Google is opposing the trademark registration of Floogle. A gentleman by the name of David Dennis filed an application for trademark on the word FLOOGLE.
Goolgle claims it is likely to cause consumer confusion because of the similarities of the trademarks as both are also in connection with COVID-19 information websites.
Google actually won a UDRP case on the domain name Floogle.org back in May.
You can read their full notice of opposition to the trademark here.
After losing the domain name, I am not sure how the trademark application makes sense.
According to LawStreetMedia.com:
Google has based its grounds for opposition on the likelihood of confusion between the marks and their goods and services as described in the aforementioned information. Google alleged that the registration of the FLOOGLE mark will damage Google because of the likelihood of confusion and similarity. Google has sought for the opposition to be sustained and for the registration of the FLOOGLE mark to be refused.
With so many using the term “google” to refer to internet searching / searches, even on TV shows and general media, I wonder how close Google is to being considered a generic term and thus lose its trademark protection entirely.
That Boogles the mind
Google has no competition, very unlikely that would hurt them in any way shape or form.