Today I interviewed Mike De Vries the COO of a company that provides escrow services and it should be noted an advertiser here at I wanted to get some insights into the company and Mike took the time to answer the questions below. Q1) Can you tell us a little about as far as services offered, and what you do to make sure both parties have … [Read more...]
All things UDRP – an interview with Gerald M. Levine
Gerald M. Levine is the author of a critically acclaimed treatise on trademarks, domain names, & cybersquatting, Domain Name Arbitration, and the creator of a widely read Blog on domain name disputes and cybersquatting arbitrated under the UDRP and URS implemented by the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers and analyzing the jurisprudence that has developed in that area of the … [Read more...]
Monte Cahn interview with Edward Zeiden at NamesCon
Edward Zeiden from Namepros sat down with Monte Cahn at the 2016 NamesCon. Namepros did not get the 2016 interviews out until this year. It's still worth hearing what the participants had to say in my opinion. Monte discussed his take on new gtlds, live auctions and the value of attending NamesCon. … [Read more...]
Interview with The Man Behind The Data at Namebio – Michael Sumner
Today we are talking with Michael Sumner programmer extraordinaire at Namebio. In addition to his duties at Namebio, Michael works with Nat Cohen at Telepathy and manages his own domain portfolio. Q1) What got you started in the domain industry? I’ve been programming since my early teens, and I joined NamePros in 2007 hoping to connect with domain owners looking for development. I thought … [Read more...]
Exclusive – Interview with the Buyer of, Richard Kershaw sold in the Heritage Auction for $325,000 and with the buyer's premium the total price to the buyer came to $373,750. After the auction we communicated with the gentleman who purchased the domain name, Richard Kershaw. We decided to ask Richard a few questions about what he does, why he purchased the name and how high he would have bid if there was a bidding war ? … [Read more...]
Francois Launches Putting Borrowers & Lenders Together At 12% Interest
Francois Carrillo who is the Founder and C.E.O of Cybertonic which also publishes has rolled out his newest site, The site puts together lenders and borrowers together which are willing to lend and borrow using domain names and websites as collateral with an interest rate of 12% per year, which is less than domain capital's stated rate of 15%. Moreover while domain … [Read more...]
Interview with the founder of is a website that offers a comprehensive list of statistics pertaining to the new gtlds. The company behind the website is Greensec based out of Germany. We sat down with Stefan Meinecke to get some more info about the site. 1) What is GreenSec's interest in the space ? Stefan - GreenSec is a software consultant company that offers individual solutions for companies around … [Read more...]