain a little more steam, although, i would be surprised to see this movie even sniff $70-$75mil
– – – – – – –
and in my last tidbit of the day:
Consumers say in-store 3D experience more amazing than in cinemas
“Consumers say they are being blown away by in-store 3D TV demos, more so than when they go to the cinema to view a film in 3D”
that’s it
njoy all 🙂
‘Consumer Reports’ Tests 3D TV, Calls It ‘Compelling’
The Urbee Hybrid: the First 3-D Printed Car | Fast Company:
Frank owns 3dprinting.com
Just had a 2k offer for 3DCONSOLE.COM via email!
“Frank owns 3dprinting.com”
I noticed that he had received an offer on it the other day, wow, does he get alot of offers each day…nice 🙂
sorry to go off track for a min, one for all those who like solar domains…….
Just reg’d
i hope to grab a few of you before this night ends… but CNN’s coverage of Election day is CHOCK FULL Of Holographics and Holograms… very, VERY cool stuff… makes me even more excited about what i have been able to stock.
and in more amazing (bizarre) news… really, when you think about it..
tonight’s election coverage actually has a map that is analyzing all tweets from twitter today (good tweets and bad tweets/region)… just UNREAL when you really think about the POWER that Twitter has built up to be FEATURED in Election day on CNN!!
You crack me up, dude. I owned SolarKeyboard.com and the plural, bought in 2007. I studied it, couldn’t see a realistic use for it, so I let it expire.
It’s really weird to see what a year ago I determined was “unfeasible” suddenly appear as a realistic product.
You never know what keyword domain based on future trends will actually pan out. I decided against this domain because I didn’t see “SE movement” on it (which drives prices and domain purchases for the majority of domainers) but when I BOUGHT this domain, it was based not on “guessing” at the time, but actual written discussion of the reality of such a product. READ THIS PREVIOUS PARAGRAPH CAREFULLY.
What you think is worthless in FUTURE TREND DOMAINS, can’t be determined BEFORE they mature, but believe in them if you have your domain purchases based in significant research beforehand. I need to remember my own rules.
Stuart just pointed out a mistake of mine, which was “oh, no movement yet on this product, I’ll let the keyword domain “SolarKeyboard.com” expire”
Good job, Stuart.
Thanks mate, I also registered it via go-daddy and if you type in the promo code – ‘SCARYONE’ – you get the domain for $1 , Yes $1 , that includes .com’s, net’s, org’s, info’s etc etc……..
Happy Days 🙂
I also think by 2012-13 the solar keyboard will be standard with all pc packages!
A Step Toward Holographic Videoconferencing
New 3D Smartphones out in Japan in December
The 3D smartphones in Japan will release with bundled 3D content, according to Engadget, like the Capcom bundle that features Mega man, Resident Evil and Ghosts ‘n Goblins titles built into the devices.
3D Smartphone Games –
Video on the Solar Keyboard
banner3d.com now in our family…
!)What does all those 3d news have to do with domains?
2)when all those great sales are going to start happening?
… when dealing in future trends, latest news reports are necesary to follow, track and even uncover MORE future trends.
3d, whether people like it or not, WILL be here and in a MASSIVE capacity at that… that’s going to disappoint a lot of people and make another group of people very happy. (hopefully all of us on this board)
As mentioned numerous times throughout these postings and with most of the news stories and reports you read, the biggest ‘problem’ with 3d at the moment is probably (in this order)
(1) – lack of content
(2) – not enough products on the shelf at the moment
(3) – the glasses
(4) – the price
but these news stories we’re all posting is showing those of us who HAVE took the leap in 3d domain names, that 3d is either:
(1) – on the way
(2) – new products soon to be released or in development.
(3) – ridding the world (and problem) of the glasses
(4) – getting more affordable
These news stories are also important to all of us here because, again, with this sector being a ‘future trend’, some of us have some long(er) term decisions to make on certain names – do we hold and renew for another year?.. do we let them go?… should i think about developing?.. some of these stories help those decisions along… and like i said earlier, may also lead to newer future trend domain names.
One of the more amazing things i have noticed when talking about 3d domain names, and i mention this a lot, is the crazy FIRE it lights under people – the people who like it – LOVE and the ones who don’t – man do they hate it!!
… the ‘3d Domainer’ has been forced to defend themselves almost from the beginning… This has helped some/most of us to actually form a bond and in some cases, friendships… it seems that pretty much whoever shares this journey with the other are all rooting for each other in some form and these articles help reinforce some of that as well.
(I know that last part was a little ‘corny’, but as corny as it is, it’s true.)
So enjoy the news as it gets posted – this has become a great source for all of us to gather our 3d updates.
nJoy All 🙂
@Domo Sapiens
“when all those great sales are going to start happening?”
Ive just sold
for $112
Gee Stuart, did I waste all my time giving you free advice on NOT TO SELL THESE? Or were you not listening? You’re going to kick yourself hard in a year, and maybe sooner. What’s $112 going to do for you?
You’re cheapening the market BIGTIME by your bottom-basement sales pricing, although I predict you’re going to be the only one who has done this so those domain investors looking for the “new innovators without aftermarket sales guidance” will be loving you for the easy pickings.
Stay tuned for my BIG 3D-future trend blog article coming out next week.
Think. It works sometimes.
I have a plan, dont worry, I have another BIG domain lined up for buying, I have already negotiated the domain for $700 so just need to sell a few little ones. Trust me, you thought 3dConsole.com was good, you aint seen nothing yet!
3d sunglasses
.com is taken
Just snapped up a little one for $3
Still one of the BIGGEST hurdles going is 3d content
… Check out my latest update on
all new titles added… new layouts… new info… seo updates… re categorized..etc..
.. traffic is really starting to pickup… ranking very highly on a lot of very popular 3d dvd/3d movie search strings on all the major engines…
.. have finally passed the $xxx mark this month in affiliate sales (Netflix) – site has been up since February – (first 3dtv’s were launched in april)
this site is starting to move along nicely now..
with the latest seo update, i hope to be in better position following the holidays – after the 3d tv invades many more homes 🙂
Has anyone else caught this article about the iPhone and iPod getting some 3D content?
Its kind of cheesy right now, but if it comes to fruition there may be a push from the Apple crowd to get actual 3D services and content on their devices.
We all know how the Apple crowd is… they have to have the best of everything and there is NO telling them otherwise.
This could be a the beginning of a big thing for 3D content for the Apple world.
3d Iphone no brainer
3D IPAD wonder why they did not release this right out of the gate
all the 2d IPADs are a waste,
That’s the ticket
Would you take 1 million for it or would you wait for 10 million?
Just been talking to a V.I.P of the domaining business and he noticed I have 3DCONSOLE.COM, he gave me some advice similar to what Stephen Douglas said earlier in this thread, its nice to know –
“If you are willing to flip it “early” I will not sell it for anything less than $2500, 3D gaming and computing is a huge market and probably the biggest niche right after TVs, movies. Please note that the price of course will increase over time when 3d becomes mainstream…. might be another 5 years but it’ll be a gold mine. Good luck! ”
5 Years it is then!
I need everyones opinion on these two things ASAP
1. Is it worth investing in a 3D Porn domain with the new .xxx being lined up, will it be a waste of money?
2. If you had to pick one of these two domains which one and why
Doing a bit of research!
i personally think .XXX is going to be a NIGHTMARE for the porn industry – that extension will be blacklisted EVERYWHERE. I can’t see how this extension is going to be a good thing for the industry.
and as for your question … because of how each country seems to refer to this differently (cellphone, mobile phone, smart phone) .. NO one in the US says ‘smart phone’ or ‘mobile phone’ (actual people, i mean)
i’d play it safe (and shorter) and go with just the 3dPhones.
(plus more versatile)
good luck 🙂
If you had to pick one of these two domains which one and why
I would pick neither
3DMobilephones.com is better
3DPhone.com is better
@3d domain names
Every offer ive had on 3dsmartphone.com has come from the US , weird one that!! I cant get my head round who says what and where they say it!! I need a drink….
i guess you can think of it like the term ‘Personal Computer’
no one says ‘Personal Computer’ .. they say PC, or computer or laptop, or notebook.. or nowadays.. tablet… but no one in the streets utters the words ‘My Personal Computer’
(kinda) the same thing with ‘smart phone’
i don’t know a single person that actually uses the term ‘smart phone’ when talking about calling someone or buying one or researching one or even seeing the latest in the store.. or even a TV show that uses the term for anything in their dialogue
“Mobile Phone” is used more than “Smart Phone” and even then, you’d be hard pressed to find someone here actually speaking those words.
(do you actually know people who use the words ‘smart phone’ when referencing their cellphone?)
We, in the states say ‘Cellphone’ .. or ‘Call me on the Cell’.. or .. whatever .. something like that.
That’s not to say that 3dSmartphone is not a great name.
Marketing departments use the term smart phone in print and commercials and that’s all you need.. but the people never actually SAY it is all i’m pointing out. (at least, not here anyway)
Good luck with it regardless – you know i’m always around to help. 🙂
I do get what you are saying, however my aim when buying 3dsmartphone.com is to have a solid domain regardless if no-one across America ever says Smartphone! Having the exact name of a product was my aim not what people say on the streets. My guess is that http://WWW.SMARTPHONE.COM is worth 1 Million plus, so taking that on board Im happy with my $900 investment, Im sure at worse I can get my money back!! 🙂
Which is better domain, 3DTV.com or 3DPhone.com?
Let’s have all opinions.
@ 3D domain names
Can I just point out that I didnt even mention 3d smartphone if you read the start of my question, I just said “what is the best out of 3dphones.com and 3dmobilephone.com”, but you prob thought heres your chance to let me know again that no-one says in America the word ‘Smartphone’, which is fine, I can handle all the diggs, Ive never heard anyone on PLANET EARTH let alone America say the word 3DCAKES but that didnt stop you registering 3DCAKES.NET, so I geuss its each to their own!!!!!….Its obvious that people dont like it when someone thinks they have a good domain, I know I brag on about mine a lot but the forum is open for others to do the same….who cares?? This is my last post on this forum and others for a while (maybe a day or two) cause Ive got better things to do than have to defend my domains over and over and over again.
Hey Stuart.. i like coffee too but it has different effects on different people 🙂
hey man .. i’m not ‘diggin’ on your name – i think it’s a great name – have said that over and over… i’m sorry if you think that you have to ‘defend’ this name for some reason (?)
you asked us to choose between ‘mobile phone’ and ‘phone’
my original answer was nothing to be all uber-sensitive about.
Maybe it was my comparison of ‘mobile’ phone to ‘smart’ phone?
That was like asking ‘Pick between ‘camera’ or ‘dslr camera’.
i own a dslr camera – i shoot with a dslr camera – NEVER call it a dslr camera.
(coincidence/shameless plug: i actually own ‘3dDslrCamera(s).com’)
Either way .. no sense in making a big thing over nothing stuart. I wish you’d stop thinking everyone was out to bring YOU down for some reason.
It’s all good though – i’ll still root for ya
… but seriously ..
