So a gentleman named Martin O’Leary, created a game based on an idea by Holly Gramazio.
The site is very simple, it shows two names and it’s your job to guess which one costs more? Most of the names I saw were owned by Huge Domains and one of them referring.com was owned by Frank Schilling.
I went 8 rounds of the game and it’s just meant to be a time waster, (no prizes or leaderboard).
The headline of our post is taken from the bottom of the page. Apparently all domain owners to this gentleman outside of our industry, are “asshole domain squatters.”
You can play the game here
It’s all Mike Manns fault. 🙂
Just teasing, kinda.
(I can’t help but love seeing the insanely high DN sales prices MM announces daily)
but seriously I think it was most likely Mike Mann that may have got under this knuckleheads skin.
So, I see that our new friend Marty here owns four domain names. Three of them are dot com. The fourth (ProjectMidas) is a dot org. Looking up ProjectMidas.com just a minute ago, I see it is at The Mann’s DomainMarket and it is listed at $9888 right now. I am thinking Marty doesn’t like that.
My advice to Marty is to buy ProjectMidas.com right now for $10k from Mike Mann, because I’m betting he is getting ready to add another zero on the end of this one after reading your fun little quote here.
Learn to pronounce
the practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as Internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit.
Misunderstanding and misuse of the term cybersquatting is a malady with no cure. Hate speak, from ignorance.
New gtld registrars acting as domainers has been far more injurious to the domain name business.
Martin O’leary would better spend his time comparing spam allure of, say… .xyz vs .top !
Mischief on the internet, ugly and getting uglier ..
I tried it and won 7 out of 8 rounds. I think the game might work better if it had some sort of minimum price difference between the 2 domains you are guessing. When the 2 domains are as little as only a few dollars apart in price, it is pure luck at that point.