A reader to thedomains.com asked as a comment on another post, as to how many new gTLD’s are there still to come
Good question
The answer is quite a few.
We have excluded .Brand gTLD’s which can basically launch once the .Brand decides to move it along
There are two new gTLD’s that are scheduled for an ICANN auction in May unless settled privately prior.
The following new gTLD’s are on hold for one or more legal, objection or other issue.
Some of these, but not all, have multiple applicants, so once they are no longer on hold then the contention set will have to be resolved;
There is also .Home which was the poster child for the whole collision issue if you recall, and was pretty much declared as dead by the GAC, but is still listed as “on hold” by ICANN rather than “Will not Proceed”
It should also be noted that although ICANN regards .Africa as settled there is a federal court stop on the delegation of the extension.
Likewise although GMO paid over $40 Million for .Shop that extension is on hold until some legal issues are resolved.
Of course there are a LOT of new gTLD’s that are in contracting or waiting to be delegated so there are plenty others coming including:
We did not include any IDN’s of which there are quite a few including all the variations of .Com
Could one or more of the applicants who won a GTLD extension or more extensions decide to pull out, even request a partial refund, citing the market studies projecting the demand and adoption of these GTLDS, with the exception of some, were flawed, over-exuberant, inaccurate.
Or will it be: Buyer Aware? You paid for the rights to own and distribute and supervise the extension. You read the rules. You signed the documentation, knowing the risks, We don’t do refunds.
I believe it is a no refund policy.
Which is why applicants came up with their own bidding process to determine a winner to recoup costs for losers some of whom may make a profit in the process.
Thanks for clearing it up, glad it’s almost all done.
The 2nd round, 3rd…15th…and so on. The show will go on.
Applicants could have at various times withdrawn their applicantion and received a partial refund depending on the stage they withdrew at but most of those were doing a long time ago other than those losers in contended strings
All of these are still to close on the 1st round
Sticking to out prediction of no second round until at least 2018 and probably 2020
Thanks for This.
Will any .Brand or Open ngtld be allowed 2-char extension ?
If your taking about to the right of the dot, the first round was limited to 3 letters or more, no numbers
Two letters on the right of the dot are reserved for ccTLD’s
This is a useful summary. Thanks.
But how is .BOO supposed to scare anybody if we see it coming months in advance?
Maybe the price will scare you
The new TLD’s are about unleash a Haymaker… Just watch.
Soon a celebrity endorsement will be announced that’s gonna blow this thing wide open…. The fix is in!
Yeah, just like 50 Cent was a huge game changer for .CLUB, then he went bankrupt.
Will it be 50 cents I heard he needs more money, I guess he should have stuck to the .com, nobody could find his site lol
What’s in store is a marketing juggernaut the likes of which you’ve never seen before. All .Competitors, Tender your resignations while you still have some dignity left.
There was an opportunity to get a partial refund depending on the progress of the application:
Many of the “winners” of the GTLDs may opt for partial refunds to filing for bankruptcy. Of course, many of the winners of winning GTLDs should conduct biz as usual, and project continual growth and adoption.
“It’s not enough that I win. All of my competitors must suffer, fail and lose.” (Chinese proverb)
I correct my earlier statement, seems like we’re not almost done.
Still so many left. A little over 125 new extensions still to come!
.bloomberg >> Appears to be one of the First ‘dotBRANDS’ to Cross 100 DN Registrations /
(Currently has 102 DN Registrations)
| New gTLD | Registry | Backend | Signed | Domains | % Share |
451. NA .bloomberg Bloomberg IP Holdings LLC Verisign, Inc. 0 102 0.00%
They’re 45 Registrations behind Mike’s ‘buddies’ / ‘BFF’ @ #446
446. NA .nra NRA Holdings Company, INC. Afilias Limited 0 147 0.00%
Please refrain from ALL ‘Second Amendment’ jokes.