… consider decaffeinated 🙂
3dCakes, btw, was not a domain name investment
… i told you.. my girl makes those huge 3′ – 4′ – 5 foot themed cakes… (pretty crazy stuff) they’re not ‘3d’ like stereoscopic.. they’re 3d as in ‘dimensional’…
3dCakes was to build a site on – for myself… to put her ass to work (haha)
i’m trying to come up with a logo on the side now but haven’t had a chance to really dig in on it… the site, maybe by early next year should hopefully be live but no promises with the holidays upcoming.
anyway… njoy:)
Next week, FOR SURE (and you guys can all email me to hassle me if you want so I’m reminded), I’m posting the definitive 3D/Hologram future news, what’s coming up, what’s best, what’s realistic, and everything you need to know about investing in 3D/Holograms and other future trend technology domains. It will be posted on my main blog, Successclick.com
Stay tuned, you’ll see it featured on Francois’s Domaining.com (and maybe here if Em-Bee throws me a bone) so you can get the news if you aren’t already subscribed to my email newsletter or watching my blog. I’m going to begin, slowly through the holidays, but blasting out BIG in Jan 2011, the wide-open money-making domain opps for 3d/hologram future trend tech domains.
Em-bee, you can remove this post as “spam” and I’ll understand. I’ve been posting in this article’s thread for months, and I just realized where I was when I wrote this, but I need to inform everyone what’s up, hence this post. Your article’s thread has surpassed the FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY COMMENTS (550) MILESTONE and now it just seems to be a long, very long… as in VERY LONG email thread. lol.
Em-Bee has informed me that his article on 3D here (posted exactly FOUR MONTHS AGO on July 11) has become the MOST commented-on blog article in domain industry history. This means: THEDOMAINS.COM holds the record for the most comments for any article ever written in the domain industry space. Think about it… in ten years of active domain investor discussions, Em-Bee’s THEDOMAINS.COM breaks the 500 comment barrier. Take that, Elliot! 😉
If you let this comment ride, Em-Bee, I owe you one.
For the rest of the 3D/hologram participants here, I’m going to reveal the mother lode in this niche.
(thx EMBEE)
Right Im back, had enough time away, lol, first video footage of the 3d phone due out, cant really see the 3d aspect but looks cool anyway
I have about 100 3D domains set to renew. Any thoughts on the best and most reasonable place to re-up?
Personally, I would not renew them all, I would trim your portfoilio down and select the best ones to renew..
Depends what extension they are as well. Some registrars are cheaper than others depending on the extension.
All are 3D dot coms and I dropped 7 already, I think we are solid at the 100 domains,. Go Daddy wants 8 hundred bucks for the entire lot for 1 year.
Unless you plan to develop most of them, you will never sell 100 domains all in one niche, my advice would be to narrow it down to the better keywords and let the others go and ort even try and sell them slightly cheaper to at least get your money back.
Just advice, thats all..good luck with whatever you decide mate
Didn’t I already tell you I could break down which domains you should keep, focus on, build, resell, dump for $1 a domain? If you renew 100 domains and 20 of then are junk, you’ve just spent $160 on nothing. $100 will get you a breakdown of what you got and what is king.
you got my email, use it. I have to have a nice set of winning domains from this crew to submit for the upcoming auction I’m setting up. Find out which are your best…
All I wanted to know was who has the cheapest .com renewal . I have them at Go Daddy and they want 800 to re-up for the year. Is there a cheaper place to do this?
I’m not dumping any domains they are all good 3d .coms
Just had a $5,000 offer on 3DSmartphone.com via dn forum! 🙂
“who has the cheapest .com renewal” ?
Have you considered becoming a Registrar of only your names ?
Will that allow you to soon cut a deal DIRECTLY with the .COM Registry ?
The “cheapest .COM renewal” would approach the .COM Registry price… given to the premium Registrars. Some claim it is $4 per name per year.
“who has the cheapest .com renewal” ?
There is also a Ten-Year-Plan approach some claim is the lowest (cheapest) ?
In that plan, the Registrar (whatever that is), would plan to warehouse (enshrine) valuable names for at least 10 years. They will tell you they are YOUR names, but wink-wink nod-nod they are really “the Registrar’s”.
YOUR names get recorded as tied up for 10 years. You get some sort of annual fee. The accounting apparently becomes “creative” with accrual vs. cash, etc.
To have your own registry there are certain annual costs and fees which makes that a viable option only to those domainers that own tens of thousands domains.
Also Verisign charges the same base price to all registrars
… this is the part that sucks… but ya just have cough it up another year if you believe in what you have.. not going to get all that much better than godaddy for your dot coms.
(and it won’t cost you $800 – it would cost more like $750 – for 100
Check the forums for those constant $7.47 coupons)
if you have any dot us’s or uk’s or tv’s… moniker is great for transferring – save you a lot of money over there for anything in that realm. (not too sure on every extension though)
good luck 🙂
– – – – – –
and i’m sure plenty of you have already seen this – this has become somewhat viral already.. sorry for not posting sooner.
“Holographic Entertainers”
LIVE: In Concert: Japanese Holographic, Vocaloid Hatsune Miku
Here’s The Video:
and this should help explain what you just saw:
NONE of it was real – not even the music
Verizon Wireless launches 3G mobile site in Philadelphia
Verizon Wireless has expanded its 3G mobile network in Philadelphia,
We are 1 letter away folks,
Unfortunately, 1 letter to a big company like Verizon is 1 letter too much mate, especially when they have 2 very different meanings (3D versus 3G)
Your right Giles big difference between the two.
3G is outdated and 3D is on the way full steam ahead.
It is the next generation of mobile devices.
Japan is about to release a new 3D Mobile phone in about 2 weeks,
The US will have full 3D glasses free mobile phones in the first quarter of 2011 and that will be the start of the 3DMobileNetwork. Who will get there first ?
Verizon, AT&T , Sprint , Apple, Virgin,
Who knows . It could be 3G 4G 5G 6G who cares,
There is only 1
Case Closed,.
“To have your own registry [REGISTRAR?] there are certain annual costs and fees which makes that a viable option only to those domainers that own tens of thousands domains.
…Also Verisign charges the same base price to all registrars”
Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and others are Registrars with a FEW domains
(…the ICANN System favors those with Deep Pockets…)
By the way, as far as I know, even if you have Deep Pockets, you can not buy
a seat on the New York Stock Exchange for a hobby. ICANN could have
required a certain number of .COM Registrar transactions per month or you are no longer a .COM Registrar. There could have also been a distribution hub layer (or Middle Office) that would toss stray registrations to waiting Registrars.
The original NSF Three-Layer Model was much more fair, more robust, and
was designed to prevent what now has happened, one major Registrar dominates
the .COM industry. That is a failure of the ICANN U.S. DOC NTIA Model.
Note: The .CO Registry has selected Real.Registrars Only. Many people are likely registering .CO domains via what they “think” are Registrars, but are not.
The .CO registration agents are likely a Reseller several layers from the Registry.
The .CO Registry has proved that can work, at least of “the Launch”. Now .CO
enters a critical phase, similar to the Space Shuttle without the booster rockets.
“…Also Verisign charges the same base price to all registrars”
it might be best for you to live in that blissful myth
ok, mate, whatever you say
This is pretty cool:
i3DG to bring 3D content to iPhone, without the need for glasses [video]
Ive just regged
Just as you were posting it.
Who said 3D Mobiles are not gonna be big! This is just the start!!!
dont forget about HOLOGRAM domains chaps, holograms will be BIGGER than 3D – you heard it here first.
and yes, i own some hologram crackers 😉
.. hologram domain names?
they have those?
@Kyle Parker:
Ummm… it’s great you’re going for Hologram domains. Go to this site to see where “hologram” domains have been part of the team for five years now. This where it’s all going to start for you. Successclick.com You’re going to be pleasantly surprised and informed, and educated!
(Shameless promotion, Embee, I know… just hit me on the head or something).
@Stephen Douglas_Successclick.com permalink
Next week, FOR SURE (and you guys can all email me to hassle me if you want so I’m reminded), I’m posting the definitive 3D/Hologram future news, what’s coming up, what’s best, what’s realistic, and everything you need to know about investing in 3D/Holograms and other future trend technology domains. It will be posted on my main blog, Successclick.com
I am just seeing if this ever happened.
I would like to see what your thoughts are on this subject and what you think the realistic future is on the 3D industry.
Outside of your shameless plugs (that you admit to) for your website, it would be nice to see your whole perspective on this subject.
the holy-grail for 3d/holograms will be when they are capable of projecting 3d holograms into mid-air without the need for a screen. we’re at least 10 years away from this being possible. any breakthroughs in quantum computing may speed-up this timeline however.
their are many great uses for 3d in other areas in the meantime, but be aware 3d domains are time-sensitive, whereas, and its just my oppinion, hologram technologies are not. which is why i’ve invested in hologram domains moreover 3d domains.
Hey guys, this is a great discussion, it does seem like the 3D thing is just about to go mainstream, I bought a few 3D domains earlier this year, wondering if anybody thinks some of these may be worth the more then the reg fees soon? I’m not sure how long to hold onto these or try selling them now as the interest seems to be there. Any help would be appreciated, ta
Alex, not trying to be mean, but that’s nearly $1000 per year in fees that could and should go towards something more worth your time, effort and money. You’d have a hard time getting a penny for any of those from domainers or end users. They are nothing but a liability. Let ’em go and *focus*
Hey Alex
At a quick glance, I think these are best 2 names in the group
There are too many hyphens in the wrong place IMO, try and place the hyphen in a good position and only with strong keywords (3D-Keyword.com) and try and avoid .net if you dont have strong keywords. I have some 3D .net names, but i have tried to keep these names to the strongest keywords possible.
I dont see much value in the names like these, I would try and sell them for cheap on domain forums to try and get some money back or stick some little minisites on them
I think you will struggle to sell them though, too many acronym
Good luck
hmmm, thanks for your reply guys, I am a bit confused as 3d smartphone (which hasn’t been released yet) just had a bid at 5k and so the related searches being:
3d smart phone review.
3d smart phone apps.
3d smart phone gaming
3d smart phone software
I didnt think I could be to out of the ball park as must be relevant in some way when these smart phones are released? maybe I’m looking at this differently but just going through a quick keyword search, eg
3d led tv = 110,000
3d lcd tv – 22,000
3d hd tv = 49,500
3d gaming = 22,000
3d laptop = 33,100
and an example of rising searches for 3d tvs being
1. samsung led tv +1,200%
2. samsung led 3d +1,150%
3. 3d led tv +800%
4. led 3d +800%
5. led tv +800%
6. 3d tv samsung +350%
7. samsung 3d +350%
8. samsung tv +350%
9. 3d tv sony +170%
those search trends are all going up up, especially with stuff like 3d tv gaming (gaming being a 60 billion dollar industry) going main stream soon, 3d phones being released in 2 weeks etc etc, forecasts that 80% of tvs coming out as 3d in the next few years, Every night on the TV its 3d tv this, 3d gaming revolution that, cant see those domains being worth less then 7 bucks reg fee or as a total waste of time / money as andrew suggests?
I was thinking if I was interested in 3d tvs and typed in 3d tv, and there was a domain saying 3d tv review or 3d tv store (hyphen or no hyphen) that would be a good keyword match to my interest? guess I must have it all wrong! bugger
Be very careful with your Samsung names, these are infringing on a trademark and can only lead to trouble (lawsuit)
I think Android is a trademark as well I may be wrong there though.
yes thanks Giles, That is totally correct and will not be using those domains at all, I didn’t realize that at the time but those couple are now just set to expire 🙂
I agree with Giles and yes Android is trademarked, if you ever notice the fine print on a TV commercial you will see they always say “android” is being licensed from Lucas Films (starwars)
… happy to see you catching the great big 3d wave.. wish you luck.
.. ‘generally speaking’, hyphenated domains are a very hard sell when you have more than two words and you just throw a dash in between one of the words at random, it’s … well.. it looks funny (know what i mean).
You can almost make the point that you’d be better of having the dash between all the words rather than at random just cause it looks and reads better.
