The domain name auction that is running on 4.CN that is part of the conference has gotten a seven figure bid and seven more domain names have bids in the 6 figures.
You can see all the domain names in the auction here
The domain name has a currently high bid of $1,260,315 with 11 bidders.
The domain names with 6 figure bids are: $629,922 with 12 bidders $362,363 with 8 bidders $260,158 with 7 bidders $220,630 with 6 bidders $205,040 with 7 bidders $125,985 with 4 bidders $104,987 with 8 bidders
There are a 8 more domain names that have bids into the $xx,xxx range with topping that list with a high bid of 78,741.
The domain name with the most bids is which has great meaning in China, which has 55 bids. is on auction with no reserve and has a high bid of $3,414.
The domain name with the 2nd most bids is also at no reserve with a high bid of just $524
The domain name has the 3rd most bids with a high bid of $31,654.
In all there are 181 domain names with a bid.
Bidding can be made in RMB, Euro’s and US dollars.
4.CN has updated their site to now show USD bids with dollar breaks to make the bids in USD much easier to read.
The auction ends over a 4 hour period on September 10 at 8pm Hong Kong time which is 8am EST September 11th. is being held in Macau China from September 4th-September 7th.
Great numbers,
how many have reached reserve? is 4 .cn also participating as a buyer/bidder?
To be honest with you 4.CN system has some great features but one feature they do not have that NJ and SN does and we are all used to is seeing which domain names have hit reserve and which have not
The only way to tell it to click on each domain and see and I’m not going to click on 181 domain auctions to see at this point with 9 days to go.
We asked them to add this functionality but does not seem they are going to do it.
We did get them to add the USD break which helps a lot.
All above reported large bids are under the reserve prices at this point.
Thanks for your honest feedback, hopefully a few will reach the reseve.
All in all good info…
this is part of the mass exodus of cash from China devaluing it’s currency and using QE to print more cash. Expect China to boost domain sales in the coming weeks in a huge way. If brokers aren’t on top of this, they should find new jobs, because the money is flowing right out of China right now.
Thanks for the update Michael, S. sold in 2008 at Sedo. Will be interesting to see where it finishes 7 years on.
LN dot com domains will continue to see a rise in value. Just beciase it got a lower bid this time around could be because of many different factors. I’d put this domain in the mid six figure range over the course of the next 7 years if not more.