.XYZ has become the first new gTLD new domain extension to have topped 900,000 registrations.
According to new ntldstats.com .XYZ has 900,739, domain registered.
There are only 6 new gTLD extension to have broken the six figure mark (excluding the IDN .网址 (xn--ses554g) which are all registry owned) and here they are in order:
Here are the top 10 domain name registrars for .XYZ, with the number of domain names registered by each and the percentage for of total registrations each registrar has (also according to ntldstats.com):
1. | Network Solutions, LLC (Web.com) | 375,477 | 41.69% |
2. | Xin Net Technology Corporation | 174,044 | 19.32% |
3. | GMO Internet Inc. | 126,497 | 14.04% |
4. | Chengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd. | 42,748 | 4.75% |
5. | Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.net.cn) | 25,634 | 2.85% |
6. | Todaynic.com Inc. | 23,947 | 2.66% |
7. | Crazy Domains FZ-LLC | 16,875 | 1.87% |
8. | GoDaddy.com, LLC (GoDaddy Group) | 16,539 | 1.84% |
9. | Foshan YiDong Network Co., LTD | 14,187 | 1.58% |
10. | Mesh Digital Limited (Domainmonster, Host Europe Group) | 13,599 | 1.51% |
.XYZ will break a million before fall. This thing has wings.
With all the reported discounts and giveaways, it’s mighty impressive…lol
41% at Netsol, most giveaways to unwitting customers.
What a fraud!
42% of all.xyz domains were given away for free (Netsol)
41% of all .xyz domains were sold at around $1-$2 a pop (Xin Net + GMO + Chengdu + Alibaba)
At least 10% of .xyz domain registrations had a huge discount as well at various registrars.
Basically this leaves 7% paid .xyz registrations at a regular price (around 63,000 .XYZ registrations).
My guess: without the freebies and the $1 .xyz domains they would not have reached 100K registrations by now.
club is the only one in that list that hasn’t either given domains away or stockpiled for themselves.
See what I wrote below. Let them do it now, I say.
Two can play.
Hello CMAC,
R. E. = ” club is the only one in that list that hasn’t either given domains away or stockpiled for themselves. ”
We would like to add one very signifigant CAVEAT to your statement ABOVE. The new Quasi -Derivative gTLD purveyors are using very Creative Book Keeping to Hide whats really going on behind the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD OZ Curtain. JAS 5/5/15
Wasn’t expecting .XYZ to be the first to reach 900,000 even though I was seeing the spike. Guess I was in denial that such an extension would beat out some of the other gtlds (Even though it had a head start). :p 😉
The first year anniversary is coming up; let’s see how many of the giveaways and cheapies are renewed by the owners.
It wouldn’t surprise me if a second year was given out gratis.
Anything to cook the stats.
There is so much hype and registration number inflation going on in the new .anything business.
. XYZ:
1. Network Solutions, LLC (Web.com) 375,477 41.69%
Most of these were freebies and opt-outs?
2. Xin Net Technology Corporation 174,044 19.32%
Currently selling .xyz for 12 yuan ($2 dollars)
3. GMO Internet Inc. 126,497 14.04%
Were giving away .xyz under $2 and still are i believe.
So at least 75% could either be free regs or $2 or less registrations.
How many sold for the regular price of a .com?
.网址 (xn--ses554g):
All registry owned.
Tons were given away for free.
Lot of free regs. Majority owned by one domainer who got them for free.
How many are owned by the registry?
The point is that most of these extensions don’t get that many regular registrations.
The fact that the largest registrar GoDaddy only has 1.84% of all .XYZ registrations really shows what a fraud the .XYZ registration numbers are.
As others pointed out 375K were forced free registrations (opt-out). These are domains people did not ask for, did not want, and many times do not even know about.
Then you have another 350K+ domains that are sold anywhere from $0.49 to $2 via Chinese registrars. These are great temporary domains for spammers and scammers.
Outside .CLUB pretty much every other extension with high registration volume should have an * next to it to indicate that there is BS involved.