**although, i should also point out on your behalf that Buy3d-TV.com sold for $800 just this year.
but to be perfectly honest (if i may)…
… these are third, fourth and fifth rank names in each of those respective categories. A whole lot of options will be exhausted by the time they get to you.
Your target audience is obviously going to be someone who’s not looking to spend big money and are going to be, at least somewhat disappointed that they are ‘settling’ on this kind of name, so keep that in mind also (these will be nickel and dimers) – these are not exactly high premium names being sought by high end buyers (no offense)
…. but if you’re good at sales and tracking people down and making something happen… then i think these following names here should still be able to get you at least your money back by year’s end (?):
(that’s something like $50 a name on average.)
.. and a little ‘visual’ tip..
.. it may not seem important (or even almost petty), but it’s probably even more important with your names than most (because of the dashes)….
… when listing names like that, try to make it is clear to read as possible .. UpperCaseLowerCase ALWAYS looks best.
Trust me – it helps!
in any event… good luck to you with your names 🙂
Android is trademarked, allthough you would’nt believe it looking at how many *android* domains are turning up in google, so i really think they’d have a job enforcing the trademark now TBH 🙂
Alex, i would consider investing in the aftermarket instead of trying to hand-register jems.
3d-gaming.co.uk is an OK domain. if you put a game review blog on it and work hard with SEO you’ll rank #1 in the UK, then feed some affiliate links into it and you’ll recover your losses+++ from the others.
this is the way forward for you now…
So it seems like the subject has gone silent over here. I would like to see people picking up the conversation again.
I think there is still a lot to cover on the 3D subject and more every day.
So I decided to test out the water a bit on this subject.
Since there are no predominant 3D forums (and those that are made are basically geared toward one defined subject or another), I put a test one up on my site 3dDatabase(dot)com.
Its a fully functional, lower end forum for the time being. Right now it is set up as default just to test out the waters. I just want to see if there is room in the market to have an open forum all about 3D. Any subject on 3D (since there are many), not limited to TVs, Movies, Medical, Games, Domain Names, Glasses… and the list can go on.
Its my thought that we should bring it all in to one place.
Maybe I am completely wrong but I just thought I would put it out there. I look forward to hearing your opinions and thoughts.
From an article on 3D news
3D laptops and desktops are already here — but the only people spec’ing up to use them are hard-core gamers and toddlers watching Up for the umpteenth time. The real driver to push multiple dimensions into the mainstream will be 3D operating systems and the 3D Web.
Apple has already filed a patent for a ‘multidimensional desktop’ (we’re guessing it’s not referring to an ability to travel through time, although that would be nice) and rumours are flying of a possible 3D desktop and navigation in Windows 8.
The kickstarter for 3D websites is likely to be X3D, a 3D graphics standard that’s trying to muscle its way into the HTML5 party. X3D is an open source effort that’s already part of the MPEG-4 specification and is compatible with next-generation scalable vector graphic systems. Software teams are already working on a massive 3D model of the Earth, ways to animate people in 3D and developing new types of user interface so you don’t try to push your mouse, like, into the screen, man.
Likely release date: First X3D websites — 2011. 3D OS — 2012. Mass adoption of 3D Web — 2013.
Read more: http://crave.cnet.co.uk/laptops/bendy-screens-3d-web-and-windows-8-we-see-the-future-of-computing-50001545/#ixzz168YHryPv
Just paid $215 for
Get ’em cheap
I dont think the whole 3D Glasses thing will be around very long. Just look at the push already to get TVs that dont need Glasses. I will give it another 2-5 years before we have some decent breakthrough and 3D Glasses will be a thing of the past.
Until then, Gucci, Oakley, and Calvin Klein have all come out with designer 3D Glasses.
So there may be still a small market for the 3D glasses, but I dont expect that window to stay open very long.
Just re-upped these till 2013
This name is infringing on Sony’s trademark, I would drop it asap
I think these are trademarks as well
Good luck
Im aware of these 3. Gap does not mean Jeans Guess does not mean Jeans either,
Sony means Sony for sure but for 7 bucks we kept it, GAP can mean many things,
If we set up a Jeans site that would be an issue. Guess the same thing,
… wow!!!
… i have to ask…
… can you tell me your top five names from this group and “realistically”, what price range you will be ‘expecting’ for each?
Its not about $7 mate, whether its $7 or $7000, its about infringing on someone’s trademark.
C’mon, what else would you use Gap3D or Guess3D for???
Have a look at the ads on Guess3D, its GUESS handbag ads, parking is benefitting financially from company trademarks.
GAP could be a company Global Asian Products 3d , Not sure about Guess.
Guess3d could be a game. Sony I agree with ,
6 figures on all
Im saying you have got Guess (the international company) ads all over your parked site, that is illegally benefitting from a trademark
Its your call though
Not sure where you get those figures, especially Wheels3D.com and BoobTube3D.com, how would a company utilize them?
Here is all our 3d domains 99 in all sorry so long
Go daddy put those there. We had nothing to do with what’s parked there,
How would a company use Boobtube3d are you kidding me?
@dmpartners, Guess wont a give a $#@#$ who put them there, its your name, just dont park it and that would fix it
BoobTube3D.com, not kidding at all, can you explain for me. I presume you are talking about an adult site right? I think Boob3D.com, T*ts3D.com, Boobs3D,co would be ok, but dont see the potential in your name, I could be totally wrong though? Its also an item of clothing if you want to look at it that way?
These have potential though
STUD3D.COM (3D Dating site)
Good luck though
I have to turn the park off I never turned it on. BoobTube3d can be a youtube type of site Or a porn site with boobs in 3d,, In the 50’s a TV was called a Boobtube, The idea was to have a 50s style site in 3d with 3d home videos on the site, That’s the fun who knows what these names will bring.
ok cool mate, good luck
Remove the name servers, that will do it
so, is anyone else looking at investing in hologram domains as well as 3d domains names?
check out my sig and look under ‘holographic domain names’ … would love to know what you think – i have about 40 in total – some real studs floating around in there.
and i don’t know if SD has a definitive list posted anywhere, but his holo names are amazing!!! Probably tops in the business.
dm, i think eyes3d.com is a very good niche domain. you could sell 3d glasses on that and do quite well i think.
