As reported first by Elliot Silver, a UDRP has been filed on The domain is owned by Rick Schwartz who is probably the last person someone wants to file a questionable UDRP against.
Well seems like Rick upped the ante:
Wanna play Frands?? Your party! I now own & To SHARE MY story. #Domains #RDNH #hijacker
— Rick Schwartz (@DomainKing) April 5, 2017
Why do people want to screw with Rick ?
Who knows Rick besides domainers ?
It’s pretty dumb not to google the owner of a domain before filing against it. A bare minimum of due diligence should have made it obvious that filing a UDRP would not be fruitful. If a crooked panel happens to rule in their favor, they’ll end up in a US court, possibly spending more than it would have taken to buy the domain outright.
That could be used to show a pattern of misconduct from Rick…
Rick’s name are as generic as they come.
Courts have already stated you cannot trademark a generic name and expect it to be a strong one.
see UDRP on
Pulling up a chair and making some popcorn this sounds like it’s going to be really good…
Relax and don’t trouble yourself, I already bought some for everyone:
Mr Schwartz is the Donald Trump of domainers and that’s a very good thing. Obviously Mr Jepsen will not know how to handle this. One thing i’ve learned and Mr Schwartz knows also is that the “corporate elite” have very little tolerance for personal pain.
Make your arguments to the UDRP panel. This just makes him look like a bully.
You have it in reverse there, this is called responding to bullying…
People give me a lot of flack because I go nuclear when people attack me. Its the only way. If you try to steal from me or attack me, my family or my business, God help you. I will go to the ends of the Earth to make your life miserable. Nuclear policy works. When people believe you are capable of going Nuclear, they think twice about coming at you in the first place.
Rick knows this better than anyone.
that works for everyone, I will do more than make your life miserable.
Everyone is capable of going nuclear it’s nothing special really.
Capability and Willingness are two very different things.
Agreed I am pleased I have had both since birth.
Let’s try to bring this back on topic and you had no capability at birth so please just stop.
Yeah ok, there are no bad asses in domaining, nobody is afraid of the lot of you.
I love it when you post…LOL!
All the tough guy mafioso types have shown up.
You talking to me ?
Oh and Rick Schwartz opening himself up to a bad faith registration is not going nuclear. Did any of you people ever serve in the military ?
I do my best to never go “nuclear”. I am far from perfect so it happens sometimes though.
Here is why, very simple, the stress and anxiety, increased blood pressure and yelling etc has negative affects on yourself, not to mention can spill over onto those around you (family). A quick tempered person is not an enjoyable person to cohabitate with.
I have no doubt Rick’s attack on Mr. Jepsen is deserving, clear it is a bogus claim, Rick WILL win. His response can be justified. However I also feel that Rick deep down hopes his attack and puffing up of who he is will result in a withdrawal and end it now, which it may. In fact Rick tweeted something to that…
I would like to think no one has the desire to get in a stressful situation and would rather defuse the situation. Looking for a fight is never a good thing, going nuclear shows someone has gotten under your skin and has negative consequences as mentioned above.
To each his own, I am not saying to fight with all you have when attacked to protect yourself/family but HOW you do so is just as important for many reasons.
Agree, thanks for posting.
I agree — men who feel they need to go nuclear have lost the point of being a man, which is to remain cool, calm, and collected under pressure. It’s one of the things that (straight) women find irresistibly attractive about masculinity. Go nuclear, and you just look like a total douchebag, which turns women off.
As a domainer I morally support the Domain King! Period.
Thanks for sharing!
I love this hall –
I think he owns my name sucks .com
Having Danish as my native tongue, I looked up Mr. Jepsen and his flower business Queen.
1) It’s not your typical of a reverse domain theft. The guy is not poor:
a) He appears to be a “small-town guy” with a bloated ego. Inherited business going back to (1939)! Not smart marketing if your from Denmark.. Whether his bright is bright might of course be questionable. Thinking a generic word belongs to his business.
b) He is vey proud that the Danish queen recently has visited him and his business.
c) Most of his production is in Vietnam and Turkey.
For the above reasons it should be an interesting case, which I obviously hope Mr. Jepsen will loose.
And I’m willing to translate on a tit-for-tat basis and gather information for Mr. Schwartz if he stops wearing a red cap with the dumbest slogan in the world.
Yours sincerely,
Rolf Sonne Rasmussen
As my comment is awaiting moderation, I can assure you that it’s annoying that some Company can steal or even trademark a generic word. So I’m all behind Mr. Scwartz.
And there is no irony in my comment. I’m not going to get anything out of Mr. Scwartz; I’ve tried to see what I could find on Mr. Jepsen and his company and he bothers me. His obsessed, for your information, of putting the R in front of queen. And his got patent, US and Europe, on some for me simple flower cutting methods etc.
My political opinions and feelings towards Trump is not towards those voting or supporting him.
From a guy who in 1999 sold to an anti-porn group for a friend. (didn’t realize the financial potential in domain names or wasn’t interested, don’t recall)
Rolf Sonne Rasmussen
Rolf Sonne Rasmussen
That’s a gross porn site. Maybe the guy wants to protect the Queen lol!