The publishers over at Our.in published a post about an INDRP proceeding that looks to be dealing with a sub domain.
Ravi Kanth wrote:
In case you read our previous story about appointment of new Arbitrators at .IN Registry / NIXI, as a result of NIXI introducing new INDRP rules and the new eligibility criterion for the Arbitrators in September 2020 as posted under Announcements.
So NIXI has started to allocate further INDRP matters to the new Arbitrators. The first such INDRP decision by the new Arbitrator Dr. Vedula Gopinath in the matter of JustKhadi.Zepo.in, just got published at NIXI’s website. Yes you read it right, shockingly, a domain dispute has been filed over a sub-domain.
The decision went in favor of the complainant.
I direct that the Domain name JUSTKHADLZEPO.IN be transferred in favor of the Complainant by Registry. Costs: 1 direct respondents to pay to the Complainants a sum of Rs.20,000 (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) towards the costs of the proceedings. National Internet Exchange of India are advised to take incidental or ancillary action involved in the transfer of the domain name as directed.
INDRP was joke since the very beginning. .IN Registry neither cares about INDRP nor gives a shit about .in registrants – they way .IN Registry managed transfer of .in domains that were under management of deaccredited registrar Mitsu.in has shown that India is this sense is still very telling example of banana republic.
Very true. The same can be said of United Arab Emirates. You register a great domain name. Someone else then wants it. They may have connections who knows. Why bother with such things as UDRP, they just TAKE THEM and you have lost them. They took at least 8 good domains from me that way. I would not waste money regging them, it is also worse than banana republic.
I too lost a significantly valuable geo domain from the Mitsu fiasco and the registry was of zero help.
It was a real fiasco. I’m not losing any sleep over it, but it was yet another warning about speculating in ccTLDs from developing countries where people still use mule drawn wagon,
.cn was another case .
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