A little less than 1 year ago, Francois Carrillo of Domaining.com, lost ADO.com in a UDRP.
Gerald Levine and I wrote a piece here as well that looked at a deeper potential problem with logos.
It seems like Francois successfully settled out of court and has now retained ADO.com.
TRTL.com broke down the whole timeline and it looks like Francois will maintain the name.
The Outcome
On the 21st December 2018 Francois Carrillo (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant Autobuses de Oriente ADO, S.A.
de C.V. (“Defendant”) settled out of court:
Plaintiff and Defendant have entered into a settlement agreement in which the parties
have agreed, among other things that:
Plaintiff’s interests in respect of the ado.com domain name are legitimate;
Plaintiff did not register or use the ado.com domain name in bad faith,
Plaintiff’s registration and current use of the ado.com domain name do not violate
Defendant’s rights under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. §§
1114, 1125(a) and 1125(d), and the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy;
Plaintiff may continue to own the ado.com domain name pursuant to the Parties’
Agreement; and
Defendant had a good faith belief at the time it filed its UDRP and counterclaim
that its rights were being violated.
As of January 2019, the domain name ADO.COM is being offered for sale.
Pacer https://pcl.uscourts.gov/pcl/index.jsf.
Thanks to GOTW.com for the tip
Good news!!
BTW any news from the france.com lawsuit?
Good news.Just made my day.