There is an article on AmericanThinker.com a publication I had never read before until Koolishman at Namepros published a link. Talks about how China is trying to muscle an American company out on the domain name Invest.com.
When you go to invest.com you are redirected to thehelpingcompany.com.
The domain Invest.com is owned by The Helping Company and is currently being offered for sale via a private auction from June 25 to August 30, 2020.
To make an offer, kindly use the form below to file an initial request and a member from our team will respond as soon as possible, usually within a few business days.
Important Notice:
Please note that the minimum bid requirement is $12.5 million. Your email address must match your company URL as we only respond to offers from professional email addresses.
This should be interesting to watch.
Wonder how they came up with that minimum bid? 0% chance of selling.
the american thinker article seems extremely shady, don’t you think ?
Well, guess that explains why I received a low-ball offer on Investly.
No, not all. This literally has zero to do with your mediocre domain. Nothing.
Respectfully, investly is nothing to write home about. Sorry.
Furthermore, there is something very suspect and sefl-serving about the article re: invest.com above. IMO its a PR tactic to drive interest in the domain and nothing more than that. It seems to be all lies.
It does seem a bit odd, that’s why I noted I never read this site before until the Namepros post. Invest.com is a quality name and there are no reason to stage something stupid and tarnish the name. Especially in a global pandemic, this is not the time to sell the name in my opinion.
If the private auction does not produce a desirable result, it could be a cloud over the name for some.
you are correct Raymond.
The reason they are selling it the way they are is because they can’t sell it based on true merit for top value at this time, so instead, they are selling it based on fear and political propaganda in lieu.
The name sold, to Bank of China or Invest.com.cn which accrdoing to the link no? is China government for $30M, take into account Voice.com also sold last year to a HK company for $30M. Things happen, where do you expect them to sell such domains, on Sedo lol 🙂 Get real. INvest it is a solid domain as you can get, and all the big sales are done in private deals, when Citi Group bought Mortgage.com it wasnt on a public exchnage, its all done privately, or when Bank of America bought Loan.com, or JPMorgan at YouInvest.com and or LasVegas.com etc I can see the value and given the pandemic i actually think domains or digital assets in general are much higher as all other business are crumbling but online is booming, ie Netfix, Spotify, Zoom, and Robinhood,
I’m sorry but I’m trying to do you a favor: “investly” is close to worthless and I never would have even regged it for reg fee. And I’m and end user first, domainer second.
I think its a good name. Actually very good. At least 5 figures imo.
Don’t be silly. It’s worth $1000 at most.
Thanks 1212; you are correct. I regularly receive low-5 figure offers for it. Was sold under contract for 35k, but the buyer company ran into $ probs prior to closing. Nice fellow, so I let him out of our agreement.
Despite the naysayers; given the multi-million dollar value of Invest. com; any single-word version of “Invest” is worth at least 5 figures.
FYI American Thinker maintains over 6M visits per month according to Similar Web Analytics, so its not that ‘unheard of’ , but I totally see your point!Weird! and the chinese link? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wWrzoewdLlpAQIEwbZ3OUQ Google translate didnt really work for me, confusing as hell!
Stop being naive kind sir !
You are so obviously associated with this transaction as your precision comments above are self serving and wreak of passive salesmanship while At the same time trying to show you are not part of the deal in some way.
Invest.com is among the world’s most valuable domains, and in real world terms is worth far more than Voice.com which sold for $30 million.
You are obviously associated with the sellers or this strange PR stunt. Stop with the scams please.
Wrong on all counts of course. How does anyone not recognize how valuable this name is? Are domainers really so out of touch with the real world? Who’s really running the scam here? Predatory lying domainers hoping to get a rare one like this on the cheap?
The domain is valuable. No one is saying otherwise, but your obvious agenda to push this narrative, and your sketchy responses are transparent to everyone reading this.
You are delusional, I’m sorry to say.
Just because a site gets 6m visits doesn’t mean it’s not
Pay for play or easily influenced. Stop being so naive and look at this BS for what it is. It’s obvious this is a stunt.