Seems like all hype and no substance. Do you really expect anyone to develop a .xyz domain?
This should not be a story. It is bad for all of us.
ANyway from my point Of view I don’t think any other blogger in the space has broken down the numbers of new gTLD’s more and as often as I have including my latest of just a few weeks ago:
But I can’t do it for each post for each discussion of a new gTLD.
For their part .XYZ has always maintained he has been paid for each and everyone of the registrations at his wholesale price to registrars
That’s why you need us.
Probably the last thing in the world Michael needs.
You’ve done an excellent job Michael and to the person above you this should not be a story it’s bad for all of us ? first off who is us Not everyone sees tbe wod as com only. New gtlds are not going away, more coming every week and thankfully no one commenting here can do a damn thing about it.
Mike , We are updating financial gtldstats weekly . Happy to provide u with a weekly update , so u continue . It is absolutely critical that the “real ” numbers are out there. The stark reality is 60% of TLDs launched so far are not viable ( and should NEVER have passed ICANN’s financial evaluation in the first place.) Who wants to buy a failing JUNK TLD , let alone buy second level domains in it. ICANN’s tsunami is looming up fast.
Your coverage has been extensive, and I appreciate it. I think that Konstantinos over at onlinedomain.com, however, has been ahead of anyone I’ve read when it comes to reporting on the new gTLDs.
You must not read much because no one’s done a more extensive job than Michael no one’s even close
Hello MHB,
The media BUZZ Sirens continue to hype up the uneducated Domainers. When the smoke clears and the Media Fires are doused out, there will be many very unhappy investors. JAS 4/2/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)
I had 3 .xyz domains. I dropped 2 of them. Right now I don’t have any plans for Developing.xyz but I will renew it.
Someone was telling me how he inquired about a premium .science and was told he would be looking at $1,000 for it and a day later was informed that he would need to pay 10x that since .science was so popular and had broken the 200,000 mark and was one of the most popular of the new extensions. Also that they expect a renewal of 80%.
I for one am looking forward to seeing what happens with .xyz, .berlin and .science vs strings like .club
Hello janedoe,
This is a clear case of Front Running JAS 5/2/15
Well, clearly not.
The asset was valued above GA price and was not available from a registrar…So it was a price adjustment, if it happened at all, which I doubt.
Did they take it from GA and make it reserved or premium after the GA date and a price enquiry? Nope. So not clear “front running”
at all.
.xyz is just good as .com and .co for development!
That is why I like it.
I have planned to develop Punk.xyz and FreeThemes.xyz. I am currently using Xavier.xyz as my personal website instead of .com and .me. I speak french and if I say dot ME it sounds like .Mi. People understand .xyz and when I tell them what’s my email address they think I am a geek/nerd/tech. It’s short and easy to remember in ANY LANGUAGE. Is it the same reason why .com is still strong?
Hello Xavier,
The reason why the .COM Platform Asset Class is superior to the new Quasi–Derivative Spam Vehicles, the .COM Platform Extension Holders will be identifiable amongst all the Garbage Google and others will be pedalng :
10 Demand Driven Reasons, The Globally Favorite .COM Extension is Here, There and Everywhere.
1. Global Operability Standards.
2. Global Choice for Online Profit Centers.
3. Only Extension with active Secondary Market Thats demand is Increasing not decreasing.
4. Preferred Traffic Corridor or Largest Traffic Channel in History.
5. .COM Enjoys Vanity Status Globally.
6. Worlds Strongest Recognized Brand.
7. Worlds Most Trusted Business Destinations.
8. Rapid Increase in ccTLD Conversions to .COM Platform.
9. Established (First To Market) Beach Head
10.Rapidly Establishing and Reinforcing #1 Strategic Online Marketing Platform
Oh yes and of Course (Follow The Money)
If that’s the way they’re gonna play it, then maybe Colin Campbell and crew should spit out a zillion .clubs for a huge discount, too. After all, most all of us have probably used promo codes to reg many .com’s for $.99 to $1.99 or similar before, haven’t we? And here’s the rub: I’ll bet you big time that when renewal time comes around, .club will still beat them all just as it is from what I can tell the only one that has genuinely beaten them all till now when you factor out issues like this. So yes, let .club do it too and let everyone shut up and see who wins afterward. .club actually deserves to be at the million or more mark now, not garbage like .xyz.
