We have been running a series for a few years, The good, the bad and the ugly” An opportunity for readers to discuss what they like and don’t like about a particular company in the domain space.
In this post give your thoughts on the whole domain industry.
What is not allowed:
- Personal attacks on individuals at the chosen company
- Promoting a competitor
- Posting domains for sale
Chinese are BAILING on .com, they are trying to sell their .coms NOW. DON’T GET BURNED by the OFFLOAD! Trade wars WILL NOT resolve, kicking .com OUT. MORE nTLD registered to CHINA then .coms! check my twitter: https://twitter.com/GoldBlockchain But more importantly, THIS: https://domainnamewire.com/2019/12/11/china-loves-com/
Then this KASEY LEE quote: “”Many investors may see China only as a buyer for expensive .com domains. However, the days are coming when you’ll hear more and more about Chinese owners selling domains to buyers outside China” -KASEY LEE
.com is DYING, saturated! You buy that CHIP, those numeric, whatever they’ve been peddling and you’re STUCK with TRASH.
An old post by me from namepros, give you the IDEA of what is going on…now 2 years later, you MIGHT SEE.
A lot of what you say is true. But you are not agreeing to my above reasoning (china making this move is smart for them given their situation, bad for everyone else). Chinas problem is money leaving the country. They are stuck producing low cost items to sell around the world while big investors are spending most of their money on bigger ticket items outside of China. They are building cheap, but making investments not inside, but outside! It is cliche, but really taking advantage of their own people. People are starting to realize this and become upset.
Blocking foreign sites is just a small step to a bigger picture. China has the capacity and infrastructure to raise the standard of living if produced goods are kept within. They don’t want to import anything except raw material anymore. Most surely, they don’t want to export their money. <- which is exactly what is happening when they buy ANYTHING from overseas. Devaluing the currency as they are is one method. Now these foreign products are even more expensive in Chinese terms, and not such good investment.
Their goal is to make yuan the only world currency. This can only be done if other currencies are not accepted. As long as they accept USD they will never move forward with that plan. The objective is ban the import of other goods, starting with online purchases or any digital investment involving foreign capital.
Once other world currencies lose most value, everyone will practically have to beg them for business. The money we have is only PERCEPTION VALUE, and they are attempting to destroy this perceived value in other currencies by making theirs a clear choice…and that is a whole another topic into HOW. The foreign investment isn't over yet though! They still own Trillions of USD. They need to use that to buy all real assets before they go too far.
This is a very big game with a lot of detail, every little thing is a puzzle piece. If you know true motive you can see what are good moves and bad to achieve said objective.
Basicly usa did export of dollars to create value, spread it around world so everyone values it. China wants to do it another way, keep it all inside china and create 'illusion' that it is precious. I think they KNOW this won't work forever, which is why they will back by gold. Steps are in play already. Starting tomorrow they are going to to have their own FIX on gold @ Shanghai . just another step to control the value of it in the future.
In my imo the biggest reason they may have a problem with .com is the u.s controls it.
I wrote that 2 years ago bud, before ANY of what I wrote was easy to SEE. Now, from a US media consumer, is starting to come to fruition! Maybe you’re not even from the USA? How is ‘conspiracy’ when it’s all been coming TRUE? You can’t debate anything with me because I would WRECK you with actual facts. Instead, you insult my intelligence and call it a ‘conspiracy’.
I know PLENTY of americans that did HONEST business in china (small biz) and are being RAN OUT. It’s not just my friends, IT’S EVERYONE.
Most of us are TIRED these empty hits SOME PEOPLE do. Well aware of the shallow and empty hits.
Not going to let you get the last word, so you might as well give it up 🙂
oops meant to reply to graham haynes below. Who by me, has 0 credibility with me, never saw him before.
What the Chinese yuan RMB is the world currency I missed that. What China is going to do a North Korea and go self sufficient and away from imports of finished goods. Please to have zero credibility from you, that’s a tick in the plus column.
They are going to be the first to back it with GOLD and it will be a chain reaction. They are HORDING gold, way more than stated! It’s coming soon, and it will KILL ALL currencies – not an easy concept to grasp overnight. The want to be first with the digital yuan (backed by gold). MANY reasons why they want a CRYPTO, mostly so they can TRACK, and manage, taking tax directly onchain from every transaction.
The endgame is govt gold vaulted and represented (and transacted on blockchain). This works as long as they PROVE (get audited) gold reserves. Eventually it will fail too. EVERYTHING fails over time unless it’s hard currency like GOLD COINAGE – but that will NEVER be mainstream, because the digital transaction makes it EASY to use.