Kyle YES eyes3d.com is a great one, Not sure if 3d glasses are going to stick around.
But either way it’s got potential.
3d glasses wont be sticking around for long no, but 3D contact lenses will probably proceed, which will actually fit in quite neatly with optical computing…
3d domain names im not sure how to view your sig?
Kyle wow never thought of that..
@Kyle – click on my name 🙂
3d Domains
Nice site..
thank you 🙂
i just redesigned the whole thing .. adding a news page to coincide and highlight certain names (as we speak!). Think it can help… also have a few other changes and implementations in place for nice change also… need more time on it though.
I was planning a ‘relaunch’ beginning of next week… under a more reputable dot com… this will soon be ‘Domain Names 3d (.com)’ …( it’s actually setup now that way)…
but i have some server stuff to take care of still and htaccess files ..etc..
i’m a little bummed about it actually.. i got my little dot info to a top 2.5 million site..
but that’s where the delay is now .. getting ready to redirect the traffic and not lose anything along the way…. so hard to give up serps… but…
.. one step back – two steps forward i guess.
Does everybody agree that i should relaunch under the dot com or leave it as it is?
yes nice 3d/hologram domains you have over there 3d domain names. yes use a .com, it looks more professional than a .info imo. you could still use your .info as a blog to drive traffic to your main site, but do your main sales patter on a .com. and best of luck with all your ventures.
What do you guys think of my new buy
Good buy for $215 ????? Any feedback would be great, good or bad!
Im thinking of dropping these domains, WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK –
Well, Em-Bee has reached his blog article on 3D domains into the amazing 630+ comments. He clearly NAILED the title of “MOST COMMENTS EVER ON ANY DOMAIN BLOG” in our history (no other domain forum, blog, news site can claim this title).
With the blessing of Em-Bee, I’ve opened up my blog to posts and free advice to all domainers investing in 3D and other Future Trend domains for certain relevant questions in this sector.
Of course, Em-Bee has injected the subject of 3D for domainers like no blogger ever has. I owe him a serious bottle of single malt Scotch, which I hope to present to him at Domainfest 2011. For now, in over five years I’ve been silently building up all the domains niches, information, and direction for future technology trends that are now, and will be in the coming years, creating domains that from OOTB pricing, will make you some money with a few years maturity.
You can see my blog dedicated to this subject (with the blessing of Em-Bee) at Successclick.com. You’ll get a lot of eyeballs here, but my blog will be more detailed in addressing your questions about your 3D and other FT domains.
As always, Em-Bee’s blog remains the most-read blog for domain professionals, so continue reading every article he writes.
Just my O
1 word to many Cell makes this worthless
What is Hot Video? Dump
to long
Shutters meaning glasses maybe but glasses may be gone soon.
3D Touch is the winner dump
dump to long
No clue dump
Cheap is a horrible word.
dump them all
@ Stephen Douglas_Successclick.com
First off, I would like to say thank you for putting together that post on your Blog.
I have been following this subject on multiple sites/forums. I am always interested in what other peoples take on any given subject are. Especially those who have been pioneers on the given topic (like yourself), and thought ahead of common rank and file.
I have learned some time ago that if you are going to ever be a top producing person (in what ever field you are interested), then you must get ahead of the power curve and ride the wave to the top. Much in the same fashion that you outlined in your post above for domains.
I would like a common place for people to come together on one give subject… but not just from one ilk or the other. In other words, this blog, who has set a standard with number of comments basically only attracts domainers or people who are interested in domaining. I dont think I have actually come across someone who has a general interest in Gaming … especially in 3D and the technology advancements associated with it. Nor have I come across anyone who has an interest in the 3D medical advancements (which there are many), or any other kind of interest that includes the world of 3D.
I fully understand that this is a Domaining site and it is filled with Domainers. I get that. And all the other sites that have some attribute to 3D are filled with their respective ilk to discuss their topics of the day. Just in my opinion it would be nice for everyone to come to one single place under the umbrella of 3D (in this case) and discuss their topics there.
I am sure as discussions pan out, you will see that an advancement in once area will lead to advancements in other areas. I am just thinking it would be nice…
Thanks for the kind words and looking forward to consuming that bottle with you in LA.
• Buy4KTV.com
• 4KTablet.com
• 4KRecorder.com
• Telepresence4K.COM
I dont know about this 4K thing.
I seen some push for 4K TVs…. but there is not really much out there on them.
The only real thing that I can gather is that they last longer then conventional HD TVs and have better resolution.
But will it over take the whole 3D thing?
I will have to wait to get more information on that before I can make an actual judgment.
But thanks for sharing and there are some nice pick ups you have there.
Keep your fingers crossed…. There is defiantly a market for 4K…. just how big is the question.
Be one of the first to develop a site for them and corner the market if they do take off.
Thanks Slate 🙂
4K has some hurdles to clear (global compatibility being one of the biggest), but make no mistake on 4k being a HUGE deal!!
The only real ‘gamble’ i took in that batch was the ‘tablet’ one.
There’s no real evidence of a 4k tablet coming out anytime soon, but with the push being made in mobile computing – most notably the tablets, i took the chance.
4k is already trickling out but it is seriously expensive (and supposed to be a major difference maker from the present 1080)… you should start seeing a bit more 4k products coming out this year.
… but the other 3? VERY happy about those.
if you have the time one day, do a little digging and you will see 🙂
Have you checked out 4K HDTV…. There seems to be a leaning that way (as far as TVs are concerned) .
Still, If you jump ahead of the curve and make those names into sites now before the subject really starts to take off… then you will be a leader on the subject when it gains in popularity.