Even though it’s the weekend.
https://ntldstats.com/tld excerpts:
| New gTLD | Registry | Backend | Signed | Domains | % Share |
445. GA .reit National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. CentralNic 0 147 0.00%
446. NA .nra NRA Holdings Company, INC. Afilias Limited 0 147 0.00%
447. GA .pharmacy National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Neustar Inc. 0 138 0.00%
450. GA .theatre XYZ.COM LLC CentralNic 0 125 0.00%
451. NA .bloomberg Bloomberg IP Holdings LLC Verisign, Inc. 0 102 0.00%
457. NA .cancerresearch Australian Cancer Research Foundation ARI Registry Services 1 83 0.00%
458. NA .bnpparibas BNP Paribas Afilias Limited 0 81 0.00%
459. GA .forex DOTFOREX REGISTRY LTD (Boston Ivy) Verisign, Inc. 1 80 0.00%
460. NA .abbott Abbott Laboratories, Inc. Afilias Limited 0 74 0.00%
462. NA .barclays Barclays Bank PLC ARI Registry Services 13 61 0.00%
471. SR .vip Minds + Machines Group Limited […] Minds + Machines Ltd 1 44 0.00%
477. NA .microsoft Microsoft Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 37 0.00%
479. NA .cfa CFA Institute Verisign, Inc. 0 33 0.00%
484. NA .swatch The Swatch Group Ltd Verisign, Inc. 0 31 0.00%
487. NA .java Oracle Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 31 0.00%
488. NA .symantec Symantec Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 31 0.00%
489. NA .shriram Shriram Capital Ltd. Afilias Limited 0 31 0.00%
492. NA .omega The Swatch Group Ltd Verisign, Inc. 0 31 0.00%
493. NA .aarp AARP Verisign, Inc. 0 31 0.00%
494. NA .norton Symantec Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 31 0.00%
495. NA .windows Microsoft Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 30 0.00%
496. NA .bing Microsoft Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 30 0.00%
497. NA .ice IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. Verisign, Inc. 0 30 0.00%
499. NA .tatamotors Tata Motors Ltd Verisign, Inc. 0 30 0.00%
505. NA .xbox Microsoft Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 27 0.00%
507. NA .bentley Bentley Motors Limited Nominet UK 1 26 0.00%
508. NA .clubmed Club Méditerranée S.A. Verisign, Inc. 1 26 0.00%
512. NA .audi AUDI Aktiengesellschaft Afilias Limited 0 24 0.00%
513. NA .hotmail Microsoft Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 23 0.00%
514. NA .landrover Jaguar Land Rover Ltd Verisign, Inc. 0 23 0.00%
516. NA .cisco Cisco Technology, Inc. Neustar Inc. 0 21 0.00%
518. NA .oracle Oracle Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 21 0.00%
524. NA .chanel Chanel International B.V. Verisign, Inc. 0 18 0.00%
526. NA .xperia Sony Mobile Communications AB Verisign, Inc. 0 18 0.00%
527. NA .neustar NeuStar, Inc. Neustar Inc. 0 18 0.00%
528. NA .azure Microsoft Corporation Verisign, Inc. 0 18 0.00%
530. NA .jaguar Jaguar Land Rover Ltd Verisign, Inc. 0 17 0.00%
533. NA .cern European Organization for Nuclear Research (“CERN”) Afilias Limited 0 16 0.00%
534. NA .mini Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft KSregistry GmbH 1 16 0.00%
548. NA .google Charleston Road Registry Inc. Google Inc. 3 10 0.00%
549. NA .bmw Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft KSregistry GmbH 1 10 0.00%
550. NA .barclaycard Barclays Bank PLC ARI Registry Services 4 10 0.00%
552. GA .samsung SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) 0 8 0.00%
[ The Full Table (currently goes up to 937 ‘New TLDs’) >> https://ntldstats.com/tld ]
In the yet to be launched category there is also “.bom”.
As good as .Shop is, .Buy is better.
Some really nice ones there.
.Gold still rules on intrinsic quality and both figurative and literal versatility, while completely failing on price.
.Web is still quite nice and kind of grows on you, despite being a little bit passe.
Frank’s .Link also grows on you and is a nice solid option for actual use (guess what folks, it’s not just about selling).
.Music rocks, pun intended.
I’ve always liked Frank’s .game as well.
.Store is also very nice, though both .Shop and .Buy outrank it for intrinsic quality and appeal.