According to, Racing Victoria based in Melbourne Australia has purchased the domain name “a further step in establishing its own media business containing almost all of the state’s digital thoroughbred racing assets..for an undisclosed fee, and will launch the media unit and new, wider consumer brand for the industry by mid-September.”
Racing Victoria website is at and you can read all about the company here
According to, domain investor Adam Strong was the owner of the domain until late last month.
The domain was held under privacy for years at Adam’s name appeared for just the last week before the domain changed hands according to
Andrew Catterall, the executive director of strategy and development at Racing Victoria, is quoted as saying:
“We think its a strong message that we are being aspirational in having a non-geographic specific brand. We have things like the spring carnival and we do aspire to have more of an international audience,”
Congrats to Adam on the sale.
Congrats to you Adam. Nice name, and I’m sale.
Estibot states it is worth $ 469k. (If you trust the computer generated valuations.)
Namebio doesn’t have it listed. I wonder why?
It appears he purchased it in Jan. 2006.
Congrats Adam!
Congratulations, Adam. Way to go.