nTLDStats.com is reporting that the number of Unique Registrants of a new gTLD domain name is just over 1.25 Million registrants.
The total number of new gTLD domain names registered are now over 4.8 Million.
Some other interesting numbers from ntldstats.com about the registrants of new gTLD’s:
Frank Schilling North Sound Names has the largest number of new gTLD registration with over 183,000 registrations of as far as we can tell all in new gTLD extensions of Frank Schilling’s Uniregistry.
Uniregistry has a total of 322,197 domains registered in its extensions, so North Sound Domains owns more domain names in Uniregistry strings than all other registrations combined or over 56%.
The second largest registrant is the .Realtor Registry which is represents the free .Realtor domain names its is giving away to licensed Realtors.
The third largest registrant is DomCollect AG which is owned by the same company that owns Sedo.com and there over 42,000 registrations are mostly in the free .Berlin domain names that were offered for a couple of days last year.
The 4th largest registrant of new gTLD domain names is DomainProfi GmbH who owns almost 27,000 domains which the vast majority are free .berlin domain names as well.
The 5th largest registrant is associated with an arm of the Chinese government Qinfeng Li which registered over 20K IDN in two new gTLD extension run by the TLD Registry.
The 6th largest registrant is Ralf Ganser, of Land Berlin which owns over 13,000 mostly free .Berlin domain names.
The 9th largest registrant is Pierre-Eli Normandeau who registered around 7,500 mostly free .science domain names.
The 10th largest registrant is a domainer, Innovation HQ, Inc. who has over 10,000 new gTLD registrations and we think the largest registrant of new gTLD domain names that is not affiliated with any new gTLD registry which has paid for the vast majority of their registrations.
For the record my company Worldwide Media, Inc. is listed as number 86 on the published list of the top 100 registrants which ntldstats.com is now calling handles.
Over 3 million of the 4.8 million domain names or 62% of all new gTLD’s are parked, which includes those not having a name server, No Record, HTTP Error and those domain names being redirected to another domain, including those in other extensions like .com.
Over 8% of all new gTLD’s are being redirected to another domain name.
.Club has more domain names registered than Rightside which has 33 new gTLD extensions launched.
Ruben says
Good information.
I registered myself only three of these: a couple of “click” and one “menu”. Now I hope their value to increase…
dave says
What happens when berlin wants their $50 registrations paid to free names?
What happens when network solutions customers say no to free .xyz names, or upon upcoming renewal cycle.
What happens to the guy who registered 8000 club names last year
What happens when .science wants to actually charge money for registrations
What happens when innovation hq stops wanting to foot the $400K renewal bill on their domains
Registries are either free or over priced, there are a few that offer free to $15 which is what a gtld should be.
Just like any other extension these will trade for a bit then people roll attempt to trade up for .com, history will repeat itself once again
Bryan says
Anyone that follows stock charts, surprised this big news is not being reported, actually I know why nobody is talking about it, but GTLDS peaked the other day, and yesterday starting showing a decline of 2000 names for the first time in the cycle.
This is the drop cycle coming into play, when .xyz, .club, .berlin start dropping their names as they are big registries which have many speculative, and free registrations this will accelerate.
Joseph Peterson says
The 1.25 million people figure probably merits scrutiny.
What’s actually being counted (I’m guessing) are distinct whois contact fields. 1 person may show up as multiple different sets of email addresses, names, telephone numbers, street addresses, etc.
“Mike Berkens” and “Michael Berkens” and “Berkens, Michael” and “Worldwide Media” and “Worldwide Media, Inc” might conceivably all be counted separately. Without elaborate algorithms to equate certain entires but not others, a computer simply interprets difference as difference.
If 1 person shows up with 2 variations in Name / organization, 3 different email addresses, and 2 separate physical addresses, then maybe he’s counted as 2 x 3 x 2 = 12 different people.
Without knowing the exact methodology, it’s hard to know what the number means.
It may be that registrar stuffing on the part of .XYZ resulted in more mappings of 1 domain to 1 individual than the statistical average, which includes many people who registered dozens, hundreds, or thousands of domains as individuals. So the overall figure may be heavily skewed toward hundreds of thousands of robo-registrations. We might need to set aside hundreds of thousands of people whose registrations were involuntary.
After accounting for both of those issues, are we left with 1.25 million actual people who voluntarily registered nTLD domains? Probably not. What the actual number is I have no idea; but I’d be happy to participate in a study that figures that out, in case anybody plans to undertake that analysis.
Joseph Peterson says
How are domains counted when the contact information includes whois privacy? Do all such instances count as distinct individuals? Are they excluded altogether? Either interpretation distorts the number.
Bryan says
I know of one party who owns 400 GTLD’s and they are all parked with privacy giving the assumption of having 400 different owners. Good point J.Peterson
M. Menius says
The inventory in the aftermarket has grown to a tremendous size. By the time a majority of new tld’s have been released, a good portion of them will have faded into obscurity. However, we should see a modest number of the industry-specific names gain traction alongside the legacy tlds.
Dietmar Stefitz says
I think, what we will need is more awareness to the public in general, and particular to marketing specialists.
The new TLD’s can be used for many purposes and meanings from a view of eCommerce sites for example.
We all together have to find new ways in using Domains in the future and not feeding the search engines .
Awareness will grow the market. Domains for people, Domains for buildings, domains for things ! I see a bright future, if we play it right !
Michael Berkens says
Joseph I will send an email to ntldstats and ask them about privacy registrations I would assume those are not counted and not included in the number of registrants or in the top 100 registrants
Jeff Schneider says
Hello Dietmar,
R. E. = ” We all together have to find new ways in using Domains in the future and not feeding the search engines . ”
Your thinking here is counterintuitive, whether you know it or not ?
Google the largest search Engine has been lobbying hard for the new gTLDS to promote and control the search engines monopolistic grip. They plan on gaming the DNSs Nuetrality using new gTLDS are you aware of this ? Google NEVER promotes anything unless they can use them to their Monopolistic advantage. You may want to rethink your position, because if you really dont want to feed the search engines, in reality, you would be against the new gTLDS. JAS 4/1/15
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Jeff Schneider says
Hello Joseph Peterson ,
We admire your body of work and your content is appreciated, you are definitely a (Creator Outside The Matrix)
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)