Sometimes there are no words for a domain investor related video. You just let the cheesy waft over you. So sit back and watch a couple videos and relax. “I would say these videos are not appropriate if you have your children around, nothing terrible, but some language you might not want your kids hearing.”
Jamie Lewis is an Internet marketer and is the guy behind His video came up in the sidebar while I was watching another video on YouTube just now.
See if you accurately count how much money below.
Here is a video from last year where Jamie wants to sell your domains, (you keep the money).
That first video is funny as hell. Tell you the truth i did not count any money at all…lol
2nd video, very cool. I watched the whole thing and i actually like the guy. He comes off as very real to me. I am used to seeing snakeoil salesmen so i hope it works out for him. He may be able to help a few out who have no clue and are just pissing thousands of dollars away. I would like to hear some reviews of him from others who have used him before.
I think anything bringing more people to domaining is a win-win for us all who spend so much time and money domaining. Every pc of domaining media shows the general public that truly Domain Names Matter.
snake oil