The super premium Domain Name is being sold exclusively through our brokerage service.
The Domain Name has a current original registration date of 1998, making the domain name over 15 years old.
The domain name has never been offered for sale before. is one of the shortest, brandable, instantly recognizable and unforgettable domain name market.
According to Google there are over 94,700,000 references for the term “VP” which the most common is to represent Vice President but like any two letter domain, the initials can be used by millions of businesses and individuals throughout the world.
.Net is the second most popular Top Level Domain name extension in the world, next to .com, with over 15,000,000 .Net domain names registered.
Of the 15 Million plus .Net domain names registered, only which 676 are two letters domains, and only a few of those have the meaning a marketing power of VP.
For more information on buying this domain name, either visit VP.Net or contact