That’s what’s coming. At least I have a website 🙂 You’re just an anon here. You’re not representing anything except Graham Haynes, and honestly (really honest) means nothing to me. I’ve spent my life researching this niche, don’t need to prove to you. It’s what I KNOW is going to happen, take it for what it’s worth.
This is a conspiracy theory to make the author feel intelligent. We are becoming more interconnected and China’s future is being part of the global economy ever more integrated into the neo liberalism western ideology.
Of course you will reply with a load of …… pointless debating with reason with the unreasonable.
Unless the government force Chinese companies use .cn which they could do it very easily just by not giving out ICP for other TLDs, as long as that does not happen, .com will stay the king.
“.com is DYING, saturated!”
Hilarious Jay — my laugh for the weekend.
The facts are these: Trade war/s don’t last; while .coms are forever. Forever.
China is one of only many markets for .coms; and not near the largest, which is of course the U.S.
And saturated? Gold is never saturated. Never. .com is gold. Always has been. Always will be.
The ‘big picture’, .com with 130m is HUGELY saturated – it has been a talking point WAY before I even got into domaining. It’s been talked about for so long, while abstract, I presume it as fact. 95% of those domains are not good brands. Sites built on 100m+ of those .coms will be crippled from the start. That’s the problem nTLD solves. It offers MAYBE 500k more ‘GREAT’ domains that can be used for effective brand.
Again, the big picture, the sheer number and knowledge of language make it clear – it’s not sustainable. I am not bashing GREAT domains. It’s hard to write ALL my positions in 1 post – but as users bring up points, I must elaborate…
I am NOT comparing domains to gold. I agree, .com is the GOLD standard as a generic. However, for niche (which every website is), nTLD is the PREMIUM solution.
And remember, while gold may go up 1000% silver may go up 3000%. Gold will remain ‘king’, but in the end, what was the better investment?
Still Afternic is very BAD and VERY UGLY . Why they are not upgrading their website and payout options.
Still payouts BIG ISSUE in Afternic. Customer support still really BAD.
Afternic is awesome, fast payouts, you need to stop getting paper checks mailed to the Ukraine.
Afternic sold our domains 2 weeks ago, still we are waiting our payments. How come you say, fast payouts, are you working for Afternic? We had all bad experiences with Afternic.
I hope they can fix all issues, because we need proper domain selling website.
WTF are you talking about? Paper checks is actually a US thing. We never used paper checks and there are very few banks in Ukraine that accept checks.
I’m from Ukraine, and Afternic sends payouts via Wire Transfers. So far so good ?
The good: still relatively low registration fees for .com and .net. Blog like thedomains, dnw,
The bad: no nothing trolls that are everywhere, blogs, forums, twitter
The ugly: no price caps, bloggers who never made any money talking like they did, shill bidding on aftermarkets.
There is absolutely nothing bad about this industry UNLESS you take it so seriously and your livelihood depends on this phony BullS hobby.
Nobody is forcing you to partake this crap and nobody dies.
So wtf…it is just a freaking BullS time waster stress reliever hobby and yet I make money just piss-ing people around.
What a gig!!
Plenty wrong with this industry filled with scammers, misogynists and phonies.
Huge Domains / Godaddy inflating aftermarket prices.
Don’t fall for 1yr promo set by the registry (not registars)! As domains delete, ICANN throttles ping rate to zone files in which a monoply HugeDomains, having 1500 registars, hands ICANN mill$, can perpetually buy-over with $1 promo while we must renew at ‘inflate-a-rate’!
If regiSTARS accept regISTRY level 1 year discounts, domaining dies. the 1st year discount KILLS, ESPECIALLY .COM – YALL GOT PROBLEMS! HELLO!
AND deflating nTLD, a lot of unique (AND GOOD ONES) one valued $100 or so – and ENDUSERS BELIEVE IT! They are doing this AUTOMATION to OFFLOAD .COM and HOLD DOWN nTLD! It’s a SCAM EVERYONE. SHUN those AUTOMATED APPRAISALS! SHUT IT DOWN!
the good: .com price stability
the bad: feels like ngtlds coming out, everyday.
the ugly: I want to own my domain names in perpetuity! “rent paying” mentality, everyone seems have embraced. You should be able to pay $8.- annually or $xxx for life.
Don’t fall for a REGISTAR scam offering THAT!