It’s funny to hear you all rearranging chairs on a sinking ship. The gtlds are very stupid and will all soon fail. Every damn dot one of them.
That’s actually not true these extensions Won’t be removed from the root so please define failure that failure mean they won’t sell for as much as.com that’s true. That is not failure, look how many bi reg there are, even mobi, the registry owner doing just fine.
Who knows what will happen in 10 years?
God, assuming there will be 10 more years.
And as for “10 years” or not, I have come to believe that the people who are now saying the real concern is the elements at work working against the entire phenomenon of domains itself are right, and not any new TLD or multitude of new TLDs.
We know what will happen in ten years my friend. The bulk of the .COM Platform Extensions that have already been freed from Parking Matrixs and 200000 .Com Platform Extensions at GDDY will be developed Globally, over the next 5 years.This COMMERCIAL GRADE .COM Platform development , will Create the BIG Cats 10 years from now, and the legions of .COM Platform Extensions will Morph into another cycle, catalyzing more dominant Beach Head First to Market Advantages. This Fundamental establishing of superior development quality .COM Platforms will foster another Good 30 years of .COM Platform Preference. Guranteed JAS 5/2/15
GOOGLE and all their Compatriots pushing the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Spam Extensions will be nothing more than a faint Whispering in the wind of failures Past. How do we know this, its called Very Smart Money Marketing Experience unsurpassed by the likes of Frank Schilling. Count On It. JAS 5/2/15
The only good thing about the new GTlds is that they have brought more values to dot com.
.XYZ breaks language barrier and that is why is on top, even if there are claims that there are free giveaways.
The claims are fact.
The language aspect is irrelevant, otherwise several other gtlds would be far higher up the rung.
The reason for success is PERCEPTION fueled by the media reporting how successful .XYZ has been creating a level of desire.
Not unto itself a bad thing…
Unless the inflated numbers collapse creating fear that drives people away which could snowball. That is the main concern.
Hello DomainShame,
R.E. = ” New gtlds are not going away, more coming every week and thankfully no one commenting here can do a damn thing about it. ”
We as a group, the Legacy.COM Holders Globally, will see the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Spam Extensions to the EXIT DOOR, after the truths of the sheer insanity of this whole GOOGLE(Enron Similarity) Power Grab is in Full Disclosure to the Public. There is a STORM FRONT COMING and when GOOGLES LEVEE Breaks there will be lots of GOOGLEGLASSHOLES swimming for safety. JAS 5/3/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)
You will send nothing to the door you are a64 year old man that thinks he has global influence. In reality you have none.
I refer you to his site : http://www.usebiz.com/
This gives you an idea of what generation we are dealing with here. It just needs a spinning email logo gif to finish it off. Its full of buzz words and no substance, seems a recurring theme.
“The little known industry secret” link goes to an article from 2000….
Put away your tinfoil hat Jeff…all the good .COM names are taken and new gTLDs have brought choice, personalization and competition to the naming space. Let us know when these “truths” surface, and in the meantime we’ll look at the cold, hard facts.
Domain Shame is right.
Gotta give him props on the xyz netsol campaign. Folks are paying the bills now. Most don’t even know how domains work or what they are paying for. And if the refuse they can say they are the official domain of Silicon Valley citing the HBO show.
Hello Owen Frager,
Your example is one ripple in the ocean of the .COM acceptance level. Its really quite insignifigant in the total Global Psyche. This flash in the pan snap shot Ad will not endure. SORRY NOT CONVINCING SIR. JAS 5/4/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)
extensions wind up like the USFL or cnn satellites burying coax under asphalt to reach customers finding new paths and aim for the fastest.