Rick Schwartz, who is know as and has a US trademark on the term “Domain King” is now certainly the King of “Deplorables”
In the 2016 President election the term “Deplorables” gained amazing traction after Hillary Clinton said that the half of Donald Trump’s supports were in the “Basket of Deplorables”.
Trump supporters went on to wear the “Deplorables” tag as a badge of honor.
The Domain King informed TheDomains.com that he has now acquired the trifecta of domains; Deplorables.com; Deplorable.com and BasketofDeplorables.com
According to Rick it cost him $26,000 for the three domain names that were acquired over the last few months from three different sellers.
I asked Rick what his plans for the domains were:
“I think that depends how things unfold.
“As an easy thing a T-shirt shop.
“But I am thinking about a gift basket maybe even with bobbleheads with a basket of Deplorable’s.
“Since I know the largest bobblehead maker in the world I can get that done.”
“Or I may go to Candy.com and see if we can make candy in certain political images.”
“Then of course I can use it as a soapbox for commenting and all the “Deplorable’s” of the world to gather and take advertising and that may be the easiest.
I think the domain names probably has an eight year life cycle. Maybe less but at least 4 years.”
So what do you think?
Political terms come and go.
“Nasty Woman” didn’t last long political ticket domain names only are good for that election cycle but I think the “Deplorable’s” set of domains has a life span into the next Presidency and maybe beyond.
Whether or not it has long term value, it at least provides some entertainment for a small cost relative to what the king has made on his other ventures…and who knows? its pretty hard to bet against the midas touch of his track record!
These are not commerce names, just hobbyish for a rich guy with alot of money who is bored.
I disagree.
I could definitely see all three being commercially successful.
@John before you answer you own answer, and question, when is the last time you have sold a domain for over 5 figures, for real, no pretend?
Why do you even ask? Are you changing the subject, or did you not read the whole blog post? Rick is planning to use these domains – in commerce. Is that not what you meant by “commerce names”? As for me, I am primarily a publisher/end user myself – in commerce, and only secondarily a seller. My sales facts are private. Had some nice sales last year and this year, however, that much I’ll say.
(Correction: I meant 2015 and 2016, not this year.)
I agree with Ron. I doubt any of the three aforementioned domains will even have an e-commerce site built within 1 year. He’s probably just hoping to flip these as a set to a bigger sucker.
Respect Sir.
Rick registered many more deplorable domains in September: http://domaingang.com/domain-news/rick-schwartz-rocks-the-urban-dictionary-and-political-jargon-domains/
Very nice acquisitions. I almost beat everyone to registering Deplorables.com and BasketofDeplorables.com and had commented about this before. Figured Rick must have bought because I recalled different whois info before seeing his. Must admit, sure wish I had regged them. Looks like he may have missed one unless there was a problem buying it, though:
Must get that one too if it’s feasible.
Good Stuff Rick
The life of these domains is only as long as the Elitist Genius eight-year old Banana Republic remains in denial – which is looking to be quite long – obviously four years – very likely much longer.
I want a collared Deplorables.com shirt Rick –
People who register new gtlds are deplorables.
I think there’s enough T-shirts on Deplorable’s, but with all of the idioticy that’s going on with people, frivolous lawsuits, UDRP complaints etc… They can be best used for a Deplorable of The Week, month or year section of a website. My MVP or MDP goes to Hillary Clinton of 2016. Trump would be second.
i got a slightly used Brooklyn bridge for sale
I say good for Rick, and I see value in having the domain. Never in recent history has there been this much political division and controversy. Trump tapped into a powerful sentiment in America that fueled his Presidential win, against big odds too. Rick’s Deplorables domain could become a powerful political tool and rally point for years to come for the conservative movement. Not to belabor a point, but those who doubt Rick’s forward vision might do well to review his sales history.
So……… Rick came out of retirement.
What some may not realize is that this saying has definitely caught on to a degree and never died. You can sometimes see it pop up here and there. All that would be needed is to fan it back into flame.
No, not really (and I’m a Trump supporter). These domains are bordering on pigeon-shit-status.