Still…. It will have a following.
3D Mammogram on the Brink of FDA Approval in today’s news.
Which would be the better website
3DMammogram.com or Mammogram3d.com ??
I prefer 3DMammogram.com
EUROPE3D.COM – $2500 – Sedo
Just picked up 3dmammogram.info and 3dmammogram.org
12 bucks for the pair.
MORE Good Pub For The Revolution:
3D domains becoming a hot trend: Have you started buying?
“Mike Berkens has wrote about it. Stephen Douglas has wrote about it. Combined, the number of comments for both stories has reached nearly 1,000. I even wrote about it this week in a story headlined: 3D.com delivers an amazing pitch for its domain name, after reading Stephen Douglas’ story and stumbling upon the changes to the 3D.com web site that had transformed from a parked page to a web site in recent months.
When it comes to 3D, there is definitely a trend taking off in 2010 with companies and individuals getting into the mix of things by developing 3D movies, computers, televisions, cameras, games and a slew of 3D-enabled products and technologies.
3D Domain Names
With domain names, it’s always a gamble especially if the name isn’t a category-killing name, but as 2010 sees an increase in 3D products, you can bet that most 3D domain names worth buying will be gone soon”
Full Article & Source: Fusible
gotta love it 🙂
@dm partners
Thanks for your expert opinion, I’ll keep you in mind when i need my other domains appraising!
Just noticed I have another few 3d domains in one of my accounts –
It’s a shame.. you and my brother are backwards…
his dot come should change places with your ‘de’ and then you’d REALLY have something…. he has:
– – – – –
and let the great smart/mobile/cell/ phone debate continue… (haha)
i have these ‘misplaced’ 3d names:
I know everybody says ‘no one says cell phone in uk’ and yes, this is, for the most part, true…
looking at the stats, google uk search volume shows
‘cell phone’ at 2,900/mo
‘smart phone’ at 3,600/mo
‘cellular’ … at 4,400 a month
and in a landslide
‘mobile phone’ searched 40,500 a month
so i think these still have a chance at a nice return once we’re all in full stream.
– – – – – – –
my only 3d – de name:
i’m not too familiar with the actual sale… but FREE-SMS.de sold for $162,150.00 back in January… different, yes, but similar.
but like said… i don’t know if a working business model was sold along with it.
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!
* Extra special thanks for your blog, the outlet, the connections, the talk, the bickering, the anticipation, the speculating, the advice, the showcasing, the updates, and of course, our names.
nJoy everybody
@ 3d domain names
Nice names there mate,you might do well with them. A lot of .de names sell when the word attached is in English as described in your Free-SMS.de . Both of my domains are in English so you never know! Fingers crossed!
Em-Bee, if you think YOU’RE looking forward to that bottle of scotch I owe you, let me know what you want and I WILL GET IT FOR YOU. Craig Rowe (WhyPark.com) showed me how to treat good domainer buddies when the love is there. lol
Let me know what you want, I’ll make sure you get it. (email me if you like). I’ll agree right now that I won’t drink anywhere near half of that fifth of magic. Dan Warner showed Craig and me in 2009 Domainfest how to properly drink scotch and then educate the invited guests about the power of domains based on his genius mind… Craig and I were scotched up and impressed, and Dan rose to the occasion and directed us in the right direction. Probably, Dan is one of the 20 smartest domain experts in the world after listening to him. At least that bottle of rare Ballantines revealed that… ‘-)
I want to publicly thank you again for allowing me to start my blog on 3D/hologram/Future Trend domains using your lead-in here. I have more comments on this article than 20 of my past blog articles combined— within a WEEK.
My hope is that everyone investing in 3D domains gets at least a 500% profit on their purchases.
SLATE: My blog is opened up for your comments and domain promotion for 3D. Please limit it to ten per post. Come on by!
Happy Thanksgiving to all and thanks for this board, I enjoy the entire website.
3D Domains
Projector is not spelled with a K rather a C
Not sure if you knew that,
@ Stephen Douglas_Successclick.com
Thank you, I have been to your blog and made a comment in regards to the coming names of either Holo or Holographic.
I have hedged bets with my domains to only two 3D domains. I accept that they will defiantly be a force in the near future and I fully believe that they will be around at least for the next 5-8 years until such a time that Holographics/Holograms catch up and become main stream. I am happy with my two domain names. I think they are broad and generic enough to serve me well in the years to come.
I will continue to drop by both sites and learn what others have to say on the 3D subject.
Cheers and Happy Thanks Giving.
@ Stephen Douglas_Successclick.com
Congrats Steve on your continued success. I always came away from our mastermind meetings feeling your genius. Hope to hook up with you when I am back in Portland, have a happy holiday.
Just noticed i have 3DHORROR.CO.UK to go with 3DHORROR.COM 🙂
Just sold 3DCONSOLE.COM – $3000 – payment pending!
Who is the mystery buyer? Please tell.
hey man.. you should keep this a little more quiet until your deal is finalized.
food for thought
I have these 2 names as well
You sold way too cheap Stuart 🙁
Ive already turned down 5 figure offers on mine and see crappy ones going to small end users for $XXXX.
I am just curious… what names do you have that you turned down 5 digit offers?
I know for sure 3dlaptop was from a software company, well known. IP logs are checked over coffee before bed lol
looks like 3D sales are starting to ripen.congrats to all that have killer 3D domains! i guess i’ll have to wait until holograms are the talk of the town to cash in mine
Not sure if I sold too cheap, I paid $700 for it 3 months ago so Ive just made $2300 in 3 months. Your 3DLAPTOP.COM is in a different league to 3DCONSOLE.COM so Im happy, anyway the $2300 ive made is a quater of what i need to buy a BIG 3D domain! Ill give you 2 clues –
1. Ends in a .com
2.The owner has over 9,000 visits a week!
….Ive said from the start Im not here to play games, top of the tree is where i want to be!!
