Andrew Ansley wrote a very good post at RavenTools about long tail keywords that is worth a read for those developing websites and investing in long term keywords to sell to those who will develop.
From the article:
Why Are Long-Tail Keywords Important?
The main reason why long-tail keywords are important for your business’s SEO strategy is simple: They help connect you with the most qualified, ready buyers looking for your exact offerings.
Because they’re more specific, long-tail keywords are far more profitable in the long run than short-tail keywords, and not only are long tails generally better for conversions, but they are generally less difficult than short tail keywords.
Personally, I believe that a series of related long-tail keywords can be incredibly powerful. If you can consistently build pages with relevant content and provide internal linking, the effort creates super relevancy and will raise all related keywords. This idea is similar to the pillar content idea, but without a hyper-focus on the internal linking structure.
The primary goal is to create super relevancy. Another HUGE perk of long tails, is the fact that you save a ton of money and time with off-page SEO, as you don’t need nearly the same amount of backlinks as the short tail keywords.
I don’t know about you, but I love the idea of not buying links and not engaging in boring manual outreach campaigns.
I fully agree, long tail keywords can create super relevancy – at least for the targeted end users.
To give an example, not long ago I registered the keyword/s
the highest the most valuable and the most expensive domain name of all time
It is actually a whole sentence – but it is a exact description.
Plus, by the way – what makes it “perfect”, is the fact that it has exactly 63 characters – the highest possible number of characters a (second level) domain can have.
It figures. After battling against people’s pigheaded stubbornness and self-serving groupthink on this issue for years people will finally come around, act like I never said anything and it is now “their idea,” (not you, Raymond) and I’ll probably be seeing ones I dropped already being touted as good and going for five and six figures or more.
The mysterious three word .com I have always alluded to as being worth 9 figures apparently changed hands, by the way, but I’m still not going to say anything about it. It would still be too much against my own interests.
So, it follows that exact-match, exact-keyword, three word, .com names are valuable and potentially very valuable? is probably the top 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing domain name on the planet.
Metal is dominating and will continue to dominate the 3DP/AM space, well into the future.
Your position, as the owner of will set you globally as a leader and cement possible worldwide market competition for Renishaw, Desktop Metal, 3D Systems, HP and Markforged.
The value of is best assessed in the answer to the question, “How large do you want to grow.” gets over 10,000 organic type-in visitors a month. “Can you handle the growth.”
I know the value of
If you want the name, you will have to make an offer that leaves me little room to say no.
What are you prepared to invest, to take the top name for the exploding, Metal 3D Printing space?
I would think that a significant investment is well justified and will certainly be rewarded in returns on investment that far exceed what is paid.
I will sell, for the right price. Low to mid six figures, somewhere.
Payment plan available, where you pay monthly and have immediate use of the name. Ownership given when name is paid for, in full.
Do you have a low to mid six figure offer, for
Oh, wait a minute, hold on, hold your horses.
this guy is nothing but a pigeon shit farmer, according to the “Domain King’s” dictates
Long-tail domain name pigeon shit farmer, at that.
Here it comes………
By the way, “long tail” is still a pejorative term fraught with bias, and as such only hurts the cause, if anyone is honestly inclined to not hurt the cause and not think and act in short-sighted zero sum terms, that is. It should just be “long.”
“Long tail” properly understood is when you force the addition of words in order to come up with a usable TLD that is not really a natural killer or authoritative phrase. For example, would be “long tail” by forcing the addition of “super” to the more natural and normal phrase “great domains.” That doesn’t mean all “long tail” are bad, however, and some are certainly pretty good nonetheless.
On the other hand, is simply long; natural; normal; category killer; sub-category killer; authoritative; but most definitely not “long tail.”
Whenever you guys keep referring to all long domains as “long tail” you are merely demonstrating your bias, stubbornness, groupthink, sheep-ful following the self-serving peer pressure of the influential, or at the very least being influenced by some or all of the above, and so forth.