This is REDIC! GIVE me a BREAK! Why pay all that $ upfront as a domainer IT’s SENSELESS. AS a ‘domainer’ SELL it? You lose $!
It would need to be set at registry level, OTHERWISE As prices go up, REGISTRARS (like epik.com) will NEVER be able to honor IT! What happens when .org, .com, etc. is 5x higher in price? BANKRUPT them, more likely though, they just renege and SCREW YOU.
How do they KNOW when you DIE? Will you have to answer their email every year OR ELSE LOSE IT?
This samer is @namepros too, he’s not right…Propaganda WATCH OUT!
Samer has no agenda ( other than making a profit for all domainers)- he is just saying what he thinks and he is entitled to that view, as you are entitled to yours. Paul
We can still respect each other, and disagree. i dont appreciate that just like i dont appreciate allowing your post to go through.
i have a dream where i own domain forever, never mentioned epik and followed the format
Yes, Jay, it’s the same Samer.
This the same Jay?
We can respect each, while disagreeing,
i dont appreciate that, like dont appreciate allowing your post to go through.
have a dream where i own domain forever, never mentioned epik and even followed the format.
Yes Jay, it’s the same Samer.
This the same Jay?
Samer, thanks. I don’t know you well enough to say what I did. I am suspicious of namepros and their motives and methods. It seems rob has a propensity to create threads, ‘staging’, then having shills (or maybe even himself) reply with a promotion for EPIK. It’s really been upsetting me, and your first post here seemed to fit the bill.
To your point, no matter what my bias may be, I think forever reg is a BAD idea. Too hard to facilitate. What if a person dies and the domain NEVER drops? Maybe it IS a solution though, a ‘forever website’ too. In theory it’s neat, in practicality, ‘forever’ will never happen. Promoting something as such, the idea you and I present, at some point will fail. Eventually there will be NO good domains, as their all registered into eternity. It’s just a LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE.
-The good: Continued rise of .com sales.
-The bad: Registries/registrars still trying to push new tlds on domainers.
-The ugly: People claiming endusers “don’t get it” when they have no interest in buying.
This is not a political thread, should be easy to follow,
The good
The bad
The ugly
Not your memoirs or attacking others, so try to follow the rules.
Thank you
The good – .COM
The Bad – nTLD’s
The Ugly – ICANN
Big +1 Mark.
the worst are the many sleaze balls out there that give us all a bad name. Adam Dicker Wannabe’s
I thought there were no personal attacks?
That was a compliment.
pros: many talented smart people in the industry
cons: prospective buyers stating prices are too high for my .com names, as buyers have options with so many other extensions now; gtlds, i immediately stop negotiating and cancel
buyers who do not make payments on escrow.com, sedo, godaddy, etc’
often slow process of disbursement of funds ; for example, domain sold on sedo on dec 1, domain transferred from godaddy to buyer’s registrar on dec 4 and still waiting for payment (still do not understand how domain investors have just accepted this for so many years, especially if domain sales are a main revenue stream(fortunately for me it’s not
•The good: .com; Epik (#1) and people like RM; the big four domain blogs I visit most (TheD, DI – i.e. the one in the US, OD, DNW); a handful of other “runner up” service providers; NP even though I don’t often visit…
• The bad: .us has been kept in the state that it’s in since day 1 in 2002, when it could have been the opposite since day 1 at virtually zero cost and with virtually zero effort, the reasons being obvious (at least should be) to anyone who thinks and cares about the most important truths and realities of our day and is a seeker of truth in general; extreme scarcity of decent client friendly auction platforms; the decline of escrow.com to the point where I don’t ever want to use them again and haven’t…
• The ugly: ICANN; certain domain related attitudes among domainers that work against everyone including themselves; zero sum thinking and acting; automated “appraisals”; when the love of money leads to what is definitely ugly…
…and certainly more.
.us never had a chance John, the cctld for America is .com. Anyone investing in .us is wasting their time.
Yes Snoop I get it by now, really I do, you will always bash .us, .com’s of three words or longer, and anything else not to your liking. That puts you squarely in my “ugly” picks above much of the time, so congratulations…
Good: sometimes I make money
Bad: sometimes I lose money
Ugly: I lose more than I make
my website speak for itself about the domain industry. i can resume it to “fraudulant” and “corrupted”.
Good: There’s still loads of opportunity
Bad: It’s becoming harder to make money
Ugly: Most registrars suck big time
One issue the industry has is lack of transactional integrity, as can be seen by the claw-backs by registries and registrars. A price information should be a commitment valid for a period of time, and that validity displayed to registrants.