D&D Consulting Ltd. is offering a $10,000 finder’s fee to anyone who refers the individual who buys the company’s Internet domain, Disaster.com.
The silent auction started Oct. 22 with a minimum asking bid of $850,000.
It’s expected to conclude on Nov. 20.
The company registered the domain name Disaster.com in 1994.
For more information about the auction, call Janice Haney at (518) 218-0900 or go to disaster.com.
You can also download the bidding form and rules by clicking here
So they want to pay me 1% commission for finding them a buyer for a completely overpriced domain name? Damn these companies are greedy.
What he said.
850,000 min bid with a ton of time for bidding..w hat a joke
I wouldn’t pay even 85k!
Hell, knowing me, I’d be on the fence if it were 8.5k.
Michael, you either put this up to show people how ridiculous or you were paid off by that company. Which one? 😉
Actually hoping these guys will share some of that huge reward of 10K when the domain sells for millions.
Is this a joke? $10k fee? More like $85k commission. Good luck.
I think this sums it up pretty nicely…
The commission should be 500k, the name is likely worth low 5 figures so anyone who can find a buyer at 850k is probably adding 800k+ in value.
Got one!!
Anyone actually able to convince someone to pay more than 50k (and even that’s being generous) for this name would find themselves playing checkers with Bernie Madoff. 😉
What a Disaster!
You just beat me Anunt… what a disaster
simply absurd!!!
just $10k to find a $850k buyer!!!
I think that they should offer, at least, 5% of the final price!!!
What a BS!!!
This is a disaster waiting to happen.
…and they’ll be waiting for a very long time at that price.
Mike – What’s D&D – Dumb & Dumber????
Ya gotta love the G-Gen (GREED Generation) – always hawking a get rich quick scheme. If you Disaster dudes really want to put $850k in your pockets, splash a cold dose of reality on your faces, get off your behinds and earn it the old fashioned way — do some work or sell something with real value!
Are there any sane people out there who think this domain is worth more than $10k???