Jobless is unfortunately a keyword that is on the minds of many in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a spike in jobless claims in the U.S. and many other parts of the world.
Below is a look at Google trends which saw a spike from 4 to 100 for the keyword jobless in March. The number has been drifting down over the past few months.
When it comes to domain names Jobless.com seems to me like a domain name that has a lot of potential.
In 2011, Jobless.com was purchased at Sedo for $19,025. Jobless.com was registered in 1996. According to DotDB.com it’s registered in 52 extensions.
Over the years since it was purchased it looks to have just been parked at Sedo and Flippa.
Tonight the domain name sold at Flippa for $2,500. I think the buyer got an excellent price.
Flippa is overlooked a lot but some are finding decent buys. Daring.com was acquired for $3,500 in 2017 and sold for $48,888 last week.
It is a lot lower than the past but still not a great buy in my view.
No business is going to use a negative term like that. “Lost your job, come to jobless.com”. Yeah ok.
In 2011 it would have had more value from type in and SEO potential. Today those two elements would be greatly diminished.
Could be a cool name for a blog or site with job hunting tips, links to placement agencies, that sort of thing. I kind of like the name… I don’t think it has to be a negative thing. I don’t have a job, I work for myself, from home. I’m jobless but that’s not a bad thing. Try to look at it in a positive light. I think it’s a decent price with at least some potential.
A blogger won’t pay much.
I can see it as a financial services business helping those who have become unemployed. A job site, possibly a gig economy based site. For $2,500 compared to some of the crap I see daily on Namebio I think it was a good buy.
Good article Raymond thank you for writing it, because more than anything it established a constant thought I have as a reader here.
That this snoopy person is just a troll or clueless. His comment here has proven all my suspicions to be true.
The points Brad and you posted for usage are shining examples of how the name could be used. Not every business is a startup creating needless technology.
I think once there is negativity in a domain that is the kiss of death, it can look great like stop.com or this one but no enduser will seriously brand around it.
Divide the value by at least ten when the term is negative. That is why a weak sound name that is positive can sell for a similar amount.
Look if someone paid $10,000 I would agree with you, but for $2,500 I think someone can make money with this name. Just my opinion.
I think it is definitely a wholesale type price, wouldn’t say it is an overpayment, but it is going to get a very low level enduser interest in my view. It is basically a bet on the wholesale value changing, eg EMDs coming back into fashion.
I would avoid this type of name myself. Something like say energyproject.com which got $2,600 on DropCatch today has far better enduser prospects.
Of course you people would go to the site and with organic ceo it would pop up all over the place.
Of course the name has potential, you can always tell the difference when old time domain investors (whose time has pretty much come and gone) and entrepreneurs comment.
Jobless.com could have many applications some which have been mentioned above. I could also see it being used in apparel and other niche industries.
$2,500 is not a lot of money, if you can’t make money on that domain then maybe the online world is not for you.
Let me guess. I am the “old time domain investors (whose time has pretty much come and gone)” and you are the “entrepreneur”?
If you are Bert who is Ernie?
I like that name jobless.com and it can be a good Recruiting website.
I have joblessfuture.com and with AI and Robots, driverless cars and trucks(long haul) taking over, many youngies will be in the jobless future and it is real…it is coming.
Tell that to Andrew Young.
Magna cum laude
Graduate of Domain King Academy
MBA-My Big Ass(all of you have one)
PHD-people having dickheads
Maybe I have to check out Flippa more.
I’d buy this for $2500 in a heartbeat knowing you could make a profit in 24 hours or wait and make a bigger profit.
I’ve stopped reading what Snoopy says – it is 100% negative and oppositional.
I wish we could “like” posts here.
I see it as brandable. “Job Less, Relax More”.
Jobless.com for $2500 is a great deal and it’s a perfect time for an end-user to buy and use it IMO. Think outside of the box.
fair price for the name
and driverless, cardless, ageless…are in
jobless could be site for the unemployed, retirees, financially independent
i’m not crazy about the name, but it’s a good deal for the buyer IMHO
Nice article. Interesting to see the diversity of opinion on the thread, too. Over this last year, if the domain had been developed to help people get through this period of chaos with tips about jobs and careers, I would have taken a peek at it. People who are stressed out about their current situation will reach out to that domain for information, imo.
People have different investment strategies, whether that is how they buy property, stocks, bitcoins or domains. Reading different opinions is valuable. Whether you agree or not, you are learning.
I like the domain, not my favorite but buyer will not lose at that level of investment.