The Boston Globe published a post on .Sucks and the new gTLD program and screwed up some basis information about .sucks and the new gTLD program itself.
Here are some of the errors I found in the article.
“Hundreds of these new domains have rolled out in the past couple of years, as supplements for the .com found in millions of Internet addresses”
Nope just since January 2014.
“”Vox Populi set a price of $2,499 for copyright holders who want to buy their versions of the .sucks address. Berard has said he originally wanted to charge $25,000.” After all, big copyright holders can easily afford it. Still, Vox Populi’s pricing has infuriated ICANN, corporate leaders, and lawmakers. Republican US Representative Darrell Issa of California called it “legalized extortion.”
Vox Populi did not set a price of $2,499. Vox Populi set a wholesale price of $2,000. Each registrar then set a retail price which varies registrar to registrar.
Copyright holders?
Somehow the Boston Globe writer doesn’t know its a trademark not a copyright that gives legal status to domain names. Copyrights are to protect works that the Boston Globe article so they should really know better.
“The .sucks addresses available to the public went on sale in June, at around $200 per year.”
$200 in this case is the wholesale cost charged by Vox Populi, the retail price is once again set by each domain name registrar.
“”Meanwhile, there is little demand for hundreds of other new domains that ICANN created, including .zip or .dad or .eat.””
None of these three new gTLD extension have launched.
So although there are hundreds of active new extensions that can be registered right now the author of the story elected to pick three new gTLD that haven’t launched and can’t be registered and then makes a statement there is little demand for them.
” ICANN had predicted some 33 million buyers would queue up for the new domains by mid-2015; so far it’s sold just 6.7 million addresses.”
Well not really.
We are all aware that hundreds of thousands of new gTLD’s were given away for free so those were not sold domains and there are hundreds of thousands of domain registered directly or indirectly by new gTLD registry operators also which are not sold to the public domains.
The journalist missed the memo where Boston Globe applied to .boston and will operate it… .boston is contracting.
Nobody has said it yet, so I will: