On Saturday Uniregistry announced their domain liquidity program.
Frank added in the comment section of that post yesterday:
This is a beta product which Uniregistry has developed to allow our buyer-pool to purchase investment quality names at wholesale clearing-house prices. Using our service, we expect sellers to be able to gain liquidity quickly without paying auction house purchase or sales premiums.
If you are a buyer who wishes to be included in the distribution of this list, please email: imabuyer@uniregistry.com indicating that you want to be a part of our seller distribution list. We will follow up with each individual submission to determine if you qualify for the program.
On Saturday I said to a friend in the business, “How long do you think it will be til we see 10 other outfits offering this?”
There is a thread on Namepros that has a host of different opinions, with one poster talking about submission behavior that got John Berryhill to comment.
The question is what exactly are the kinds of names that Uniregistry will look to buy and what they deem to be ‘wholesale’ pricing. Will they buy new gtlds?
It looks like there is already a new entrant into the portfolio liquidity program niche, Brand Consultants just posted a buyer request on Namepros.
Here are the rules:
1) .Com only.
2) Nothing with a registration date after 01-01-2017.
Would you sell your portfolio for wholesale pricing and if so what is your price tag?
LMAO What A Joke. attn folks watch Rick Schwartz videos on how to never sell to domainers.
We’re all grown ups. The market will figure itself out. Domain owners that need money will sell for cheap, and buyers with money will acquire decent domains on the cheap. Whatever the case is, both sides will get what they want.
No, and this is far more important:
Ray, TheD no longer having YouTube videos appear in all their graphic beauty anymore is pretty disturbing. 😐
Like that?
Exactly. Thanks, dude. 🙂 She’s one of the greatest singers of all time, but may never be properly acknowledged as such and has lost many years to regional obscurity.
This is actually a good thing from a market standpoint. Uni sits on tons of data and perhaps the data they have, the trends are pointing to more end user activity in picking up good/decent domains for their initiatives.It bodes well for people sitting on good/decent domains that they may have some end user activity for their domains in the foreseeable future and which in turn gives just a bit more push to keep it going. IMO
Beware of SHARKS!