It looks like you soon will be able to buy and sell cryptocurrencies through PayPal and Venmo.
CoinDesk published an article highlighting the plans that came from sources. PayPal declined comment.
“My understanding is that they are going to allow buys and sells of crypto directly from PayPal and Venmo,” a well-placed industry source told CoinDesk. “They are going to have some sort of a built-in wallet functionality so you can store it there.”
No word on how many different currencies would be included in the rollout.
The sources believe it could happen within 3 months. The move is a logical step for a company like PayPal that has over 300 million users.
PayID.org will facilitate payment of crypto, visa, even swift with email address too. Soon anything people want to be money, will be – and easily interchangeable. Good for domain names; vanity payment email addresses!
You can use PayPal through CoinBase.
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