Oooops….I meant 9,000 visits a month!
Congrats Stuart, being able to find the next name isn’t easy, you are learning fast 🙂
My fear for you was being able to jump into another name with as big of a roi, looks like you might have found it!
There’s an ongoing debate about whether science fiction and fantasy set the tone for future innovation and technology. In other words, no matter how complex or improbable, if the idea is intriguing enough, eventually the details (and physics) will be worked out. On that basis, “The Next Big Thing” is limited only by our ability to imagine and/or predict the future.
For those critics who feel compelled to heckle, “Oh yeah, if that’s true, how come there are no Unicorns?” – suffice it to say, providers of venture capital for genetic research in this area are, for the moment, apparently not sufficiently intrigued.
With that being said, the following list of dotCOM domain names represent future gateways for a diverse group of developing concepts, ideas and themes:
Of course, you can always give your vision of the future a jump start by actually defining the concept yourself and putting it into the public arena for discussion.
Case in point – Google any of the following:
Neural Reality
Thanks for hijacking the thread. What a waste
his life or the post?
the deal is off, the buyer wants to pay me in stages, not up for that, there goes my big buy!!
Thats why we never put our sales on here until the deal is “done”
Its easy for a buyer to search 3Dconsole.com and then read all the comments people are saying?
Just some advice buddy
@I know mate but to be honest no-one has said a bad word about 3dconsole.com, just that i was an idiot for selling!
………that would make the buyer think they have a good deal if anything!
Its just a general rule of domaining mate
@ I know mate, I just get a bit giddy at times , lesson learnt!
He can pay you in installments just don’t turn anything over until the 3k is in the pot. Give him 90 days no refunds , If he does not pay he loses the money,
@ Dmpartners
Thanks for the advice but 3DCONSOLE.COM is not for sale anymore!
lets keep things possitive and on topic if we can…
is anyone getting increased traffic on their 3D domains? i have noticed over the last few days my parked 3D’s have been getting traffic and clicks.
Where is the “Freaking Bleeping Beef” ?
Is there an actual list of * factual Sales? Paid for?
3d has peaked , I wouldn’t be surprise if soon becomes passé
*Only after a Domain is Paid and transfered to the New owner …it’s a “sale”,
a lot of Auctions/Escrow Private Transactions go bust for one reason or another? yet they are sound advertised as “Sales” , unrealistically IMO.
“Where is the “Freaking Bleeping Beef” ?
Is there an actual list of * factual Sales? Paid for?
Its on aisle 4.
Several sales completed and most around $X,XXX mark, there are at least 4-5 in this discussion alone and 2 more on the forums, one just last week at I think $2500.
Giles has turned down at least 2 $XXXX offers I know of as I know the buyer(s).
I have truned down offers at 5 figs for both of mine (only 2 I still own) and both from end users. The beef is all around you if you, the better names mentioned by MB have surely all received and continue to get offers.
Reseller or enduser, money is changiung hands.
That’s the best you have?
Any of those actual sales to end users? please don’t post 1 or 2
Turned down offers mean nothing.
If things don’t improve Pronto I will consider them “Dead weight” the kind domainers (we) keep out of pride.
right, thats 2 questions asked and no replies, thats me unsubscribed from this thread, i’ll now concentrate on running my own blog. its a shame the tread has turned into a method of people plugging their own domains as opposed to debating the general wider market, thats domainers for you! – goodbye and good luck with your 3D domains.
Your lucky to get that much from me, remember.
Mmmm… 3DBacon,
I love that stuff, it goes great with my Digital Eggs and Virtual Toast.
The big fault with many of the tech-based names is that people don’t shop that way.
Example-I just bought a “3D” smart phone in Japan, and I’m sure the other phone makers will follow suit. The thing is, almost nobody will search for “3d phone.” It’s just a feature, not a new product line. It will get a small bump in searches as it’s phased in, and then will quickly fade into acceptance as just another standard feature…like Technicolor. Since that small bump is now, we can see that it’s 1000 exact searches with low advertiser competition. And 3d phone is one of the better 3d names I’ve seen.
@ Domo Sapiens
They best way IMO is to buy 3d tech domains, you cant go wrong. If someone wants to buy a 3D Laptop then this is what they search for, same with 3d tv, 3d cameras, 3d phones, 3d projector etc….. So to have 3dlaptop.com or 3dprojector.com is a certain winner, the obvious one is the 3dtv.com, what would you guess the value of this domain to be? I would put a figure of around $750,000 plus ( My estimate only) so this to me says that putting a 3d infront of a tech product that’s 3d is a dead cert winner. On the other hand people who reg domains like christmas3d.com, ed3d.com, 3d744.com, 3dsmiles.com will not have too many backorders.
@Bill f
Do you think people who want to buy a 3d tv search for “tv” only ? No mate, they search for “3D TV” Fact. Please do your research.
@ Stuart,
what about 3DOrangeJuice.com any future in that?
@Dean, what kind of domains are you currently vested in?
You guy’s are bordering on the absurd, but most visionaries are pretty wacky people. Back when I was a teen they made a little purple pill that made everything 3D, it was called LSD.
……I might look on google for 3d glasses but i might just type in “glasses”, lol
@ Dean
Go register LS3D.COM
@ Josh,
pretty much the same crap as you guys. I launched this site a week ago, but it’s still in it’s infancy exhibitv.com
Nice one Stuart 🙂
Also nice to see a few old know it all’s who don’t actually own anything themselves stop by for a chat.
Unless you guys want to share what it is YOU personallly own and havent borrowed to buy yourself?
LSD3.com is already taken, but I would have if it was available, excellent suggestion Stuart.
Personally I have 2 names, both good, both worth more than I paid if I sold today, that to me is all that counts. Where it goes, what others do, don’t care, making money is the end game.
Stopping by a discussion just to mock and laugh is rather rude and speaks volumes of one’s character.