The National Rifle Association, which applied to operate the new domain extension .NRA, registered its 1st domain names and we have the list for you.
According to their application to ICANN to operate the new gTLD .NRA, “All domains under this TLD will be managed by the NRA, so they will only be made available to organizations and individuals that have been personally approved and are known to intend to use a domain to promote the work of the NRA.”
Some of the domains are very logical and domain names you would expect to see for example; Join.NRA, Donate.NRA, Vote.NRA Membership.NRA, Mail.NRA Renew.NRA and SecondAmendment.NRA.
However some other domain names, which I’m sure will draw some fire from anti-gun groups include; StopGunRegistration.NRA; BannedGunsRaffle.NRA; ColdDeadHands.NRA; StopGunBans.NRA; StopTheUn.NRA and FreeKnife.NRA.
Hey who doesn’t want a Free Knife?
You can see the 135+ list of domain names under the New gTLD .NRA by clicking here.
According to its ICANN application to operate .NRA, “”The National Rifle Association, chartered in 1871, is not only the oldest and largest civil liberties organization in the United States, with 4.5 million members, but also the premier firearms education organization in the world. NRA is recognized as a major political force and as Americaʹs foremost defender of Second Amendment rights. The NRA works to promote public safety, the shooting sports, hunter safety, and firearms training.”
I think it is wrong to give .nra to national rifle association to administer, what about other organisations that can use the acronym, e.g national rugby association and national referees association.