The domain name is back on the market and its being brokered by Godaddy.
In 2006 bought the domain name for $7.5 Million from Odimo
According, it is the 5th highest all cash domain sale of all time.
“If you consider that in nine years, the market has gone up, we hope for a better number than [the previous sale],” says Paul Nicks, senior director of aftermarket at GoDaddy. “If you look at the top end of the domain market, it’s all generic.”
“We are trying to identify folks who are either in the industry or outside,” he says. “Diamond is very versatile. It can also be used for credit card rewards or things of that nature. We want to make sure this gets the white glove treatment it deserves.”
Shmuel Gniwisch, former CEO, says his company wanted to sell the domain, as it is “slowly getting out of the online business.
According to the owner of the site gets “thousands of visitors each month and we are not spending any money. People feel it’s a destination to start off with.”
The press release goes on to note that the domain name sold last year to the company that owns, I’m not sure that sale was previously reported anywhere.
Almost too generic for ecommerce purposes and most likely doesnt convert the free type in traffic.
Plural much better but still not an exact match product that consumers typically search for AND purchase like diamond rings or diamond earrings
If the end user is selling than apparently the domain isn’t working well or business is poorly run
An amazing domain but I wouldn’t buy it
Why pick Go Daddy to list it what a bad move that is. They will most certainly screw this up
Great domain; however, the last buyer severely overpaid and will be lucky to get half what he paid for it.
Would be a cool name for an online casino.
The domain name, online business and inventory sold for 9.5 million in 2006. This was a complete package deal that included a full functioning business. The only reason was listed as sold for 7.5 million is because that’s the valuation that they placed on the domain name during the sale. This domain would not have had that valuation without the sale of the entire business.
Does Godaddy really think they will get more than 7.5 million for this domain? is better then
Beacause you can use as a brand name and not only to sell diamonds.
Well, commenting if you are not involved is easy 🙂
I have domain Tanzanite Diamonds dot Com.
It has all attributes you are missing in this article:
a) concrete name – Tanzanite is in fact the rarest diamond in the world
b) domain ends with plural – diamonds
c) price is of course very attractive
Can I hope on some bids (at least some action) from your side:)
After doing some research, I want to correct your statement “The press release goes on to note that the domain name sold last year to the company that owns” The former VP of Marketing at, Brandon Proctor, went on to become the CEO of is not owned by the same company who owns
Delusional. The market hasn’t “gone up” since 2006. Aside from fewer and rarer exceptions it’s gone into the toilet. They’re lucky if they can get xxx,xxx for this now.
Hello MHB,
This is a pretty one dimensional name, and personally and professionally we think its strongest suite is its a .COM extension Platform name. We cannot as cannot anyone else predict what the next buyer will pay. Value is in the eye of the beholder.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Must be loosing money if they are selling. Why depart with such a prized name that cost so much???
Super stiff competition from hundreds of online diamond/jewelry sellers.